Saburo Kaoyama hugged his suitcase and shouted, "Then go back quickly!" Go back!

"What?! Go back at this time, what about that qualification? The Fragrant Mountain Saint Son retorted.

"What time is it, why do you only think about money!"

Kujo Shotaro wiped a cold sweat, he was just a tour guide, that 100 million membership had nothing to do with him, he didn't have to provoke that murderer for a job.

Kujo Shotaro explains, "According to the regulations, if half or more of the people do not show up, the qualifications are not counted.

"It's really a shame, it's hard to have the opportunity to make money and just go through the soup."

The Holy Son of Xiangshan also made a statement, without that 100 million they still go to what resort.

Kujo Shotaro looked at the few remaining people who did not make a statement.

Kobayashi Xingji cut a little, and at this time he could only choose to return.

Only the last person left did not express his position, that is, Eiji Tono, who was disrupted all plans.

Eiji Tono still wanted to struggle.

"But we're all halfway there, and it's going to get dark soon, so there is no bus to take us back now, so it's better to go to the resort and rest for the night before going back."

"No, what if you encounter that! Anyway, I'm going back now! Sayuri Kasai said, and the others agreed.

"And there is still Mr. Police Officer, there is always a way to go back!"

Rabbit Chuan is a survivor of the shipwreck incident, and his sense of survival is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Yamato nodded and said, "When you get outside the nature reserve, my colleague will take you back in a police car." With

the eyes and intuition of the criminal police, Yamato dared to quickly lock on two people with strange expressions in everyone.

Yamato dares to frown, one is too flat, cold-eyed, as if watching a play; The other is too weak-hearted and in a trance.

And both are teenagers, is one of them over 16 years old?

Junior A?

Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Juvenile Code establishes the age of "juvenile", that is, a person under 20 years of age. The Protection Act still does not allow you to reveal your name and identity, and you can be called Juvenile A.

Juveniles under the age of 16 are generally sent to children's consultation centres, while juveniles between the ages of 16 and 20 are brought to the Family Court for trial. (In 2000, 16 years old will be 14 years old)

In principle, based on the concepts of "child welfare" and "protectionism", the sentence is lenient, and the juveniles who are not in the bank are rehabilitated and reintegrated into society as much as possible.

In other words, the incident only involved a few bombs and did not cause casualties or property damage.

If it was the little teenager and under the age of 16, none of them would need to be sent for testing, because he would not have been prosecuted at all.

If it is the older teenager, it is only sent to a juvenile detention center for two years, and when he becomes an adult, he can return to society again.

That's not good, smart.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Yamato Daisuke with dissatisfaction, what kind of eyes is Yamato Hanhan, how can he, the "famous detective", be suspected?

Rabbit Chuan is not happy, Rabbit Chuan is going to make trouble!

Kenji Hagiwara quickly covered this little rabbit cub... The mouth of the little ancestor.

Because the induction between them has not been disconnected, some thoughts in Rabbit River's mind have also been transmitted to Hagiwara Kenji's consciousness.

For example, Rabbit Chuan wants to say that the person in front of him is a fake police officer, and the entire Lake of Sorrow Resort is a scam, and their group is tricked into participating in the human-wolf game of killing each other, through the video for people to enjoy and enjoy.

Where did these dark and deep thoughts come from in the young man's mind, and he definitely couldn't let him say it.

Rabbit Chuan slapped off Kenji Hagiwara's hand, knowing that he knew it, if he didn't do it or die, he wouldn't die if he tried it.

Eiji Tono panicked, absolutely can't let them leave, how can you let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, this group of people must die here today.

And that Yamato police officer, if you want to blame, blame you for being nosy.

Eiji Tono's eyes were instantly full of resentment, put his hand in his pocket, and pressed the detonator.

But, nothing happened.

Eiji Tono looked panicked, how could this be?

Rabbit River saw the change in Tono's expression in his eyes, so it was said that Ke Xue technology was the first productive force.

Signal jammer, shield all remote control signals, Dr. Agasa YYDS!

Rabbit Chuan was also tired of playing and gave Zhufu Jingguang a look, and Zhufu Jingguang also made eye contact with Yamato Daisuke.

It's time to take down this iron wolf.

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