Conan is thinking about how he should attend Moriya Teiji's afternoon garden tea party as Conan.

In fact, the easiest way is to go in with the invitee as an entourage, such as following his brother.

But let's do it... His current identity is just a neighbor's child, and he suddenly said that he wanted to rub the neighbor's invitation to participate in the tea party held by celebrities, which is completely difficult to speak!

And how to think is a little suspicious, in case it touches which sensitive nerve of the little brother and makes him suspicious, it will not be good.

Conan couldn't help but think of the scene when he changed back to Kudo Shinichi a few days ago and met Xiaolan, it was really dangerous, Xiaoran actually suspected that Conan was Kudo Shinichi, he didn't know when he was, where was he exposed?

Fortunately, he suddenly changed back to the appearance of a high school student, explained to Xiaolan in person, and finally fooled over... It should have been fooled, right?

While Conan was distressed, Dr. Agasa suddenly came up with a good idea and said, "Shinichi, you give the invitation to Koran, let Maori Kogoro go to the tea party instead of you, and then you will follow the Maori family together."

"Yes, too."

Conan thought that it was indeed more convenient to do so, since this Moriya Teiji wanted to find a detective, let Uncle Maori go the same.

And he hadn't called Koran since he changed back to Kudo Shinichi a few days ago, and he just took this opportunity to call Koran.

"Then again, Doctor, what are you doing, giving me new props?" Conan asked curiously.

Because Dr. Agasa was wearing goggles and his back was facing away from the table over there welding something.

Dr. Agasa said proudly, "Unfortunately, it's not that kind of gadget.

Dr. Agasa waved his hand and showed Conan his new invention, a giant mechanical praying mantis.

"Humans invented airplanes because they studied the flight of birds soaring in the blue sky, but so far no one has developed the mechanical principle of insect wing vibration."

"If I can be the first to discover and sell toys, it will definitely be sought after by children all over the world."

"That must be a daily gold fight, and then I will be a billionaire, hahahaha!"

Conan was crying and laughing, Dr. Agasa's words he didn't know how many times he had heard them since he was a child, and he hadn't seen him succeed.

And will making bugs into toys, or realistic toys, really be popular?

Conan sighed, then picked up the phone and called Mauriland.

That's right, now is the time when the portable phone begins to popularize to the public, although it is a small big brother who can only receive and receive calls, but this is also the progress of the times.

"Hello, this is the Maori Detective Agency."

"Xiaolan, I'm Shinichi."

"Shinichi? Are you feeling better? Is the cold better? Really, you ran away the last time I saw each other in a hurry, do you know how worried I am about you? And where have you been lately!'

Mao Lilan crackled over there, Kudo Shinichi couldn't talk at all, how did Xiaolan's temper get bigger and bigger, shouldn't it be the few days of encounter?

“...... Hug, sorry! "

Hmph! What's the use of apologizing, you should come back soon!"

"This and that, I have a case to investigate recently. By the way, Xiaolan, I have one thing I want to ask you, can you go to a garden tea party for you? "

'I'll go to the garden tea party instead of you?" Is that good?'

Kudo Shinichi said without a trace: "It's okay, I already brought you the invitation, and the invitation says that the companions are welcome, so let's join Uncle Maori and the three imps!" "

'Wait, you won't call me just for this kind of thing!'" Really!'

"That... It's not either..."

Kudo Shinichi was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to explain it, a drop of cold sweat ran down his cheek, but there was Maori Lan's cheerful voice on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, but I have a condition."


"Come with me to the midnight movie this Saturday."

"What?! Midnight Session? "

'What does it matter!' Make an appointment to meet at the cinema of the Flower City Building at 10 o'clock on Saturday night."

"No, no, I don't have time this Saturday..."

We must meet on May 3rd!'

Maori Lan's sudden and strong attitude startled Kudo Shinichi, what is the matter?

"Shinichi, do you like red or blue?"

Kudo Shinichi said cautiously, "Red? "

'Haha, it's really red, I know you'll choose red.'

Kudo Shinichi thought to himself, of course, because you like red.

Hearing laughter on the phone, little Kudo Shinichi wiped a cold sweat, he can be regarded as the right answer, right?

Kudo Shinichi heard another urging voice from Maori Kogoro on the other side of the phone, and Morilan explained that he would not forget the appointment at 10 p.m. on May 3rd, so he hung up the phone.

Leaving Dr. Agasa's house, Conan was full of question marks.

Why do you have to meet on May 3rd? Was that a special day?

May 4th is. The day Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty fell into Babwe Falls together, followed by May 5 as Boys' Day....


The familiar voice stopped Conan, and Conan looked up to see that it was his Oudoudou.

Conan greeted, "Brother Rabbitchuan is good."

Rabbit Chuan nodded in response, and then said seriously: "Conan, pay attention when walking, don't walk while thinking about things, what if you are accidentally hit by a passing car?"

Conan scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Haha, I see, Brother Rabbitchuan."

Rabbit Chuan asked again, "What were you just thinking?" He was still muttering in his mouth.

Conan thought that his brother was so smart that he might know what May 3rd was.

"Brother Rabbitchuan, do you know what an important day is May 3rd?"

Rabbit Chuan thought for a moment and replied, "It's a public holiday." "It's also the day before your birthday.

When then half a sentence Rabbit Chuan did not say, anyway, as long as Conan returns to the Maori detective agency, during the meal, Miss Xiaolan will also tell Conan.

"Yes, it's Constitution Day, followed by Green Day and Children's Day." Conan also remembered, but what does this have to do with watching movies with Xiaolan.

"That's right, Brother Rabbit-Chuan." Conan suddenly remembered, "Brother Xinyi gave Sister Xiaolan the invitation to tomorrow's tea party, and Sister Xiaolan will attend the tea party for Brother Xinyi tomorrow."

"So, then tomorrow..." Rabbit Chuan suddenly remembered something, "Tomorrow seems to be a public holiday?!"

Conan said of course, "Yes, tomorrow is Showa Day." "

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, then when he leaves school, he will take a ghost leave!"

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