"Ahem, Akemi Miyano... Ahem! Rabbit Chuan coughed.

Akemi Miyano's matter is that Rabbit River miscalculated, and his original plan was simple, that is, to let the doppelganger complete the plot instead of Akemi Miyano, referred to as the doppelganger death plan.

But he never expected that the doppelganger would come to him, and this doppelganger is still pure white!

This wave is that he misjudged the beauty of human nature, and Akemi Miyano actually separated her pure white self, and then went to complete the dark plan by herself.

But it doesn't matter, the moment Rabbit Chuan saw the doppelganger, he quickly changed his strategy and climbed all the way to the atmosphere, that is, directly terminated the plot early.




Important things are repeated three times, three times, three times, and repeatedly.

It's so annoying! Bastard world consciousness, Lao Tzu has put up with you for a long time!

Just think about it, can't you just think about it?

However, it's not easy for this bastard to mess around, and after he finishes playing, everyone finishes playing together, forget it, don't want to.

Rabbit Chuan adjusted his strategy again, first writing a message to Hanako-kun in the record book, asking him to find ways to treat serious injuries, such as finding a Hotaru, Peach Blossom Demon or Hiwabo or something.

Then put the black record book in a new envelope and handed it to the doppelganger, which has a list of participants and introductions, the first of which is the number seven strange talk Hanako-kun.

Considering that Akemi Miyano had attended Teidan Elementary School, that is to say, her call was eligible for the incredible response of the Seven Emperors.

When all the plot dust settles, as long as Akemi Miyano calls Hanako-kun through the record book, Hanako-kun will immediately appear with the nanny.

At the cost of Akemi Miyano's existence and memory, in exchange for Akemi Miyano's chance to survive.

It's obviously a very simple thing, why did it get so complicated in the end!

Fortunately, in the final ending, Akemi Miyano survived smoothly, and Rabbit River also got the memory he wanted... Well?

"What about Akemi Miyano's memory?" Rabbit Chuan suddenly thought.

Hanako-kun spread out her hands and said regretfully: "It's a pity that I didn't get it!"

"Huh? Why?

"Because it's a forbidden case, it's a big secret that can't be exchanged for life!"

"Alas..." Rabbit Chuan collapsed on the bed like a deflated balloon.

Hanako-kun immediately said, "Isn't there another way to know that young lady's memory?" That young lady is a student of Didan Primary School!"

Rabbikawa knew that Hanako-kun was talking about the "16-hour library", where there was a book of life that recorded all the records of the student's time in school, and recorded the student's past, present, and future.

But what he wants to know is the memory of Akemi Miyano at the age of six, has he started elementary school at the age of 6?

And he really didn't want to face that librarian teacher.


Rabbit Chuan was excited, and couldn't help but cough.

Hanako-kun took out a familiar medicine bottle and said to Rabbit Chuan: "Lord God, do you want to take a golden pill, the medicine instructions say that only one is needed, and all diseases will disappear."

"What is this?"

Rabbit Chuan poured the golden pill into his hand, and the golden pill was shining brightly, exuding a faint fairy aura... Why did it suddenly become mysterious?

"This is the golden pill I bought in Taoyuan Township of the Kingdom of Heaven."

"The golden pill bought from heaven?"

Shouldn't it be a golden pill bought from the Heavenly Court?

When did Taishang Laojun also come out to sell Jindan?

The Great Sage was all direct back then....

Wait, where did Taishang Laojun come from? Where did the heavenly court come from? Where did heaven come from?

It is impossible for Conan's world to be connected to heaven?

Rabbit Chuan turned his head and asked Hanako-kun: "How did you go to the Kingdom of Heaven?"

"I said I wanted to buy medicine for serious injuries, and then the rabbit in the breeding hut recommended me to go to Taoyuan Township, where a Kampo medical authority from the big country next door runs a pharmacy called Jade Rabbit Hanfang Full Moon Bliss, which sells a golden pill that cures all diseases."

Hearing Hanako-kun say this, Rabbit Chuan felt that he had a special headache.

Heaven, Taoyuan Township, Jade Rabbit Hanfang, Jindan... Hell and ghosts....

Strange knowledge has inexplicably increased.

And that rabbit, why is there a rabbit in the breeding hut in the Kingdom of Emperor Dan that can only go to the kingdom of heaven!

Don't just open the world channel!

"Alas, I have a headache, I want to eat spicy rabbit head..." At

this moment, the black record book inexplicably ignited a raging ghost fire.


Rabbit Chuan and Hanako-kun both looked over suspiciously, this ghost fire felt so strange.

But Hanako-kun felt a trace of familiarity in the strange ghost fire.

Suddenly, from the roaring ghost fire, a mace appeared.


This mace is so familiar!

Hanako-kun remembered that it was the ghost god who chased him for most of hell, and he actually persevered to chase him to this world!

Lord Ghost, should the KPI be so cruel!

Rabbit Chuan also widened his eyes, this ghost god with a ghost horn on his head, pointed ears, a serious expression, wearing a black and red kimono, and holding a mace in his hand, is not the famous hell shady, the first assistant officer of the Devil King, the ghost lamp.

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