"Well, in short, the truth of the incident is like this, tomorrow I will ask the school to clarify the rumors."

The three senior sisters chuckled in their hearts and stared at Rabbit Chuan closely.

Because Rabbit Chuan had just been standing on the high reservoir, they didn't find that this junior was really small, and he only needed to push lightly...

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand to reassure them and said, "Don't worry, I just want to announce the fact that senior sister quit school on her own, as for the things I just said... I also don't have evidence, so I won't call the police or bring it up with anyone else.

The seniors were very surprised, and asked in amazement, "Why?" Aren't you a detective?

"Maybe? But isn't the job of the detective to find the truth, as for arresting and convicting criminals, that is the duty of the police and the prosecution, isn't it?

Rabbit Chuan said as he walked towards the stairs.

"It doesn't matter if you want to turn yourself in, report the people around you, or kill people."

"But please remember one thing, don't use anecdotes to cover up the crime, otherwise..."

Rabbit Chuan suddenly turned around, looked at the seniors, his eyes were waveless, raised his little finger, and said with a smile: "Make an appointment, the liar wants... Swallow a thousand needles. "

After Rabbit Chuan left, a senior sister fell to the ground, always feeling that this junior brother...

"It's the same as it really happened."

"My eyes are so cold, and I feel that my body is frozen."

"Well, it's a look that is even more terrifying than the head of the family, and it is an existence that must not be provoked."

Who is he?

Where the seniors couldn't see it, Rabbit Chuan sat on the ground with his butt and let out a long wail.

"Alas - exhausted!"

Hanako-kun quickly served the water cup and asked suspiciously, "Can you just let them go like this?"

Rabbit Chuan, who had a dry mouth, took the water cup, cooed, poured the whole glass of water into his stomach, and finally came to life.

"It is said that those who don't know are not strange, first warn them a little... That said, it's not good to let them go like this, but you can't use the weird way of sanctioning humans, humans are very fragile.

"The most effective way to sanction human beings is really to use morality and the rule of law."

"If any of them are remorseful for what I just said, it proves that she still has a conscience and morality, and that she will carry a human life and wear such heavy shackles until she dies."

On the contrary, if she does not know the repentant, it is simpler, she herself has no conscience, and after comparing her heart to her heart, she will definitely not trust others. In this way, she will probably choose not to do one thing or the other, kill people and kill people, and then I can hand her over to the court for trial in an upright manner.

"Besides, I don't think that the so-called big family will let those people go, maybe the time has not come

..." "You really are..." Hanako-kun put the words in her heart and circled around several times, "Forethought, haha!"

Rabbit Chuan said in a bored tone: "So, it's really troublesome for humans involved in strange talk to appear!" "

Huh? Rabbitikawa-kun, are you here? Nanako Nanako suddenly appeared, "People in my society heard that you called away the three senior sisters who were close to the missing senior sister, did you find anything?"

"Well, there is a discovery, I have a big discovery!" Rabbit Chuan stood up from the ground and said mysteriously to Shichijo-san.

Hearing this, Hanako-kun next to him was stunned and said, "Wait, didn't you make an appointment not to tell others?" A liar will swallow a thousand needles..." Oh

, almost forgot, Lord God, he is not human.

Nanajo-san asked curiously, "Rabbitikawa-kun, what did you find?"

"That is..." Tu Chuan deliberately pulled a long voice and said, "That senior sister, she is married!"

Nanajo-san was stunned for a moment, "Huh?

Tu Chuan put on his schoolbag and said as he walked: "That senior sister was originally a member of a large family, and she had a fiancé who had been in charge since she was a child.

"She was educated at a girls' school since she was a child, and she was supposed to get married after graduating from high school."

"But now it's not ancient, and young people always have some new ideas, she wants to see the outside world, so she made an agreement with her family to attend high school for three years in a national school, and then go home and get married."

"However, recently, there have been rumors in the school about the bad scandal of that senior sister, and the result is that the senior sister was taken back by the family to get married."

"Dropped out of school to get married, changed my surname, and naturalized into the man's family, and in a way, the senior sister of Didan High School did disappear... In short, it's that simple.

Nanajo-san thought for a moment and said, "In other words, this is a happy event?" The

two walked downstairs to the shoe changing area, and Rabbit Chuan also finished speaking, changed his indoor shoes, and then waved goodbye to his classmates.

After walking two steps, Rabbit Chuan remembered something again, and came back and said to Nanajo-san: "Nanajo-san, I will take a day off for tomorrow's club activities."

Nanako Nanako's face changed and said, "What is the reason for this time?" Looking for the missing senior Kudo again?

"No, no, I'm going to a very important afternoon tea party tomorrow, which is an important tea party related to whether the city's architecture can be renewed."


Nanako was speechless, are you detectives talking so difficult to understand?

"And the president, you have never approved your own slips, so does it make sense to say this to me?"

Tu Chuan said seriously: "Yes, I will take a leave, and then politely inform you that you will work tomorrow." "

Nanajo-san smiled, be ladylike, be polite, and definitely not hit classmates with the soles of their shoes.

With a bang, close the shoe cabinet.


On the other side, at Dr. Agasa's house, Kudo Shinichi failed to transform, and now it is still Conan Edogawa who is reading the letter that Rabbikawa sent to Dr. Agasa's house.

"It is very presumptuous to write this letter to you out of nowhere. I often see your active performance as a high school detective on TV and in the newspapers, and I always want to talk to you in person. I will be hosting an afternoon garden tea party at the Cold House at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29, and I hope you will come and advise. Teiji Moriya. Inside

the envelope was a beautifully crafted invitation with Kudo's name written on it.

Conan thought for a while, it seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember, so he had to ask: "Dr. Agasa, who is this Moriya Teiji?"

Dr. Agasa replied, "This Teiji Moriya is a professor of architecture at Toto University and a world-renowned architect, and there are many buildings he designed in Tokyo.

"But why did the master builder invite me to the tea party?" Conan thought it was strange, he didn't know this person.

Dr. Agasa thought, "Maybe I'm looking for a detective, and I've also received a separate invitation letter from One, Two, and Three."

"So... One, two, three, and I've been working hard lately.

Conan looked at the invitation and always felt the need to go, but how to get there?

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