The little white cat selected by Emperor Moriya did not have a single stray hair all over his body, and Rabbit Chuan pinched the cat meat pad, even the length of the nails was very symmetrical, worthy of being a cat chosen by obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Rabbit Chuan rubbed violently, up and down his hands, the cat did not struggle in the slightest, Moriya Teiji should have drugged the cat, the effect will be invalid before the explosion, in case the cat's cry attracts an unlucky grandmother and takes the bomb away in advance.

Kenji Hagiwara quickly recovered from his frustration, now is not the time to turn over old accounts, he should focus on what is in front of him.

Kenji Hagiwara's energy is focused on the teenager in front of him who is wearing headphones and listening to songs while indulging in petting cats, and he always feels that something is wrong?

"You today... So calm?"

"Huh?" Rabbit Chuan immediately reacted to Hagiwara Kenji's meaning and replied, "Because I'm used to it." "

Get used to it?"

Kenji Hagiwara didn't understand much, and Rabbit Chuan secretly compared three fingers to Kenji Hagiwara.

The current Rabbit River is no longer the Rabbit River of the past, just as the so-called once born and cooked twice, this is the third time Rabbit River has encountered a bomb.

On the first Shinkansen, Rabbit River yelled at the bomb not to come!

The second time in the sad lake, Rabbit Chuan bravely kicked the bomb away.

In front of the third rice flower station, Rabbit Chuan calmly petted the cat.

Rabbit Chuan forcefully woke up the cat and muttered: "A bomb is like a virus, and when you first meet, the body does not have antibodies that can resist the virus, so serious diseases will appear."

"But for people with normal immune function, after infection with the virus, under the action of a specific immune response, the body is stimulated by the virus to produce neutralizing antibodies, which is the process of obtaining immunity."

"Immunity is the body's own defense mechanism, the physiological response of the human body to recognize and eliminate dissidents, and one of the important abilities of human beings to survive in the world."

Rabbit Chuan said proudly: "Now I have immunity to this bomb, and I am no longer afraid of bombs!" "

Kenji Hagiwara doesn't know how powerful he is, and he can also have bomb immunity, he really has a long insight.

Rabbit Chuan sighed and said, "Catch the last tail of spring!"

Immediately afterwards, Hagiwara Kenji heard Rabbit Chuan say something unclear.

"Explosion is the season of spring, and the city and the inhabitants living in this city must work hard themselves!"

"Ji Yu?" Isn't that the word for the seasons in haiku? And....

Kenji Hagiwara asked blankly, "What are you working on?"

Rabbit Chuan smiled encouragingly: "Of course, trying to make yourself produce antibodies against the virus, and then... Stay alive!

Hagiwara Kenji was stunned in place, did this kid just say something very bad.

Rabbit Chuan is telling the truth, and with the exception of the second bomb that may be fatal, he decides to let all the remaining bombs detonate as planned.

This is the world's premier crime city in the future, Yonehana Town, and how can you as a Yonaka person not experience the baptism of explosions!

Dry daddy! Yonehanamachi! Ollie gives! Rice flower man!

Soon five minutes passed.

"Matsuda is so slow!" Rabbit Chuan complained, "Say it's five minutes to arrive, why haven't I come yet, if I don't come again, I'll be myself..." "

Stop me, you little bunny!"

"Huh? You didn't hang up? Wait, Matsuda, what did you just call me? "

Ahem, I've arrived."

Rabbit Chuan looked up into the shade and saw Kenji Hagiwara standing next to a gangster wearing a pink floral shirt, sunglasses on his face, a cigarette in his mouth, and a big brother in his hand.


Rabbit Chuan couldn't hold back his snort and laughed.

"Don't laugh, don't look this way, be careful not to let the prisoners find us."

"We?" Rabbit Chuan said suspiciously.

Then Rabbit River found that there were some strange people in the square, a few more big men with fierce faces, and the little lady with heavy makeup, don't think that he can't recognize it with makeup, it's not Officer Sato who hasn't been seen for a long time.

At this time, there was a familiar sound of music not far away, a sprinkler truck slowly drove by, and everywhere it went, ordinary people in the square were scolded and cursed by the sprinkler truck and fled in all directions.

The sprinkler truck stopped right behind Rabbit River, and the driver above quickly came down to apologize, even more coincidentally, it was Officer Takagi!

Rabbit Chuan also noticed that there was a construction fence at the entrance of Mihua Station here, and there were two maintenance workers who went in and out there, I didn't know them, but they should also be from the police.

But in five minutes, the square in front of this Mihua station, except for Rabbit River, was full of police people.

Rabbit Chuan alert, he is surrounded by the police?

Matsuda Jinpei also received reports from his subordinates that no suspicious figures were found in the square, but did not rule out the possibility that prisoners were watching from above.

"Watching from above?"

Matsuda Jinpei cut off the call with his subordinates and confirmed the situation of the bomb with Kenji Hagiwara again.

"Less than 20 minutes before the explosion time, the bomb is not equipped with a balancing device, but there is a remote control device, so is there a positioning device?"

"There is no positioning device, the bomb is a homemade plastic bomb made of HMX and plastic, and it should be the same explosives stolen from the Toyo Powder Depot."

"There is no positioning device but there is a remote control device, and sure enough, the prisoner should be at the scene to monitor the situation." But strangely, what is the purpose of the prisoner? The police did not receive threatening phone calls from the prisoners, nor did they receive reports from others. "

I can't figure this out, even our Rabbitikawa sama just happened to encounter a bomb and called you."

Matsuda Jinpei shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't think about it first, the most important thing now is that bomb." Hagiwara, can it be demolished? "

Three minutes!"

Matsuda Jinpei glanced at his watch and said: "There are still 15 minutes to go, the key is how to defuse the bomb without being discovered by the prisoner, once he finds it, the remote control bomb explodes..." "

Don't worry about this, Rabbit Chuan turned on the signal jammer, and the remote control device did not work for the time being."

Matsuda Jinpei said in surprise: "Signal jammer? This little ghost's equipment is more complete than mine, no wonder he is so calm.

"It's not for this reason, he said it's because I've seen it more often, so I don't feel afraid."

Then Kenji Hagiwara and Jinpei Matsuda tell the story of the bomb encountered by the young detective Rabbit River.

After listening to it, Matsuda Jin was in awe, obediently, this little devil has encountered more bombs these days than he has dismantled in a year!

"Hagiwara, if you take this little rabbit cub to the shrine another day, he must not be entangled by some plague god, right?"

Kenji Hagiwara was thinking, how to explain to his friend that the little rabbit cub in his mouth is a god in itself?

And he is also the so-called god of wisdom who knows all things in the world....

But...... It does seem a bit unlucky....

At this time, Matsuda Jinpei's phone rang again, he picked it up, and then smiled at Hagiwara Kenji: "Hagiwara, you can start." "

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