Ayumi little loli saw this scene with sharp eyes and shouted: "Ah! Brother Rabbitchuan's banknotes flew away!

Guangyan looked in the direction of the wind, squinting his eyes and searching: "It's still Zhang Wanyuan's bill, but I can't see where to fly at all." Yuan

Tai touched his stomach and said, "Is that brother Tuchuan hungry because he has no money to eat?" "

Hmm." Rabbit Chuan nodded, and then looked at Conan with a condemning gaze, who is to blame!

Conan is speechless, hey, you shouldn't blame yourself for your unsteady bugle.

However, to the pitiful little eyes of Shangtuchuan, Conan could only say helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll treat you to fried dumplings." "

Rabbit Chuan is up, the old one doesn't go, the new one doesn't come, it's not just a 10,000-yuan bill, it's just one, he doesn't care, really!"

"Poof!" Ayumi on the side laughed, "It feels like Conan is the brother of Rabbitikawa brother!" Hearing

this, both of them were stunned for a moment.

Conan's little eyes skimmed Rabbit Chuan, little brother, you are wrong!

Rabbit Chuan resisted the urge to cover his face, and his heart was like pinching a screaming chicken.

He was so struck by the shattered dream of a billionaire that he forgot to grasp the scale in front of Conan and Kudo Shinichi.

But it's not a big problem, he used to be able to fool Kudo Shinichi, and now he fools Conan, this routine is too skillful.

Rabbit Chuan quickly set his eyes on Yuantai and them, and changed the topic and said, "What are you guys doing here?"

Ayumi replied happily, "We're playing hide-and-seek in the park over there!"

Mitsuhiko raised the badge in his hand and said, "By the way, test the detective badge that Dr. Agasa made for us."

Yuan Tai also held up the badge and said: "The elementary school students who have this badge are the only ones in the world." "

Detective boys?"

Rabbit Chuan pronounced the above text, it is Ke Xue armed as a death group!

The detective badge made by Dr. Agasa contains an ultra-small radio dual-purpose machine, and as long as the turntable inside adjusts the number of cycles, you can talk by radio.

"That's nice!" Rabbit Chuan sighed.

Although this set of equipment is generally used in addition to the police and brothers, it is also a communication black technology.

"Does Brother Rabbit Chuan also want the detective badge?"

"Then does Brother Tuchuan want to join the juvenile detective team?"

"Me?" Rabbit Chuan pointed to himself and quickly refused, "No, I'm a high school student, and I'm a high school detective." "

Eh?!!! The three little ones shouted in surprise, "Brother Rabbit Chuan is actually a high school student?!" "

Rabbit River almost fell, you guys are surprised in the wrong place, right?

"I thought Brother Rabbit Chuan was a junior high school student." Ayumi said.

"It's probably like the second grade of junior high school." Mitsuhiko continued.

Mota raised his hand and said, "I thought it was only the sixth grade of elementary school, after all, I feel that Brother Rabbit Chuan is not much taller than me, and the seniors who play ball in the sixth grade are all taller than Brother Rabbit.

Rabbit's face stiffened.

The more it is said, especially Motota Kojima, who is obviously only in the first grade, but has 1.32 meters, is the current elementary school student too well nourished.

Moreover, what the hell is the senior who plays ball in the sixth grade of elementary school? Whether it's basketball or tennis, he's at least taller than some of the protagonists.

However, seeing the three little ones displaying their detective badges, Rabbit Chuan also knew which case it was today.

Today is a memorable day because today is Ayumi Yoshida's first internship as a professional kidnapper.

Since it is said that it is an internship, it means that it is not really tied to the ticket.

While playing hide-and-seek, Ayumi cleverly hides herself in the trunk of a car in order not to be discovered.

Conan rubbed the trunk and also had to pick the lock, look at the people Ouhuang Ayumi, every time you can touch the unlocked trunk.

When Conan deduced Ayumi's hiding place, he didn't expect the car to drive away, and Ayumi hid in the trunk and found a bloody human head beside him.

Ayumi uses the detective badge to ask Conan for help, and several people immediately think of the serial teenage murders reported in the newspaper, and they are instantly frightened.

After that, Conan turned into a skateboard rider, took Mitsuhiko and Genta, skateboarded all the way to destroy public property, and finally caught up with the kidnapper's vehicle, and the last helmet shot, the kidnapper entered!

Ah, no, in fact, that human head is just a prop, and the so-called kidnapper is just a prop master and actor of the Mihua University Academy, all this is just an oolong.

In the end, because the actor was kicked unconscious by Conan, Conan Mototai Mitsuhiko and the three had to complete the performance in the form of stacked arhats, and the human head was played by Ayumi True Colors.

Rabbit Chuan mercilessly withdrew a 10,000-yuan bill from Conan's wallet, and there were actually several more in it, Conan's classmate is quite rich.

Rabbit Chuan put on a business smile and said, "I'll go to eat by myself, Conan, you have to play with your little friends!" "

Huh?" Conan tried to leave with Rabbit, "I'll eat with you!"

"Conan, didn't you just eat?"

"It's still early, let's play a little longer!"

"Okay! This time I'm here to be a ghost, no, I'm going to be a detective.

Rabbit Chuan was satisfied to see Conan being pulled away by the three little ones, and he had to learn to let go and give the child a good childhood.

It's time to let this teenager die and experience the sinister society again, eat a long and wise man, this is all wisdom!

Rabbit Chuan was in a good mood and looked at the pocket money from Conan in his hand, no, it was the pocket money taken from Shinichigo, think about where to eat?

"That's right!" Rabbit Chuan clapped his hands and thought, "Why don't I also go to see the school festival of Mika University, maybe I can also see the performance of the young death group!" "

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