"It's not like that, the murderer is actually Mrs. Ikemura!"

And the person who said this turned out to be


Everyone turned to the door, and the person who appeared turned out to be Kudo Shinichi, who had not been seen for a long time!


Mao Lilan's eyes went from shocked to full of tears, and his mind was full of new screens.

"Shinichi! Where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried I am about you!

Kudo Shinichi walked to Mao Lilan's side with difficulty, and gasped: "Ha, silly girl, what are you crying, isn't I okay?" Maori

Lan wiped away his tears and looked up at Kudo Shinichi, Shinichi looked bad, was the cold worse?

Mao Lilan hurriedly said: "Shinichi, do you have a fever, do you want to see a doctor first?"

Kudo Shinichi refused, "No, I'll look at the case first." Mao

Lilan's face instantly became ugly, this person is really... Big idiot who only knows the case!

Most of the people in the house understood the mood of the little couple who had not seen each other for a long time, and only Hattori Heiji had the courage to break the silence.

He asked, "Hey! Kudo, what did you just say was wrong? Hearing

Hattori Heiji's voice, Kudo Shinichi immediately stepped forward, and then he saw the keychain in the hands of the Twilight Police Department and reacted immediately.

"It's me who thinks too much, it seems that you already know the real modus operandi."

"How else? Why do you think? Hattori asked rhetorically.

Kudo Shinichi took out several fishing lines from his pocket and said with a smile: "I'm worried that you guys will fall into the trap of the real murderer, I'm sorry, I did the extra thing." Hattori

Heiji sneered and said, "Cut, what kind of unjust detective would have such a simple trick!" "

Rabbit Chuan's little eyes glanced over, of course, you are the wrong detective!

Hattori Heiji quickly patted Rabbit Chuan on the shoulder and smiled delicately: "Kudo, your brother is so smart, now the case has been solved."

Rabbit Chuan pulled Hattori Heiji's paws down mercilessly and said, "Shinichi brother is right, this is not the case, Miss Yoshiki Sachiko and Mrs. Ikemura mother and daughter are not conspiring, but are being used.

"What?!" This is the masses who eat melons from beginning to end.

"Huh?" This is the confused Maori Lan and Kudo Shinichi.

Rabbit Chuan continued: "I said it was a tragedy for two families, a complete revenge drama.

"A complete event must have a cause, a process and a result, and the detective reasoning only gets the result, and if you care too much about the result, you will ignore the cause and process, and the hidden truth in it."

"The poison prepared by Sachiko Yoshiki for revenge is the cause, and Mrs. Ikemura's poisoning of Mr. Ikemura is the result, so what happened?"

"How did the poison get from Miss Sachiko Yoshiki to Mrs. Ikemura?"

The Twilight Police Department speculated: "It was the two of them who murdered people together.

Mrs. Ikemura immediately retorted, "No, this matter has nothing to do with Sachiko, I made this poison needle myself!"

The police department said, "Then, please explain how to get the poison." "

I... I bought it casually, I don't remember. "

Kudo Shinichi quickly gathered intelligence on the scene, trying to keep up with Rabbitakawa and suddenly he saw that photo, the young Mrs. Ikemura and Sachiko Yoshiki looked exactly the same, wait, has this photo been at home?

Hattori Heiji apparently noticed that photo as well, so it was!

The two spoke at the same time: "It's Ikemura Takazen!"

Kudo Shinichi said, "I thought this photo was Mrs. Ikemura's motive for the killing, but anyone who sees this photo will realize that there must be some connection between Mrs. Ikemura and Miss Sachiko Yoshiki."

Hattori Heiji continued, "And Mr. Takazen Ikemura, who was raised by Mrs. Ikemura since he was a child, could not recognize Mrs. Ikemura when she was young. In this way, why would you agree to date Miss Sachiko Yoshiki, who looks exactly like Mrs. Ikemura? "

Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji, you said a word to me, Rabbit Chuan thought for a long time and couldn't insert his mouth, and finally when he had the opportunity to speak, he was cut off again!!

"For revenge, of course!"

What force made Ikemura Takazen suddenly reveal himself?

Rabbit Chuan was shocked, big brother, this is not yet evidence! This is the power of Ke Xue's aura, terrifying!!

"Otherwise, how could I fall in love with the woman who looked exactly like the woman 20 years ago, the mistress who replaced my mother and married into this family!"

"Seeing her vain face, you don't know how much hatred I have in my heart!"

Ikemura Takazen suddenly burst out, grabbed the picture frame and smashed it.

"I just wanted to play with this woman and abandon her again! But after the relationship, I found that this woman was much more interesting than I thought, and she approached me with all her heart, not for vanity, but for revenge.

"Slowly I realized that Sachiko was different from me, who was too cowardly to resist, and her dedication to revenge was so dazzling. I was like my father, knowing that I couldn't do anything, but I couldn't help but fall in love with someone I shouldn't.

"What should I do if the person I love the most is going to kill my father?"

"I wanted to marry Sachiko, but my father was adamantly opposed to my marriage to Sachiko, and he wouldn't even meet."

"I had to reveal my desire to marry Sachiko to this vain woman, and sure enough, she agreed, and she also wanted to marry her daughter in."

"But as long as her father was firmly opposed, the marriage would be fine, and she decided to kill her father."

"After knowing of Sachiko's existence, she has always cared about Sachiko's life, and she knew that Sachiko was studying poison at university, so she stole the poison from Sachiko and finally poisoned her father."

"It's all my fault!" Ikemura Takizen knelt on the ground, holding his headache in his hands and crying.

Hattori Heiji asked quietly, "Hey, Rabbit-Kawa, Kudo, do you think what he said is true?"

Rabbit Chuan replied, "Although I would like to say that it was this product that induced Mrs. Ikemura to commit a crime, but no... New brother? "

Ahem! Ahem! Kudo Shinichi coughed furiously.

Oh my God, overplay, forget about the battery life of the new brother!!

Rabbit Chuan quickly pushed Kudo Shinichi to Mao Lilan's side and said to Mao Lilan: "Sister Xiaolan, quickly take Shinichi brother to see a doctor!"

Without saying a word, Morilan picked up Kudo Shinichi and rushed out, shouting, "Doctor! Doctor!

Rabbit Chuan was stunned, can the new brother escape Miss Xiaolan's force, comforting himself: "It's okay!" Not a big problem!

"What did you say?" Hattori Heiji leaned over and asked.

Rabbit Chuan said meaninglessly: "The debt before death is repaid after death, even if he conceals the law and conscience, he cannot hide the judgment of hell."

"Twilight Police Department, it's time to finish work!"

Later, the police sent Ikemura Takazen for prosecution on the charge of abetting homicide, but the prosecutor's reply was that there was insufficient evidence and would not prosecute him.

This was also expected by Rabbitchuan, after all, Ikemura Takizen himself is a judge, knowing the law and breaking the law, and the prosecutor's face is lost.

And I died unexpectedly a week later.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the news in the newspaper and muttered: "Woman, it's really terrifying!" "

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