In Kudo's house, Kenji Hagiwara was busy around Rabbitagawa River.

"Have you put your passbook away?"

"I put it in my pocket."

"Have you made an appointment with the bank?"

"Well, make an appointment to the bank in an hour."

"Wouldn't it be too obvious to use a box for money, or would you take a piano box for money?"

Tu Chuan just drank a sip of tea and sprayed it directly, coughing twice and saying: "I took the money in an upright way, why should I hide the money in the piano box." "

It's not a rifle that some people can't see.

"Because of the recent security in Yonehana Town... The whole neon security is not very good."

The words came out of the mouth of a former police officer, and it felt strange.

Kenji Hagiwara remembered that when he went to see Zhufu Keiko the other day, there was a lot of work there, and the crime rate was high all over the country.

Rabbit Chuan drank again to suppress the shock, and said, "It's okay, Yonekacho is not the same as before."

Turning his head and thinking about it again, it seems to be a little different, it used to be two dead people in three days, now it is two days and three dead people, and the mortality rate has become higher.

The Grim Reaper family, become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance again!

"Well, if you find a small island to travel, you can run to people's poisonous dens."

Kenji Hagiwara pointed out, he had lived for so many years, it was the first time he had heard of such a bizarre thing, and when he heard Matsuda tell him about it, he almost didn't scare his soul away.

Those who can do this kind of severing children and grandchildren are a group of outlaws, and Rabbit Chuan's small body is not enough for people to chop and feed fish.

Tu Chuan pondered for a moment and said, "Well... Later... You're used to it! "

Don't be less weird, in the future, Conan will go out to travel, and he will have to take away one or two people every time."

This time he was able to reduce the number of casualties from 4 to 0, which is good.

Kenji Hagiwara only replied with two words.

"Huh!" I don't want to get used to it.

Rabbit Chuan finally rejected Kenji Hagiwara's overly cautious offer and went out with only a shoulder bag.

The main thing is that he wears a black outfit and carries a piano case to the bank ... It doesn't feel like it's going to withdraw money, but like an organization sent to rob a bank.

The bank that Rabbit Chuan booked is the Mihua branch of Silishi Bank, which is a bank that will often be robbed in the future, and even the next time it will be robbed with an amount of up to 1 billion.

This bank is really rich, hundreds of millions of dollars have been robbed, never reflect on why the security guards they hire always rob their own banks with the robbers.

As soon as Rabbit Chuan arrived at the Shiling Bank, he was invited to the living room by the receptionist who had been waiting at the door.

Tuchuan came to the bank this time to take the special child allowance in the passbook, the amount of this subsidy is issued according to the degree of disability of the child, until adulthood, Rabbit Chuan can receive 57,500 yuan per month.

That's right, this subsidy is paid monthly!

Although it feels that it has not been a month, Rabbit Chuan's passbook has been flooded with subsidies for 11 months, more than 6.3 million yuan.

The last time Rabbit Chuan withdrew this money was when he graduated from junior high school in March, it seems that this money was calculated from the beginning of school in April this year, until March this year, well... Yes, all this year.

In short, this huge amount of money came as a surprise, that is, I did not know whether the state finance could eat enough to pay monthly allowances.

When it was time to make an appointment, the banker who came to handle the business for Rabbit River was a beautiful big sister with long black hair and large-lens glasses.

And the name on her nameplate is - Masami Hirota.

Rabbit Chuan was surprised, this was the woman who robbed this bank 1 billion, but he was more surprised to see Masami Hirota than him.

This terrified look, I don't know, I thought she saw the ginjiu.

Rabbit Chuan touched the black coat he wore, black clothes PTSD?

Should he explain that he really came to withdraw money, not sent by the organization to rob her of business.

"Sorry." Or Masami Hirota herself to stabilize her emotions, she looked down at Rabbit Chuan's business application form, "Rabbit... Mr. Chuan, I was rude. Next

, Masami Hirota skillfully handled various procedures for Rabbitchuan, and personally took out cash and handed it to Rabbitchuan.

Rabbit Chuan took the cash and put it in his bag, and said politely: "Miss Hirota's business is so skillful, I thought the procedures would take a long time!"

Masami Hirota smiled and bowed her head and replied, "Thank you for the compliment, it's my honor."

Rabbit Chuan casually asked, "I haven't seen you at this bank before, is Miss Hirota a new employee?"

"Yes, I have only been working in this bank for half a year, and I am still a newcomer."

It has been half a year, and it seems that the 1 billion robbery will be a matter of no time.

Rabbit Chuan watched Masami Hirota sort out the documents on the table, and then Masami Hirota would send him out of the bank, and the two never crossed paths again.

But Rabbit Chuan has always had a question in his heart, this question he can't ask Belmod or Gin Wine, and now Masami Hirota in front of him may be able to give him an answer.

"Miss Hirota..." "

What else is going on?"

"Have we met before?" You seem to know me. "

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