Rabbit Chuan spoke: "As far as I know, the quota for this trip to Lake of Sorrow Resort was selected from the customers of Moon View Travel Agency.

"And my brother Shinichi Kudo, he has only participated in one and only one event organized by Moon Travel Agency, and that is the Oriental luxury cruise three years ago."


The rest of the Sorrowful Lake Tour group was shocked, as if recalling a moment of life and death.

Seeing the faces of the relevant people present, the Nagano Prefectural Police duo seemed to have caught something.

Zhufu Gaoming speculated: "Three years ago, the Oriental luxury cruise ship collided with a freighter and unfortunately had a shipwreck. Are you all survivors of this accident? After

everyone in the room looked at each other, they acquiesced to this fact.

Rabbit Chuan added: "These people are not only survivors of the sinking of the Vostok luxury cruise ship, but also survivors named K.S. who were specially selected from that accident.

"Eiji Tono used his identity as the son of the head office president to plan this trip to the Lake of Sorrow, and used the high-priced membership as bait, in order to ensure that all K.S people can come here, the place where he has prepared bones for K.S with all his heart."

Sayuri Kawaishi shouted, "Why do you want to do this?

Kurata shouted along, "We didn't do anything!"

"Stupid, what does this have to do with us!" The Xiangshan couple also said.

"Yes, we are just survivors, and it is not our fault that the cruise ship sank!"

"Besides, the occurrence of a shipwreck is originally a problem for travel agencies!"

"That said! That is to say! The

people involved in the accident at the scene quarreled in all tongues, as if to vent the panic and dissatisfaction in their hearts at this time through the accident, but there was one exception.

"Enough, you guys shut up for me!"

Eiji Tono roared, and the scene was instantly silent.

"That's because there is a murderer among you, and he killed my Yingzi!"


"Who is that?"

"It was a 15-year-old girl." One person stood up and said, "You are the one who died in that accident..." Thinking

of Yingko, Eiji Tono couldn't stop choking up: "Yingzi is the person I love the most!"

"I'm sorry, I killed the girl."

That person was the gentle and kind doctor Seisaku Koda.

Eiji Tono gritted his teeth and said, "It turns out that you killed my Yingzi!"

Rabbit Chuan spoke, "It's not killing, it's the board of Cana Anders." "

The board of Cana Anders?"

Zhufu Gaoming explained on the side: "The board of Cannaanders is a hypothesis proposed by the Greek philosopher Canananders. After the ship sinks, the two fight for planks that can only carry one person, and the strong push the weak away, causing the weak to drown.

"Although this situation is immoral, it cannot be considered a crime in law."

Eiji Tono smiled sadly: "Yes, it is because of this, I heard the survivors say that someone on the lifeboat full of survivors pushed away Yingko's hand for help, and I asked the police to investigate the truth, but the police ignored my request."

Yamato Dansuke also explained: "Article 37 of the Criminal Law, emergency avoidance. In order to protect a larger interest, another smaller interest has to be compromised in the absence of other means. It does not constitute a crime and the perpetrator is not criminally responsible. Eiji

Tono excitedly shouted, "Yes, damn emergency avoidance!" Since the law cannot judge him, then it is up to me to punish him with my own hands! I'm going to kill the murderer who took Yingzi from me with my own hands!"

"Although I don't know who the prisoner is, Yingzi held a key engraved with the S.K name tag in her hand before she died, as long as I kill all the surviving S.K of the Vostok cruise ship, I will definitely be able to kill that person."

"What?! It's horrible! The others covered their mouths and whispered exclaim.

Rabbit Chuan said faintly: "Alas, I said, you also heard, that lifeboat was full of people, maybe if the girl got on the boat, the boat would capsize, and everyone could not be saved." Eiji

Tono said dismissively: "So what, in my heart, the lives of 100 people are not as precious as the lives of one Yingzi!"

Rabbit Chuan retorted: "But in the hearts of the relatives and lovers of those people on the lifeboat, they are also as precious as the Yingzi in your heart." Hearing

Rabbit Chuan's brilliant answer, everyone present broke out in a cold sweat.

Whose dead child is this, why is it so strong!

Rabbit Chuan thought, this is where to go, if it is his new brother, it must be stronger than him.

Today the light of the right path is sprinkled on this earth again, very good, very good!

Eiji Tono was angry and corrupted by Rabbitakawa talking.

Good! Very good! Very good! Isn't it the light of the right path!


Eiji Tono laughed, and the weird laughter gave people goosebumps.

Everyone heard Eiji Tono say, "In that case, let's make a game!" Detective!

"No, I'm not a detective." Rabbit Chuan retorted ruthlessly.

"The detective's brother!"

Eiji Tono felt that he was about to be angry to death, he couldn't be angry to death, he still had to avenge Yingko!

"As long as you commit suicide, I will surrender immediately, otherwise I will press the switch to detonate the bomb, and everyone will die together!"

Rabbit Chuan sat up straight, closed his eyes and said solemnly: "Sherlock Holmes once said that for the good of the public, I am happy to welcome death... Although he said so..."

"Wait a minute!"

Zhufu Jingguang suddenly jumped out, but Hagiwara Kenji and Zhufu Gaoming did not stop him.

"You let go of that child, I will replace him, I promised my friend to protect him on this trip, let me replace him!"

"Jingguang!!" Zhufu Gaoming stood up in front of his brother, "This is the jurisdiction of the Nagano Prefectural Police, and it is our duty to protect the citizens of the prefecture."

Tuchuan couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "I said you guys listen to me finish!" Although Sherlock Holmes said so, what does the whole incident have to do with me? I'm really just a pitiful, weak and innocent passerby!

"That's right, so I should come." Koda Seisaku knelt on the ground and took out a scalpel and put it on his neck, "I only hope that you can spare that child after I die, he is still a child like your Yingzi!"

Rabbit Chuan sighed, sure enough, it's better to rely on people than on yourself, or a quick victory!

I saw Rabbit Chuan he stood up! Yes, he stood up!


With his hands on the wheelchair, he turned around and raised his left leg for a roundhouse kick, and then his left leg flew out with Eiji Tono!!


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