Ghost Lantern, with the great achievements of "persuading" the first auxiliary officer of the first generation of

Izanami to retreat, the ghost god of the second generation of the first auxiliary officer under King Yan Luo, the perfectionist ghost animal shaking S workaholic, and the actual manager of hell.

These are not the point, the point is that the ghost lamp is the first cursed ghost god in hell, with a strange body, holding a mace, and a hell bar, and is extremely good at convincing people with force.

Rabbit Chuan thought that there would be a century war with the ghost lamp who came badly, and a row of hams under his bed... No, it's a row of bazookas ready to go.

You can't be intimidated, you can't lose face, you must survive at least three rounds, and you must not easily admit defeat and beg for mercy!

But in fact, the fierce three white eyes of the ghost lamp directly locked Rabbit Chuan, silent for a moment, the mace in his right hand poked to the ground, and his left hand felt a porcelain bottle from his arms.

Rabbit River, staring....

"Do you want sugar?"

"Thank you, thank you..." Was

he treated like a child?

Rabbit Chuan took the bottle and looked at a very familiar fat goldfish pattern on the bottle.


This is an herbal sugar made from the essence of 100 snapdragons, which can replenish energy and relieve fatigue, which is very suitable for your current condition."

"It's really snapdragon candy!"

Rabbit Chuan sighed, this is the legendary snapdragon!

Rabbit Chuan took out a snapdragon candy from the bottle and ate it, instantly full of vitality, and can climb three floors in one breath!

The ghost lantern is active on the side, seriously feeling the world.

"This subtle feeling..." "

Hell connects thousands of worlds, and occasionally one or two worlds and hell are cut off, and this world in front of you is one of them."

The knowledgeable Hell Adjutant immediately discovered that the problem in this world was the time disorder, which made it impossible for this world to carry out normal life reincarnation.

But it's not a big problem, because abnormal life reincarnation is also reincarnation, and this world has its own way of operating.

But here it comes....

"From now on, the undead of this world will still be responsible for hell." Hell proclaimed to the world.

Rabbit River senses that the world has changed slightly, and the passage to hell has been opened.

Bastard world consciousness, you didn't survive this round!

The world consciousness is very happy, and I like this kind of ghost talent who takes the initiative to take the initiative for himself!

King Yan Luo nodded a like, why not be happy, you can't imagine the happiness of being overheaded!

After confirming that Hanako-kun, the evil spirit, is a good and evil spirit, and the basic situation of the new world, the ghost lamp immediately dropped this side and returned to work in hell.

Due to the explosion of the population and the lack of talent, Hell's work became extremely busy, and the ghost lamp as the assistant officer of Hell was even more rolled, and in order to complete the work, he could sleep only three hours a day.

His second hobby now is to go to the present world to see talents, and when they die, they will be the ghosts of hell.

Before leaving, Ghost Lantern did not forget to advise Hanako-kun, study hard in school, and strive to return to hell after graduating from university and build hell together.

After the ghost lamp left, Rabbitikawa patted Hanako-kun's stiff body.

"Come on, Hanako-kun! Study hard, let's set a small goal first, and strive to kill the ghost lamp and become the new leader of hell!

Hanako-kun: "You really can afford me..." By

the way, the purpose of Ghost Lantern personally coming to this world was actually to pick up Miss Mustard, which was the white rabbit who lived in the breeding hut in the Didanguo Middle School.

It was not an ordinary white rabbit, it was a rabbit that had evolved to a complete body and could easily hit a lion, and at the same time an animal jailer who shouted like a flying insect in hell.

When Kenji Hagiwara walked in with the white porridge cooked by Akemi Miyano, Rabbit River was already asleep.

After that, Rabbit Chuan slept for two days in a row, and when he woke up again, it was the third day.

Akemi Miyano put down the broom in her hand and said worriedly: "Is there really no need to send Rabbit-kawa-kun to the hospital?"

The white crow, who grabbed a rag and wiped the glass, asked in bewilderment: "Why go to the hospital?" Rabbit River is still a child, and it is often said that children sleep more to grow taller.

Miyano Akemi stopped, how should she explain to a youkai, normal people don't sleep for two days without waking up, but she thought that Rabbit Chuan didn't seem to be a normal person, so messy and tangled.

The white crow whizzed past Akemi Miyano's eyes and shouted, "It's Rabbit-sama who wakes up!" "

Akemi Miyano was taken aback, how did you know this? Is there any special induction?

No matter how Haku knew that Rabbit River had woken up, when he heard the news, Akemi Miyano immediately threw down the broom in his hand and ran to Rabbit Chuan's room.

She saw that Rabbit Chuan had indeed woken up, but at this time the situation in the room was a little wrong.

The white crow shrunk in the corner, and Rabbit Chuan held a letter in his trembling hand.

Why does there exist a lake of sorrow in this world?

What a headache, why has the strange world increased again?

So the new brother is right, don't just pick up strange letters and go home!

It's time to stew this white crow!

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