After that, the police department arrested Director Tsukawa who tried to resist, evacuated unrelated people in the library, and again carpeted the library.

Rabbit Chuan also told the police department about the location of the body, saying, "Kazuo Tata's body is on the ceiling of the elevator.

"How would you know?!" Pavilion Director Tsukawa had a ghostly expression on his face, and his trick to hide the corpse was obviously so perfect.

"It's weird if you don't know, right?" Rabbit Chuan explained the problem of corpse odor and elevator overload, "If you want to hide the corpse indoors without being found, at least you must build the body in the wall, to this extent, right?" "

In the wall??" The Twilight Police Department was shocked, and the useless knowledge increased.

Rabbit Chuan personally marked the key points, so it is not useless knowledge, this knowledge point is obviously very important!

Conan was also quite shocked, the little brother still has a talent for planning crimes, is it... In the future, it is possible to inherit the mantle of my father and become a mystery novelist.

In this way, only the wounded end of Director Tsukawa was achieved, and the library murder came to an end.

Seems to have forgotten something?

Rabbit Chuan thought seriously for a second and gave up directly.

Forget it, what can be forgotten must be something unimportant, it's time to go home and cook!

The young detective team whose young mind was frightened: ......

Conan looked at the back of Rabbit Chuan leaving, and then looked at the three children who were trembling around him, especially the little loli who cried into a ball, and sighed helplessly.

Hey, after all, it is the child who provokes his own brother to cry, and the one who is the older brother can only help the aftermath, so let's coax the child first.

"Okay, don't cry, Mitsuhiko Genta, we are men, how can we be afraid of ghosts!"

Yuan Tai instantly perked up and shouted to himself: "Conan is right, a man will not be afraid of ghosts!" Right, Mitsuhiko!

Mitsuhiko was forced to nod and said, "Yes, yes!

Conan praised: "Very good, then let's send Ayumi home together, right?" "Good


When the four came downstairs to Ayumi's house, they happened to meet Ayumi's mother who was coming home from work, and Ayumi immediately cried and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Ayumi's mother said to Conan San: "Conan-kun, Mitsuhiko-kun, Gentai-kun, thank you for sending Ayumi back." Ayumi, say goodbye to your friends.

Ayumi looked up and waved goodbye with a crying voice: "Conan, Mitsuhiko, Genta, see you tomorrow!"

Conan waved his hand and smiled: "Well, I'm going home too, goodbye!"

After that, Conan ran away without looking back, and Ayumi couldn't help shouting: "Ke, Conan!"

Ayumi's mother saw Ayumi's panicked look and asked puzzled, "Ayumi, what's wrong?"

Ayumi said a little disappointedly, "Conan... It feels as if he is going far away and never to come back..."

Ayumi feels very accurate, because Conan is about to return to his original appearance and change back to Kudo Shinichi, a high school student!

Conan returns to the detective office, carries Maori Lan on his back and steals the white dry wine, and happily arrives at Dr. Agasa's house.

"What?! Did you become a high school student before?!

Dr. Agasa was so shocked that he stood up, and the shouting sound was heard even by Rabbit Chuan next door, but when he heard Conan's explanation, he calmly sat down again.

Conan explained excitedly: "Yes, I took a sip of this wine before and changed back!" "


You can transform by drinking, how is this possible, this is not learning!

"If you don't believe it, I'll drink it to you, you have to see it clearly!"

After speaking, Conan pulled off the cork of the white dry wine and directly blew on the bottle to Dr. Agasa.

That's right, it's this feeling of heat all over my body!!

"Hiccup? Well...... Belch! Bo 4! Conan arrogantly cocked Erlang's leg and shouted, "Even if nothing has changed!" "

This... It could be... You drink too much... Immune?

Dr. Agasa said this, but what he thought in his heart was that this child was stunned before, and then he had the illusion of transformation.

"Immune? Not eloquent! There must not be enough occasional drinking!

Conan continued to coo, and Dr. Agasa hurried to stop the hapless child.

If you drink it again, you will be alcoholic! If this gadget is sent to the hospital for alcoholism, he, the temporary guardian, is afraid that he will enter the bureau!

The next day, when Rabbitakawa went to school, he happened to meet Conan who came out of Dr. Agasa's house.

Big head, small body, walking wobbly.

Rabbit Chuan stepped forward and greeted, "Yo! Good morning, Conan kids, have you finished your weekend homework?

Conan looked up stupidly and asked, "Huh? What homework? "

Weekend homework."

"What weekend homework?"

"Conan's weekend homework."

What does Conan's weekend assignment have to do with him Kudo Shinichi!!

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan's expression of being stupid outside the fugue, and knew that he must not have written it.

Don't be afraid, Shinichi brother, it's still time to go home and steal Kudo Shinichi elementary school homework!

Rabbit Chuan walked to the class and began to greet his classmates every day.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"


" "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Yuetsu-kun."

"Early... Who is that, squad leader. Rabbit Chuan complained speechlessly.

Nanako Nanako smiled, "Is it the famous detective in the recent best-selling mystery book?" It is said that it is still a novel based on real events!

Rabbit Chuan snorted, now Mika who doesn't know that he is the prototype of Detective Yue Ersan.

Nanako Nanako joked, "But compared to Otsuki Erzo, I think it's cuter to use Tanoki Ersan, and Erzo sounds like a girl's name."

Rabbit River had nothing to say, because it was indeed a girl's name, more like Alice in Arisugawa.

He quickly diverted the topic and asked, "Squad leader, you didn't come to me specifically to talk to me about these things that are not there, right?"

"Hahaha, talking about useless things, this is the normal daily life of high school students!"

"Ahhh... It's also true..." Indeed

, Kan Dashan with a female high school student, this is the daily life of a normal high school student, Rabbit Chuan recalled the high school life in his previous life, very good, only remembered Wang Houxiong and Wusan!

However, at this time, Nanako Shichijo's voice changed and said seriously: "However, I do have something to find you, and a major incident has happened in the club recently."

Rabbit Chuan raised his spirit, and sure enough, this woman went to the Three Treasures Hall without anything, and asked, "What happened?" Nanako

Nanako Nanako said that one of the senior sisters of the third year of high school disappeared, and at first said that she was recuperating at home due to an accident, but slowly the rumors changed.

"Divine Hidden ???"

Which wild god? Dare to play Shenyin on his territory! Do you think your life is too long?

Hanako-kun next to Rabbit River secretly glanced at him, is it possible that you are a god here.

Rabbit Chuan shook his head, impossible, impossible, and a god of death!

So this senior sister, eighty percent, is gone.

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