Rabbikawa leaves Dr. Agasa's house and makes the way to the hamburger restaurant opposite Yonaka Station.

Rabbit River ordered lunch and sat down on the second floor by the window, where the second bomb could be observed.

Moriya Teijiichi planted bombs in a total of 5 places, namely his own home, the Yonaka City Building, the Higashito Ring Line, the front of the Yonaka Station, and the Embankment Tsukawa Green Park.

The Dongdu Ring Road and the Mika City Building were both targets of Moriya Teiji, and he must have gone to plant the bomb the night before.

Moriya Teiji planted the bomb in Green Park and Yonoka Station not to detonate the bomb, but to convince Kudo Shinichi of his determination to explode and believe that he was not joking.

Therefore, Moriya Teiji needs to adjust the timing according to Kudo Shinichi's real-time dynamics, and this kind of crowded place cannot be arranged too long in advance.

Especially the bomb in front of the rice flower station, Moriya Teiji put the bomb in a cat box with a cat and put a sticker saying "Please" with the expected explosion time at 1 pm.

If it was placed too early, it is likely that the cat and bomb were taken away by well-wishers before Kudo Shinichi arrived.

At that time, Kudo Shinichi did not even see the shadow of the bomb, how did Namoriya Teiji still make Kudo Shinichi believe him, and how did he continue to lure Kudo Shinichi to play games with him.

And Rabbit Chuan is eyeing this second bomb!

Sure enough, around twelve o'clock, a man with long hair and a long beard, wearing a hat and sunglasses, and wearing a long coat that was very suspicious appeared in front of the Mika Station.

He carried a bright pink cat box in his hand, and while people were not paying attention, he casually tucked it under the bench, and then quickly left.

Rabbit River's eyes lit up, it was this bomb! This bomb that blew Conan away, fell unconscious, and sent directly to the hospital!

As for Moriya Teiji, he should hurry up and plant the first bomb, and then challenge Kudo Shinichi.

Teiji Moriya installed the bomb on a remote-controlled plane and handed it to the three young detectives playing in the green park.

Rabbit Chuan didn't care about the first bomb, anyway, Conan would solve it unharmed.

Just happened to teach the children of the juvenile detective team a lesson, warning them not to accept strangers' things casually, who knows if that person is a pervert, a bomb maniac, or a kidnapper or a murderer.

After Rabbikawa saw Moriya Teiji leave, he immediately went downstairs to leave the burger restaurant and came to the bench where the cat was placed and sat down.

In the original plot, the cat was taken away by a kind grandmother, and it is not easy for the kind grandmother to live in Yonekacho, or don't let her old man's heart frighten too much.

At this time, Moriya Teiji should be in Greenland Park, after which he will follow Conan's whereabouts until Conan is taken to the hospital.

To be on the safe side, Rabbit Chuan took out his Walkman phone, put on headphones and pretended to be listening to music, but in fact made a call.

"Hello? Who?'

"It's me, long time no see, Officer Matsuda."

"So it's you bastard little devil!"

Matsuda Jinpei gritted his teeth over there, Rabbit River was confused, where did he mess with this person recently?

"What's wrong with me?"

"It's not you little ghost crow mouth, last time I said that the Oriental Powder Library was stolen, and the day before yesterday, the Oriental Powder Library was really stolen, causing me to work overtime for three consecutive days!"

"This is not a crow's mouth! This should be called God's prophecy!

Rabbikawa looked up and saw the midday news on the TV in the cabinet of the shop next door broadcasting the theft of a large amount of HMX from the Toyo Powder Magazine the day before yesterday, and the fire that broke out in a Kurokawa family house in Cupto Town last night.

"What the hell of God's prophecy, I'm busy, say, what the hell is looking for me?"

Rabbit Chuan said casually: "It's not a big deal, it's that I found a bomb in front of the rice flower station." "

'Oh, I'll hang up if it's not a big deal... Bomb ?!!'

"Well, it seems that it is still a plastic bomb mixed with HMX and plastic, which is quite coincidental, and it is the same explosive stolen from the Toyo Powder Depot."

"Well, what a ghost! You don't move! Where are you? Oh, yes, it's in front of Mika Station, you wait for me to go right away!"

"No hurry, the explosion time is one o'clock in the afternoon, and now there are 30 minutes left before the explosion time."

"Ten minutes, no, just five minutes, wait, I'll be there in five minutes."

"Officer Matsuda, you can't use a police car, this bomb not only has a timing device, but also a remote control device, and the prisoner is likely to be near here."

This is certainly not a lie, although at 12:45, Moriya Teiji and Conan are still fighting in the green park, but five minutes later, Moriya Teiji will follow Conan to the Mika Station.

The proof is that when Conan catches up with the cat-picking grandmother who left with the bomb, he passes by a children's park, and the bomb timer that is about to explode in 16 seconds is stopped by Teiji Moriya, just to buy Conan the last bit of time to resolve the crisis.

"Didn't I say don't use bombs!"

"Don't worry, Officer Matsuda, I'm sure there is no mercury detonator."

"What can you be sure of as a little ghost!"

"The bomb is in a cat box, and there is a cat jumping around alive, and if there is a mercury balancing device, the cat accidentally kicks the bomb and explodes, so wouldn't it be redundant for him to install a timer?"

"What if... Is the timer and mercury detonator activated at the same time? And there's remote control, isn't it?'

"Uh..." But

the mercury detonator is such a professional thing, it really doesn't have it!

Rabbit Chuan was a little afraid to speak, he felt that if he said one more word, Matsuda Jinpei must have exploded before the bomb.

"Little bunny, you remember, never use common sense to speculate on the actions of prisoners, they are even crazier than you think."

Rabbit River looked sideways at Kenji Hagiwara standing in the shade of the tree, your pot, do you recognize it!

Just now he was still by Matsuda Jinpei, and after hearing Rabbitagawa call Matsuda Jinpei, Hagiwara Kenji, who immediately rushed to Rabbit's side, the whole ghost was very bad.

Pierced the heart, small formation!

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