"Ah ——!"

Even if the body is resistant to frost, it can't withstand the biting sea breeze in the middle of the night in early spring, so Rabbit River, who blew the cold wind in the middle of the night, caught a cold today.

In order to ensure that no accidents occur, such as walking two steps on the scene to meet Conan, such as the white crow taking him to fly in the sky and being seen by Conan, such as Conan everywhere....

So Rabbit Chuan only managed to evacuate from the scene after confirming that Conan left the scene.

When the police arrived at the scene, they did not find Masami Hirota's body, only a pool of blood, a pistol and a key to the hotel counter.

From the amount of blood in a pool of blood alone, it was judged that the injured person had no chance of survival, and the police only found the fingerprints of Masami Hirota on the pistol.

If it were not for the accidental disappearance of the body, it can be preliminarily determined that Masami Hirota committed suicide.

Conan thought that the other party just wanted to mislead the judgment of the police and make the police think that Masami Hirota committed suicide in fear of crime.

However, the unexpected arrival of him and Xiaoran disrupts their plans, and they send someone back to dispose of Masami Hirota's body.

After that, the police took the key to the hotel where Masami Hirota appeared, and found 1 billion cash stolen from the bank in the suitcase stored at the counter.

Although Conan repeatedly said that there was still a mastermind behind the case, the police did not accept the words of a child, and the case was still closed with Masami Hirota committing suicide.

Conan vowed in his heart that he would definitely find out the black hand behind the scenes, and get justice for the dead Miss Masami and the self who was harmed like this by that group of people!

Conan could never have imagined that Masami Hirota, who had died in his heart, was now cooking porridge for his brother at his home.

Masami Hirota looked stunned, but the action of cutting vegetables and cooking in her hand was methodical.

She was shot by Gin Jiu last night, and according to the situation at that time, she had no chance of survival.

But when she opened her eyes again, the wounds on her body miraculously disappeared.

Masami Hirota thought it was because she was dead, so the wound disappeared.

Masami Hirota stood up in a trance and looked at the furnishings around, it turns out that the entrance to hell is a women's toilet?

When Masami Hirota walked out of the toilet, she found that the place she was in was not hell at all, certainly not heaven, but the old school building in the Didanguo.

And she will hurt, she will bleed, she will be seen, she will still be a living person.

Bizarrely, however, when she returned home, none of her neighbors remembered her; She went to the bank, and her colleagues didn't remember her either; Even back in college, her classmates and teachers don't remember her; Even... The people in the organization also regarded her as a strange ordinary person, and she couldn't even get close to the stronghold of the organization now.

Masami Hirota walked helplessly down the street and looked back to see the television set in the shop window, and the TV news was announcing her death.

"The mastermind of the 1 billion robbery of the Mika Bank, bank employee Masami Hirota killed two accomplices and committed suicide in the port of Tokyo..." She, Masami Hirota

, that is, the existence of Akemi Miyano, disappeared from this world.

At this moment, a word suddenly flashed in her mind, it was her own voice.

"It's okay, as long as there is a fate, no matter how many times it will be bonded again."

For a moment, the world was only black and white, and Akemi Miyano seemed to be guided by something, looking down at her hands, which were wrapped with countless broken black lines, only one white thread connected to the distance.

Akemi Miyano ran desperately and finally found this place.

"Miss Miyano, is the porridge ready?"

Kenji Hagiwara's sudden question interrupted Akemi Miyano's recollection, and at the same time startled Akemi Miyano.

"Huh? That's it. Akemi

Miyano subconsciously looked at the other party's feet, it turned out that the ghost had feet.

The person who lives here now is the person on the other end of the only white thread tied to her hand, and the only person in this world who remembers the existence of Akemi Miyano.

It is Mr. Rabbit Chuan who met at the bank before, and he is a person who can see demons and ghosts... Detective?

"Would you like another glass of eggnog?" Akemi Miyano suggested, "The effect of curing colds is very good! "

Eggnog for colds is a very traditional home remedy.

Just put the liquor into the pot to heat, after the pot comes out of the pot, beat a raw egg in the liquor while it is hot, and then quickly stir, a glass of egg wine is ready.

In the past, whenever Shiho had a cold, she would make a glass of egg wine for Shiho to drink, and then just sleep well and catch a cold the next day.

"Nope!" Kenji Hagiwara said helplessly, "Our Rabbit-sama doesn't like to eat slippery and slimy food, and raw eggs and natto are not allowed. "

It's obviously delicious!

Akemi Miyano's hand paused and asked, "Don't you dip raw eggs when you eat sukiyaki?" "

Sukiyaki is a Japanese-style hot pot, where you first beat a raw egg and put it in a bowl before eating, and then dip it in egg liquid after the pot is cooked, so that the taste of Wagyu beef will be more delicate and layered.

This really stopped Kenji Hagiwara, the problem is that he can't make Sukiyaki at all!

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