The three seniors are still trying to explain, you say a word to me, and they are very happy.

Rabbit Chuan looked at it coldly, this scene is really ridiculous and boring!

A gust of wind blew, and Rabbit Chuan squinted his eyes at the setting sun over there, and the red sunset was like a salted egg yolk.

I want to eat salted duck eggs, the yolk layer by layer, the kind of sand and oil, really fragrant.

Rabbit Chuan stretched and pounded his somewhat tired legs.

This time he remembered that the next time he asked someone to talk, he would go to a place where he could sit, and now he should quickly solve the matter in front of him and go home for dinner.

"Alas, so, haven't the three senior sisters realized their mistakes until now?"

The three seniors stopped explaining, lowered their heads and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, it's our fault, we shouldn't have pushed her down."

Tuchuan sighed helplessly and said, "Alas, it's not this mistake, it's a legal and moral mistake, and what I want you to know is that it's absolutely not okay to blame your own mistakes on supernatural phenomena." "

You mean... Shenyin?

"That's right!"

Rabbit Chuan nodded, finally getting to the point.

The so-called "hidden gods" means "hidden by gods and monsters", entertained by them, or abducted or abducted, and disappeared from human society with unknown whereabouts.

The ancient folk belief believed that "Shenyin" was an important "communication channel" between human beings and the supernatural world.

Once the rumors prevail and become reality, then the passage between the two worlds will be forcibly opened.

"So, if there are strange rumors here, I'm very bothered."


So it's okay to push people off the rooftop?

The expressions of the seniors were difficult to speak, and they were very puzzled, whether there was something wrong with this junior, for example... Spiritual.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the expressions of the seniors and knew that they had not yet realized their mistake.

Man is a creature that once he eats the sweetness, he will get an inch.

This time, after they pushed people downstairs, in order to cover up the crime, they said that this is a god, wait for the next time, don't push people into the water, say that it is the revenge of the water ghost, wait for the next time?

Creating strange tales in order to cover up crimes, and spreading strange tales in order to cover up the same crimes, is the root of the birth of many strange stories.

Although these three seniors do not know the consequences of spreading strange talk, they are indeed consciously spreading strange talk, and then using rumors to cover up their murderous crimes.

"So in order to make you realize how serious your mistake was, I decided to tell you the truth about what happened that day, to be precise, the murder."

Rabbit Chuan pointed at the three with his cane and said, "In my brother's name, I promise that that day, at least one of you stretched out that hand with real killing intent. "


"How is that possible?"

"Isn't that an accident?"

The three senior sisters looked at each other in disbelief, and they all took a step back unconsciously, and the originally indestructible alliance instantly appeared a crack.

"No kidding, you're a first-year junior, what do you know?" Senior Glasses took the lead in retorting.

"Of course I know, like this senior sister with glasses." Rabbit Chuan pointed to the glasses senior and said, "You are competing with that senior for the university recommended spot, and the teacher is more inclined to give her the spot." You think that as long as she withdraws from the competition, the college recommended place must be yours, so at that time you became murderous and stretched out that hand to secretly push her.

"How so?"


Senior Glasses bit the corner of her mouth stoically, lowered her head and just insisted: "No, I didn't, I... I did have a momentary heartbeat, but I really didn't do it!

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the short-haired senior sister and said: "Short-haired senior sister, you found that the object of your crush, that is, the male teacher likes that senior sister." Because of your jealousy, you spread the false scandal between that senior sister and the male teacher. But what you didn't expect was that the male teacher suffered a vain disaster and was forced to leave by the senior sister's family. When you see that senior sister again, your jealousy and hatred welled up in your heart and pushed her in a fit of anger. The

short-haired senior brushed her hair and said in a fierce tone: "I am indeed jealous of her, her beautiful appearance, her superior family, even the people I like like her." I just wanted to make a joke with her friends and laugh at her good relationship with the teacher, but I didn't expect that there would be a scandal, and it was also known by her family, and finally the teacher also ... But I won't kill her because of that.

Rabbit Chuan shook his head silently, how could it not be, this is very good! If these motives for killing are not sufficient, then how unjustly so-and-so died in the future.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the long-haired senior sister at the end and said, "And tell the senior sister's family that it is the long-haired senior sister who told the senior sister about the love affair between the senior sister and the male teacher." "

Huh?" The other two seniors were puzzled, "Why are you doing this?" The

long-haired senior hesitantly wanted to speak, but closed her mouth again.

"Don't you think the surnames of these two seniors are very similar?" Rabbit Chuan raised the doubt, "You should be the sisters of the relatives, similar to the main family and the divided family, so the long-haired senior sister is the protector sent by the senior sister's family and... Supervisor.

The silent long-haired senior sister finally spoke: "It's not such a beautiful relationship as sisters, our family is a domestic servant who has served the lord's family for generations, and I am just one of the humblest maids around the eldest miss." The

other two seniors looked confused, surprised and incomprehensible.

Senior Glasses said suspiciously: "But the two of you have such a good relationship in school, how can it be... Master and servant? "

What age is this, there is even a master-servant relationship.

The long-haired senior looked at the setting sun, reflecting the loneliness in her eyes, and she said: "Yes, she didn't even realize that the maid who served her humble status by her side turned out to be her best friend in school, how ironic." The

short-haired senior frowned when she heard this, and said, "So this is your motive for killing?"

"No, I can't betray the Lord's house, or I wouldn't have continued to stand here." The long-haired senior said with a sad face, "The cruelty of that big family is incomprehensible to you civilians.

"It's freedom."

Rabbit Chuan didn't know when he came down from the cistern and found not far from the three senior sisters.

"Because you want to help that senior sister escape from that cruel and rotten family. The family's pursuers are close at hand, but you can't break free, you can't escape, only death can be free!

"So you helped her, just like when the samurai seppuku in ancient times, the courtiers around you would help to make mistakes, and in your heart this is not a betrayal, but loyalty to the Lord."

Tu Chuan changed his tone and said: "But in modern society, this is called intentional homicide. "

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