The morning in Rabbit River begins with a glass of sweet milk.

He is still in the growth period, as long as he insists on calcium supplementation every day and exercises well, he will definitely grow taller!

The hateful Osaka black chicken turned out to be a head taller than him, isn't it 1.74 meters, hmph, sooner or later one day discount his legs!

Then Akemi Miyano witnessed the morning exercise process of Rabbit River in just three days from entry to entering the earth.


..." "It's okay..." "

He's still young!" The little god who has been reincarnated in this world for only three years, when he grows up in the future, he will definitely grow to two meters and five meters!

After some bold words, Rabbit Chuan yawned.

The weather is so good today, it's a pity not to sleep, sleep more and grow taller.

"Rabbit-kawa-kun." Akemi Miyano stopped Rabbitikawa who was going back to the house to sleep, "Here are two letters named to you and Kudo Shinichi.

Rabbit Chuan stopped and walked over to Akemi Miyano to take the two letters.

Unexpectedly, some people dare to send a letter to the Grim Reaper, generally either living impatiently, or wanting to enter the game.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the sender, very good, this is the kind that wants to enter the game, and basically can't get out.

"Moriya Teiji... Speaking of April, it is May, which is indeed a suitable season for fireworks. "

Fireworks?" Akemi Miyano asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's okay." Rabbit River said to Akemi Miyano, "Miss Akemi, I'll go to Dr. Agasa's house in a while, and I won't come back for dinner at noon."

"I see." Akemi Miyano replied, "Then I'll go to the publishing house later and get back the letters and gifts that fans sent to Kudo-sensei." "

Akemi Miyano's current job is not only to take care of Rabbitagawa's food and daily life, but also to handle Kudo's letters, because most of the letters sent to his home are sent to Kudo Yusaku by book fans, and slowly the focus of work becomes a writer's assistant.

In other words, from taking care of Rabbitagawa's housewife, she became an assistant to the great writer Kudo Yusaku, and although she was still responsible for taking care of Rabbitikawa, she completely became an intellectual working woman, her salary doubled, and she moved out.

Rabbit Chuan doesn't care, it's better to say that he is relieved, even bathing and sleeping in the toilet has to lock the door, and living with non-related women is really troublesome.

Even Kenji Hagiwara didn't come back to live, it was so unrighteous!

That's just the playboy of the police academy team! Deserve to die as a single dog!

Rabbikawa reached out and picked up another letter, and Akemi Miyano said that the other letter was addressed to him, and he glanced at the sender.

"Huh? It's actually still Teiji Moriya?

Rabbikawa opened the letter that Moriya Teiji had sent him, and just like the letter he sent to Kudo Shinichi, it contained an invitation to the afternoon tea party.

This Moriya Teiji sent invitations to him and Kudo Shinichi respectively, clearly wanting to invite both of them to attend at the same time.

Rabbit River is a little confused, this Moriya Teiji... Shouldn't it be trying to persecute him?

Is it because he is asymmetrical?

Rabbikawa shook his head, remembering the media coverage of him after the diplomat's murder, Moriya must have known that he was Kudo Shinichi's younger brother, and Moriya Teiji's purpose was to make Kudo Shinichi desperate to lose his beloved.

Rabbit Chuan was speechless, so did you target him this time?

Scold! This paranoid symmetrical mad demon should be sent to the most asymmetrical prison and locked up for lifelong reform!

Rabbitikawa picks up the letter and goes to Dr. Agasa's house next door, and finds that Dr. Agasa is stealing a cream cake and solving it for him.

"Ah! My cake! Dr. Agasa clutched his chest in pain.

Rabbit Chuan mercilessly refused: "No, Dr. Agasa, the doctor said that you need to control your diet and control the three highs."

Dr. Agasa had to say in disappointment, "Okay.

Rabbit Chuan thought of the little housekeeper who appeared soon after, and was a little unbearable, and gave a small half of the cake to poor Dr. Agasa.

"Here you go, but only eat a small half."

"Eh!" Dr. Agasa was instantly happy, "I'll go make a cup of tea."

After eating and drinking, Rabbikawa finally remembered that he was not here to rub cakes, and put the letter on the coffee table and handed it to Dr. Agasa.

"By the way, Dr. Agasa, I have a letter here to Shinichi brother, which is an invitation to the tea party sent by Teiji Moriya."

Dr. Agasa picked up the envelope, looked at it, and said, "Oh, then are you going to the tea party instead of Shinichi?"

"No, Doctor." Rabbikawa took out another letter and said, "That Moriya Teiji also sent me an invitation.

Dr. Agasa said suspiciously, "It's really strange why the family sent two invitations."

"Yes, it's like I'm afraid that the new brother won't come." Rabbit Chuan meant something, "By the way, Doctor, do you know who this Moriya Teiji is?"

Dr. Agasa replied, "Oh, you said Moriya Teiji, he was a famous architect, and he designed and built many buildings in Tokyo today."

"So, what's exactly?" And what does an architect have to do with the new brother?

"I don't know much about this, if you want to know, you can ask Shinichi..." Dr. Agasa choked, "You can go to the library and look up the materials."

"Go to the library, okay."

Counting up, Conan should wake up today, and after three days of suspension, the Grim Reaper is finally going to come out again.

It was such a coincidence that as soon as Rabbit Chuan reached the door of the Mihua Library, he was surrounded by the police cars speeding behind him.

A very familiar yellow fat man who walked down from the police car, after seeing Rabbit Chuan, he greeted warmly: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, what a coincidence!" "

Twilight Police Department... Alas! "Unfortunately, very unfortunate!

Rabbit Chuan walked into the library with the Twilight Police Department, took off his hat and coat for the first time, and prevented the black-clad PTSD from being seen by Conan.

If there is Conan, there may not be a Twilight Police Department, but if there is a Twilight Police Department, it must meet Conan.

And the director of this rice flower library is too familiar, this prominent white eyeballs, miserable white face, tall figure, isn't this a super terrifying childhood shadow, holding a steel pipe to chase and kill Conan's three-story librarian! ! !

The police department took out the photo and asked Director Tsukawa, "Today, I want to investigate the disappearance of Mr. Kazuo Tamada, the librarian here.

Director Tsukawa shouted in surprise, "Tamata is he missing?

At this time, Conan also rushed to the scene, followed by three small ones, just when he heard this sentence, he asked excitedly: "What happened to the police department?" "

Rabbit Chuan sees everything in his eyes, it's good and it's another Young Detective Team Building Day, so is it a lesson for the children, or a good childhood?

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