Yamato's idea is to finish singing this empty city plan, let the suspect get into the police car and go directly to the police station, ask Jun to enter the urn, and catch turtles in the urn.

Rabbit Chuan wants to carry out the arrest operation now, and after arresting people, he can continue to go to the Lake of Sorrow for a vacation.

Originally, in Rabbitagawa's vision, if the Nagano Prefectural Police acted quickly, they would arrest people on the bus, or they would arrest people as soon as they got off the bus.

Now he was halfway to the Lake of Sorrows resort, though not by himself.

But when I think about the halfway point, what kind of travel from Tokyo to Nagano Prefecture, just that sentence, it came, right?

It doesn't matter if he loves the lake sadly or passionately, after getting Eiji Tono's-churning stick done, he must take a look today!

Due to intelligence errors, Yamato did not know that this wolf had a bomb strapped to his body.

Although the bomb will not be detonated by Eiji Tono's remote control for the time being because Dr. Agasa's signal jammer is turned on, I always feel that this statement is a flag.

Often this kind of bomb, which should theoretically probably not explode, will always explode whenever the plot develops to the last step.

Just like now!

Wolf Annihilation, the reason why it is called Wolf Annihilation, is because he is three points more ruthless than a ruthless person, and he is also horizontal!

As soon as everyone made up their minds to return the same way, Eiji Tono directly took off his coat and hijacked Rabbitugawa's wheelchair with a bomb.

Then he shouted, "Don't move!" Who dares to move a step! I'll detonate the bomb right away!!



Will anyone not move? Everyone present thought about running for the first time they had legs.

This is unlucky, what is all this?

I thought it was a free trip to a high-end resort for 5 days and 4 nights, and I could get a good thing of 100 million yen in the end, but what happened? And the result!!

First, I met a police officer who said that a murderer had escaped from prison, and then the son of the development company inexplicably held a bomb and screamed like crazy.

This, this... I have never encountered such a ghost in my life.

Seeing that everyone was about to flee, Eiji Tono immediately pressed his hand to the switch and shouted, "Stop for me!" Dare to move one more step! I'll detonate the bomb right away! See if you run fast or the bomb blows up fast!

"Don't! Don't! Everyone

immediately squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, not daring to move, not daring to move!

Yamato dared to stand in place without moving a step, and shouted at Eiji Tono: "You are already surrounded, let go of the hostages immediately!" Drop the bomb! Don't do senseless resistance!! "

Rabbit River is not guarded at all... That's impossible, but doesn't this wolf do things without a trace of logic? Who did he provoke?

He is obviously the most innocent and harmless in this group, why did this wolf destroy him?

The most confused thing is Zhufu Jingguang, but it is just the kung fu of exchanging eyes with Yamato Daisuke, how can this person be blackened.

Eiji Tono shouted at Zhufu Jingguang, "You go to their side too!" Don't play tricks, hurry over! "

Although Eiji Tono is not enough to fight a round of Fu Jingguang, he has a bomb in his hand, and Rabbit River, which makes Zhufu Jingguang a little bit of a rat thrower.

Eiji Tono didn't say anything else, just rushed this action force, and put it in the organization is a rare talent.

Zhufu Keiguang's gaze looked vaguely at Hagiwara Kenji, Hagiwara Kenji frowned, and then made a reassuring gesture to Zhufu Keiguang.

Because Hagiwara Kenji felt that Rabbit Chuan was only shocked and a little excited now, and he was not afraid at all.

The bomb made by Eiji Tono uses a simple detonation device, that is, a bomb detonated by a telephone signal, and the detonator is an electric detonator, which ignites after conducting electricity, thereby detonating the explosive.

This improvised detonation device has the disadvantage that the bomb will not be detonated as long as the communication signal around the detonator is shielded.

But who said that a remote-controlled bomb has to be detonated with a remote control!

Just like turning on the TV, you can choose to turn on the TV with the remote control, but you can also press the switch on the TV directly.

The remote-controlled bomb can also be directly pressed on the switch on the bomb and manually detonated!

At this time, Zhufu Gaoming finally rushed over with a brigade of Nagano Prefectural Police and shouted: "Put down the butcher knife, don't make senseless resistance, you have no way to escape."

"No way to escape? Hahahaha! Eiji Tono suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, "I didn't expect to leave alive!" You guys! You guys must also give me death!"


"Don't! Don't!

"Don't! I don't want to die yet!

"Officer! Save me! Save me! "

Takaaki Zhufu and Yamato Daisuke look at each other, everything has a cause and effect, and in order to solve the dilemma in front of them, they must know why Eiji Tono did this.

Zhufu Gaoming stepped forward, Yamato dared to take a step back tacitly and give up the home field to Zhufu Gaoming, negotiating this kind of thing is not suitable for his violent temper.

Zhufu Gaoming spoke: "Tono Eiji-kun, if you have any requirements, please do not hesitate to ask, as long as you let go of the hostages, drop the bomb, and raise your hands to surrender, everything is negotiable." Eiji

Tono stopped laughing, ignored Zhufu Takaki's words, and instead said to Rabbitikawa "Then it's up to Detective Kudo Shinichi, it's up to you to tell them, why the hell am I doing this?"

But Rabbit Chuan sat in a wheelchair as if asleep, and did not mean to respond to him in the slightest.

Eiji Tono knocked a punch on the wheelchair and said angrily: "You said ah! Aren't you a detective? "

Huh?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, "Are you talking to me?" Looking

at Rabbit River as if he had just returned to his senses, and did not put it in his eyes at all, Eiji Tono felt a fire surge in his heart.

Damn it! This detective imp didn't put him in his eyes at all!

"Ugh!" Rabbit Chuan clapped his hands, and his face looked as if he had thought of something, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I'm not Kudo Shinichi at all."

"What?!" Eiji Tono was taken aback.

"I'm Rabbitagawa Kazuki, and I'm Kudo Shinichi's cousin."

"You said you weren't Kudo Shinichi?!" Eiji Tono was angry

and said with a smile: "Yes, Kudo Shinichi is a famous detective, he is very busy, there is no time to travel, so I will replace him..."

Rabbit Chuan stopped speaking, and his tone suddenly calmed down and said: "So you want to let go of the only me here who is not K.S 100% innocent?"

Rabbit's words made Eiji Tono's face change slightly, but he quickly stabilized his mentality.

If you want to say innocent, isn't his Yingzi innocent?

His Yingzi was only 15 years old, and he was brutally killed by someone here in that icy sea!

His innocent and poor Yingzi!

No one can stop his path to revenge!

"Little ghost, you're smart! If you want to blame, blame your brother, and yourself who embarked on this journey of death!

Rabbit Chuan sighed and said, "Alas! You say that you don't plan to let me go?

"Do you want to pretend to be a murderer who commits indiscriminate crimes, but you become a devil who kills innocent people yourself?"

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