Hattori Heiji sighed with emotion: "It is worthy of Kudo Shinichi, and the truth can be deduced just by the clues provided by that little ghost Conan."

"Although I just stubborn in front of Kudo, my reasoning did go off track from the beginning, and this reasoning competition was lost by me."

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Hattori Heiji with dissatisfaction, it was clear that he told the truth, how come this Osaka black chicken only has Kudo Shinichi in his eyes!

At this time, if Kudo Shinichi is there, there will be that famous line, reasoning is not won or lost, because there is always only one truth!

These words hit Hattori Heiji's heart and sublimated his outlook on life values, and since then, Kudo Shinichi has crossed the distant mountains and leaves and become Hattori Heiji's first best friend.

But Rabbitakawa doesn't say that he doesn't want to become lifelong friends with Osaka Black Chicken!

Rabbit Chuan said with a grin: "That is to say, how can Hattori's brother, who is not even comparable to my younger brother Kudo, be comparable to Shinichi's brother!"

"You little devil! What a polite thing to say at this time! Hattori's angry hand itched, trying to scratch the imp's face.

Rabbit Chuan suddenly said seriously: "No, it's a taboo to be impetuous." Hattori

Heiji was stunned for a moment, and suddenly calmed down and said: "Indeed, I cared too much about victory and defeat, so I was not calm enough and went off the road." But next time I will definitely not lose!

Rabbit Chuan said perfunctorily: "Uh-huh, next time, next time." "

Hattori Heiji is down, this little devil is really infuriating!

"Brother Rabbitchuan!" The Twilight Police Department, who was preparing to collect the team, came over and proposed, "Do you want me to send someone to take you home?"

"It doesn't have to be." Rabbit Chuan waved his hand, politely refusing Twilight's offer to send them home in a police car.

Hattori Heiji said eagerly, "Why don't you sit?" I haven't been in a police car in Tokyo yet, so I don't know the difference between it and a police car in Osaka.

Rabbitagawa suddenly remembered that the Osaka black chicken next to him was the son of the Osaka Prefectural Police Chief who often used the Osaka police car for personal use and regarded the Osaka Prefectural Police as his subordinates.

"You will probably see Santu River, right?" Rabbikawa said proudly, "The speed of our Yonehanamachi police cars is one of the fastest in the country. "

In the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Department, no matter how far away, as long as the police can be called, the police department will immediately flash to the crime scene!

Osaka Black Chicken was uncomfortable when he heard this, and said unconvincedly: "Our police car in Osaka is also very fast!" The next time I invite you to Osaka, I will definitely let you see our police cars in Osaka!

Tuchuan was speechless, sighed and said, "Oh, why must I see a police car?" Hattori

Heiji watched Rabbit River walk all the way out, thought of Kudo Shinichi who had just appeared, and asked, "Are you leaving?" Don't go see your brother? He looked as if he was not mildly ill.

"Don't go, the new brother has Sister Xiaolan to take care of, I'm going to get over now, it's called self-pleasant."

Rabbit Chuan took two steps, heard no movement behind him, and turned around to find that there was no one behind him.

Shouldn't this Hattori Heiji be looking for his new brother?

"Really, I don't know if you will be kicked by a donkey if you disturb someone to fall in love?"

Rabbit Chuan pointed, no wonder the same childhood sweetheart, Kudo Shinichi was in love at the age of four, and Hattori Heiji has not opened his mind until now, it is really helpless.

"Forget it, anyway, at this time, Kudo's Shinichi limited-time trial version should have ended, I just don't know if the sick and weak Shinichi brother has escaped Miss Xiaolan's solid arms."

As Rabbit River expected, as soon as Kudo Shinichi said a few words to Moriran, he felt pain all over his body, which felt the same as after eating that poison.

Kudo Shinichi has a bad premonition, doesn't he? Is he going to become Conan again?

"Xiaolan, I have to go."

"Nope! You're still sick! Then

Kudo Shinichi escaped from Maori Lan's clutches with great effort, and once again staged a great transformation.

By the time Hattori arrived, Kudo Shinichi had left without incident, leaving only Conan unconscious in the bathroom.

Conan had been in a coma for three days, and when he woke up again, his body was still small.

Conan yawned and began to flip through the newspapers of the past few days, fortunately there were no reports about Kudo Shinichi.

But why did he suddenly change back to the appearance of a high school student?

Conan recounted in his mind what happened before he became a high school student.

I remember that at that time he had a cold, and then Hattori Heiji suddenly appeared, and then the guy actually poured him a glass of wine... By the way, the problem is with that glass of wine!

It's that bottle of dry white wine!!

The poison under the gin wine, the use of white dry wine as an antidote, this is very logical, there is nothing wrong with it.

As long as he drinks that white dry wine again, he will definitely be able to change back to his original appearance!

Thinking of this, Conan didn't care about wearing shoes, and ran directly to the detective office downstairs with bare feet, and when he opened the door, he saw the bottle of white dry wine on Maori Kogoro's desk.

Seeing Maori Kogoro drunk on the table and sleeping soundly, Conan chuckled in his heart, not good, the white dry wine will not be drunk by the uncle!

Conan secretly picked up the bottle and sighed in relief, fortunately there was still half a bottle of wine left.

Conan looked at this half bottle of white dry wine, just drinking a small glass for so long, if you blow this half bottle, is it okay...


"Poof-" Mao

Lilan suddenly appeared behind Conan, and Conan squirted out directly in fright.

Mao Lilan snatched the wine bottle in Conan's hand and said angrily: "Conan, you actually drink secretly, I told you, children are not allowed to drink!"

"Wait, wait!"

Damn, he's not a kid, he's a sophomore in high school... Well, high school students can't drink either.

"Forfeiture!" After speaking, Mao Lilan put the wine bottle on the top of the cabinet.

Conan saw that there was no way, so he had to give up first, and when it was midnight, he would secretly come to get it.

Mao Lilan closed the cabinet door and said to Conan: "Conan, look, your friends are coming to see you!" "


"Conan !!"

Conan turned around, it turned out to be these three little ghosts!

Conan asked, "What are you looking for me for?"

Ayumi said excitedly: "Because Conan was sick and took three days off, the teacher asked us to send you the homework for these days." "

Conan can't complain, he really appreciates!

Mitsuhiko urged next to him, "Conan, hurry up and change your clothes, we're going to the library now."

Conan asked suspiciously, "But why go to the library?" Yuantai

complained: "Conan, you are so stupid, of course, because this week's homework is reading experience!"

Ayumi suggested, "Let's go to the library and do our homework!" "



"Yay..." Conan was forced to join the elementary school homework group.

Forget it, when he finishes drinking, he will change back to Kudo Shinichi, a high school student, this time should be the last time to play with them as Conan, so let's play with them!

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