Sachiko Yoshiki yelled at Mrs. Ikemura with grief and indignation: "Just like now, you recognize me tomorrow morning, but you only care about yourself, even if I call you mother, you won't recognize it!" How do you make me not hate!

"No, Sachiko! That's not true! Mrs. Ikemura said weakly.

Why did things turn out like this, this is not the result she wanted.

In her script, as long as she kills her husband who refuses her daughter to marry into the Ikemura family, and then blames her father-in-law, when her daughter marries her stepson, everything in the Ikemura family will be their mother and daughter.

But why did it become like this, what went wrong exactly!

Rabbit Chuan eats melons happily, what is the problem, look at the outsiders in this room, this familiar lineup, don't you know what the problem is?

Sachiko Yoshiki continued to reveal herself: "I changed my name and surname and tried my best to approach his son, just for today!"

"Sachiko! Don't say it! If you continue to talk about it, you will be regarded as a murderer! Mrs. Ikemura begged, "Think about Guizen, don't you really love Guishan at all?"

Yoshiki Sachiko laughed loudly: "Hahaha, why should I love him, he is not only the son of my father and enemy, but also took away 20 years of maternal love from me, and even for him, you don't recognize me as a daughter!"

Mrs. Ikemura's heart was cut like a knife by Sachiko Yoshiki's words, and she cried: "Sachiko, it's not like this, it's me, it's me who is not qualified to hear you call me mother." "

The tragic drama of the mother and daughter duo continues, but it is a pity that Mao Lilan, who is easily moved, left the scene early, and now the people present are all big men, or the kind that is particularly incomprehensible.

Hattori Heiji quietly walked around behind Rabbitikawa and poked Rabbitikawa and said, "No matter what I think, that young lady can't be the murderer, and the hypothesis of you and my secret room is not valid, so how did the murderer get here and kill Mr. Ikemura?"

Rabbit Chuan said naturally: "I didn't say that the young lady was the murderer." "

Huh?" Hattori Heiji's face immediately fell, "Then what was the use of those words you just said, just to provoke these two women to quarrel?"

"For what?" Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Like a little mourning for the pure and noble flower of revenge that failed to bloom."

"What did you just say?"

Hattori Heiji didn't hear Rabbitakawa clearly, but this little ghost can still laugh at this time, and it's really emotionally intellectual!

Rabbit Chuan turned to look at Hattori Heiji behind him and said, "Dear Lestrade, I think that when the law fails to bring justice to the parties, private revenge is justified, even noble, from this moment on. Although

he didn't have the level of Sherlock Holmes level ten, hearing Lestrade, Hattori Heiji still guessed what Rabbit River said.

But say Sherlock Holmes at this time?

Hattori Heiji said suspiciously, "You said this to excuse that prisoner?"

Rabbit looked at Hattori Heiji in surprise and said, "No, I just wanted some people to die blind." "

Don't cause trouble to the messengers of hell who have just taken over this world, this is revenge, karma, what is there to complain about?

Rabbit Chuan lowered his head and sighed, today Conan's body was in condition, and the magnetic field of the whole world became strange.

For example, this freshly dead Uncle Chimura in front of him, under such a close aura of Ke Xue, he insisted on not going to hell with the soul messenger until now, it seems that the blow is not big enough!

"Conan? Conan? Where are you? Rabbit

Chuan faintly heard Mao Lilan's voice, this is the new brother online?

Sure enough, after a while, Mao Lilan entered the study and asked, "Have you seen Conan?"

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, if the case is not over, the new brother will not leave at ease, it seems that he is going to speed up the progress.

"That's right, Hattori!" Rabbit River looked up and said to Hattori Heiji behind him, "You've all come to this position, haven't you figured out who the murderer is?"

"Use honorifics for the elderly, little ghost!"

Hattori Heiji raised his hand to press Rabbitakawa on the head, Rabbit River ducked back, and Hattori Heiji's hand ran through Rabbitakawa 's ear and landed on his shoulder.

Hattori Heiji was stunned, this scene is a little familiar.

Wait a minute, the place where he is standing now is Mrs. Ikemura, the position where the imp sits is the deceased, the position of the stack of books on the desk, and the location of the DVD player, all the clues are connected in Hattori's head.

Hattori Heiji reached out and poked Shimoto River behind his ear.

"What for?" Rabbit River shook his shoulders and shook Hattori Heiji's hand down.

Hattori Heiji suddenly realized, "So it is!" This case doesn't need a secret room at all!

Rabbit Chuan raised his voice and said in a voice that everyone heard: "That's right, tetrodotoxin is injected intravenously under the ear, it only takes 5 seconds to cause death, and before we find the deceased dead, the person who has the opportunity to touch him for 5 seconds is the murderer."

Rabbit Chuan changed his tone and no longer aimed at Sachiko Yoshiki's poison, but directly pointed out the murderer.

"And that person is only you, Mrs. Ikemura!"

Others listened to the trance and accepted it well, only Mrs. Ikemura, who had not yet come out of the tragic drama, was stunned, how did the plot unfold here?

"No, I..."

continued without giving Mrs. Ikemura a chance to retort, "When you led us into the study, you pretended to wake Mr. Ikemura, but you actually pierced a poisonous needle behind his ear at that time and completed the murder in front of us.

Maori Kogoro suddenly asked, "Wait, you mean, Mr. Ikemura was still alive when we entered the door?"

"Yes, Mr. Ikemura was given sleeping pills beforehand, making us mistakenly think he died before that." Combined with the tape found on the keychain, it can easily make some unjust detectives mistakenly think that it is a murder in the secret room, and finally catch the scapegoat according to the script of the real murderer. Standing

behind Rabbitagawa and listening seriously, Hattori Heiji immediately changed his face.

What is the wronged detective, this little devil really dares to say it!

So Hattori Heiji unwilling to be lonely and grabbed the words: "In addition, the loud opera sound in the study at that time, and the books stacked high on the table, were specially arranged to prevent Mr. Ikemura's voice and struggle before he died from being noticed by us.

"No, no, no, this is all your speculation, evidence... Yes, you have no evidence that I am a murderer. Mrs. Ikemura retorted weakly.

Mrs. Ikemura is now very panicked, since this little devil spoke, her script has been torn to shreds, and she regrets it, she should not provoke these plagues.

Hattori Heiji IQ is online, in order to prove that he is not a wronged detective, full firepower.

"Of course, there is evidence, and the most important evidence is that Mrs. Ikemura has not had time to deal with it since the murder, and the container of the poison needle that killed the deceased, there must be poison residues in that container."

As soon as the police department heard that it was alive, he immediately stepped forward solemnly and said to Mrs. Ikemura: "This lady, please cooperate with our investigation."

Rabbit Chuan added, "I think the poison needle must have been in the keychain that Mrs. Ikemura had been holding in her hand since she opened the study."

Rabbit Chuan's words actually hammered the identity of Mrs. Ikemura's murderer, and Mrs. Ikemura gave up the struggle and handed over her handbag.

The Twilight Police Department also found the key from Mrs. Ikemura's handbag, and found a groove in the keychain that could hold poison needles.

The police department said to Rabbitikawa "Then in this case, Miss Yoshiki Sachiko provided the poison, and Mrs. Ikemura was responsible for the murder, and the two of them murdered Mr. Ikemura together."

"Not so!"

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