Until dinner, Rabbit Chuan looked listless.


Rabbit Chuan sighed, slammed his head on the table, and startled everyone with a snort.

Kenji Hagiwara floated over and quickly asked, "What's wrong?" Headache?

Rabbit Chuan turned his head sideways and said, "My head hurts, my face hurts even more!"

Hagiwara Kenji hissed and gasped, nonsense, just a bang, just listening to this voice, he felt his face hurt.

Rabbit's first reaction when he came to this world was, fortunately, this is not Kanedaichi's world, and now he is slapped in the face, okay!

Kaneda is miserable, a young detective who became famous at a young age, a middle-aged uncle who will become a bachelor and a social animal when serialized again.

But the people around Kanedaichi are even worse, the damned are all dead, the undeserving ones are also wrongly dead, and even Miyuki, who is the heroine, is teetering on the edge of death in almost every episode.

Rabbit Chuan was tempted to ignore the letter, but he wondered why someone had sent Kudo Shinichi this invitation to join the jury at Lake of Sorrow Resort.

Hagiwara Kenji saw that Rabbit River stopped squeaking again, and couldn't help but ask, "Still hurting your face?"

Rabbit Chuan huffed and turned his face to the other side and muttered, "I was wondering, my dear new brother, did you fly on a luxury passenger ship called Toyo three years ago.

"So do you remember?"

Tuchuan sighed again and said, "Alas, I can't remember exactly. "

The ships that his new brother has been on are all thrown away, eight out of ten have sunk, and the remaining two are also dead, he has nothing to remember what that thing is doing?"

Just as Rabbit Chuan was picking up the boat from his memory, the phone rang at home.

Akemi Miyano came over and picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is Kudo House, may I ask you... No, they didn't come here... Don't worry, I'll go to Rabbitikawa Jun to answer the phone immediately. Akemi

Miyano called Rabbit River over, and Rabbit got up and asked Akemi Miyano, "Miss Akemi, who is calling?"

Akemi Miyano replied, "It's Miss Ran's call, and she asked Conan if he was here."

Tuchuan quickly walked over and took the phone and said, "Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong with Conan?" "

Is it one, two, three?" Did Conan come to your house today?'

"No, he hasn't been here lately."

Rather, Rabbit River has been hiding from Conan for the past few days, and he has not even told Dr. Agasa and the Mori family about his illness.

Before the season when he can take off his coat, Rabbit Chuan does not want to meet Conan who is in the period of PTSD outbreak in black.

"What happened to Conan?"

"Conan, he hasn't gone home yet, and Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, who are playing with him, haven't come home either, it's so late, and I don't know where they went, did it happen?"

"Sister Xiaolan, do you know where they went to play during the day today?"

Two locations appear in Rabbit's mind, is it a department store or a library?

"Conan, they made an appointment today to go to the department store to watch the Masquerade Superman show, but now the department store has long been closed, and I don't know where they go?"

Rabbit River immediately determined that it was a department store

, Rome was not built in a day, fat people did not eat in one bite, and bear children were not born bear children.

At the beginning, the juvenile detective team was just a group of ordinary children, at first they would cry and be afraid that they would be frustrated and would call the police for help, but they were forced to grow retrograde in desperate situations again and again, although they ended up crooked.

The plot of this episode is similar to that of Home Alone, Conan's four little ones accidentally crashed into the crime scene of the department store robber group, and finally broke the members of the robber group one by one through a battle of wits and courage.

By the way, the leader of the bandit group broke into the department store, and finally tried to fool through but was spotted by Conan.

Although this leader is a woman, she has a gun in her hand, and Conan didn't think about this problem, so he went up recklessly.

Isn't it normal for robbers to have a gun in their hands?

In the previous Italian bandit group incident, didn't the robber accomplice also have a pistol in hand, this has only been a few days, why have you forgotten?

Although the final ending is good, for the safety of his new brother's life and to give the children a safe childhood, the juvenile detective team will continue to group.

"If only Shinichi were there..."

Mao Lilan's emotion made Rabbit Chuan immediately come back to his senses.

Tuchuan said to Mao Lilan on the other side of the phone: "Sister Xiaolan, don't worry, I probably know where they are." "

You got it? So where are they now?'

"If I'm not mistaken, they should still be in the department store building by now."

"But I called the department store, and no one answered the phone at the department store, and there is no one there for work now, so there should be no one."

"No, even if the department store closes and the company's employees are off work, the security personnel on duty are 24 hours a day to stay in the company, and it is impossible not to answer the phone unless..."

"Unless the security personnel in the department store are completely destroyed, it is no longer possible to answer the phone."

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