Well, just kidding.

Although Rabbit Chuan thought so, he couldn't tell others that, and it wasn't.

April is the cherry blossom season.

During the lunch break, Rabbitikawa asked Hanako-kun: "Hanako-kun, that little puppet..." "

It's not it, it's been quite peaceful recently, and because of the legend of the new cherry blossom tree, it is said to increase the success rate of confession, bless the reunion of separated lovers or something, it is about to become a marriage tree!"

"The kind of confession and reunion that won't die?" Rabbit River confirmed to Hanako-kun.

Hanako-kun smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will prune those extra useless branches regularly."

The cherry blossom trees in the old school building of the Emperor Dan Kingdom shook a few times, brushed and pulled, and the cherry blossom petals fell to the ground.

"It's beautiful!"

"Oko-san, we

..." "XX-kun..." Under

the rain of cherry blossoms dancing in the sky, they formed a couple again.

Cherry blossom tree: ten years is not long, twenty years is not short, wait, sooner or later one day I will bury you under its tree!

According to Hanako-kun's intelligence, Rabbit Chuan learned that the senior sister in high school is a young lady with a privileged family, although her family is not as good as the Suzuki Foundation, but Katsu has a long history, in other words, it is very traditional, and the family is old-fashioned.

"This senior sister was in a private aristocratic girls' school, but her high school transferred to the national Didan High School... It's very strange..." This

kind of woman who goes to an aristocratic girls' school is like a famous flower carefully cultivated in the greenhouse, even if the owner of the flower house is down, he will definitely send the famous flower to a more noble person, trying to make a comeback, how can it be reduced to ordinary people's families.

During the period when that senior sister disappeared, there was also a male teacher who voluntarily left Didan High School.

That's great, Rabbit Chuan knows what to say.

Rabbikawa did not look for Nanako Nanajo, but alone invited the three girlfriends of the senior sister, who were also members of the Heretic Interrogation Society, to the rooftop.


"Hello seniors."

The three seniors came to the rooftop at the invitation and called them long-haired seniors, short-haired seniors and glasses seniors.

The three of them and the senior sister are inseparable good friends, and the four of them are also members of the Heretical Interrogation Society, and they have agreed to study hard and be admitted to the same university together.

Rabbit Chuan dispensed with useless pleasantries and directly said to the three senior sisters: "Can you ask the senior sisters not to spread rumors?" "

What?" The three senior sisters looked dazed, as if they didn't know what Rabbit Chuan was talking about.

"That rumored senior sister actually eloped with the male teacher, right?" Rabbit Chuan said mercilessly.

"What are you talking nonsense?!" Senior Eyeglasses retorted loudly, "She is a young lady with ice and jade, how could she elope with a male teacher!"

"That just said!"

"Hmm..." "

Is this nonsense, the hearts of the seniors should know better than me."

Rabbit Chuan stood on the cistern on the rooftop, and he looked particularly imposing from a high position.

"Students in love can hide this kind of thing from their parents and teachers, but most of them can't hide it from their classmates."

"I inquired casually in your class, many people know about this, not to mention that you are still inseparable girlfriends."

Schoolgirls are creatures who have to go to the toilet together, and Rabbit Chuan believes that they don't know who their girlfriend's boyfriend is, but they don't believe that they don't know that their girlfriend is in love.

The short-haired senior admitted: "Yes, she is indeed in a relationship, but we don't know who her love partner is." The

long-haired senior sister also said: "And what age is it now, it's just a relationship, why are you sure that she eloped?"

Tu Chuan blurted out: "It's very simple, she is a young lady who graduated from a noble girls' school with a privileged family, and a rotten family like her will not allow her to fall in love freely."

"But a lady from a strict family background like this is easily attracted to a very ordinary and poor but humane scumbag."

Senior Glasses complained: "Why is it a scumbag?

"It's not important, the important thing is that there is indeed such a man, and he is in a relationship with that senior sister, right?"

The three seniors glanced at each other and nodded in acquiescence.

But Rabbit Chuan changed his voice at this time and said: "At least her parents and classmates think so, but is this really the case?"

The three seniors looked at each other and said cautiously, "Your words... What is the meaning?

Rabbit Chuan said directly: "It was you who misled the classmates into thinking that the senior sister was in love, and then this news reached the senior sister's home unknowingly as you wished."

"You know the situation in that senior sister's home, and she is not allowed to fall in love with outsiders privately, so that senior sister was ordered to withdraw from school by the family."

"In that case, it's good to just say that she dropped out of school, why should we say that she was hidden by God?"

Tu Chuan raised his hand and pointed to the edge of the roof and said, "That's because you, from here, pushed her down." "


..." "It's not

..." "Wait a minute..." The

three senior sisters rounded their eyes, did this junior know what he was talking about? How did this progress bar jump here?

Rabbit Chuan said with certainty: "It's true, if you think about it, it should be Thursday." "

Because Thursday is the day of the Incredible meeting, Hanako-kun has not been patrolling the high school side since noon.

After the afternoon class, Rabbit Chuan will first go to the club activities to show his face, and if there is nothing to deal with as the president, he will go straight home.

Rabbit River began to tell the story of what happened here that day.

"That day, that senior sister tried so hard to escape from her home, wanting to ask for your help to help her escape from the family that suffocated and rotted her, but you mercilessly pushed her off the rooftop."

The three seniors were silent, as if they thought that they could ignore everything, but then Rabbit Chuan broke their luck with a word.

"If you want evidence, there should have been witnesses at that time, and it was he who rescued the senior sister who fell off the rooftop."

Senior Glasses said in surprise: "What?!" You said she was rescued?

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, she was taken away by her family who rushed to the school to hunt her." The

long-haired senior hurriedly asked, "So she... Wasn't it eaten by a monster? "

Rabbit Chuan is speechless, not that Shenyin became a monster?

The short-haired senior explained: "Because there were rumors that a teacher jumped off the building and then disappeared before... So we thought she was ..." Very

good, this is a historical problem, Rabbit Chuan said helplessly: "Because of the rumors of the previous relationship, his family thought that she jumped off the building for love, and was afraid that her reputation would be damaged, so he took people back directly without making a sound, and now the senior sister is recuperating at home."


"yes, she's okay!"

The three seniors breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained: "We didn't mean to push her down, we had an argument at that time, and then accidentally ..."

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