"Huh? Nope! We met for the first time. Masami

Hirota immediately denied it, but she seemed to be skilled in her business, and the next second she put the document in her hand on the coffee cup on the table, and the document was scattered.

"Ah! Sorry very much! Masami Hirota picked up the documents in a panic.

Rabbit Chuan watched coldly, and the atmosphere in the living room became very quiet.

Masami Hirota straightened out the documents one by one, as if she had straightened out her panicked heart.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

Masami Hirota put down the document in her hand, smiled slightly, took off the large-lens glasses that obscured her true face, and looked at the boy in front of her with her clear sapphire-like eyes.

Rabbikawa heard Masami Hirota say in a wistful tone, "Because Mr. Rabbitikawa is very similar to him..."


"Well, it was when I was a kid... Loved a big brother. Masami Hirota's tone was nostalgic and tinged with sadness.

"So where is he now?" Rabbit Chuan has roughly guessed.

"He's gone, eighteen years ago..."

Masami Hirota's eyes sparkled, and tears rolled down.

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."


Rabbit Chuan looked at Masami Hirota's back running away in tears, thoughtfully.

No, not the age, at least not Belmode's.

Eighteen years ago, Akemi Miyano was only six years old, how big can a person be called big brother by a six-year-old child?

That is, teenagers, no more than twenty years old.

A young man who died before the age of 20 can make Belmod obsessed, what does that have to do?

And the person in Miyano Akemi's mouth died eighteen years ago, and Rabbit Chuan is only sixteen years old this year, with a gap of two years in between, and it is impossible to have a father-son relationship.

Rabbit Chuan looked at his own reflection in the teacup and poked his cheek.

Sure enough, this is a public face!

He obviously looks exactly like Shinichi Kudo, Kurotsuchi, Detective Hakuba, and Heiji Hattori!

Good, that's the truth!

Masami Hirota, it was Akemi Miyano who ran all the way to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and held a handful of cold water and slapped it on her face.

She will never forget what happened that day, the big brother who played with her the day before, secretly gave her candy to eat, and the only sunlight she saw in that dark organization would become the next day...

"Brother Chuang... Brother...'

"Akemi! Don't come here!'

"Dr. Elena, I said long ago that this is not a place for children to play!"

"Mom... What is that...... "

Akemi, don't come, never come here again..."

From that day on, it seemed that all those who loved her had left her.

Mom and Dad and... Maharajah, now she only has Shiho.

Masami Hirota dried her cheeks, put on her makeup, put on her glasses, and turned back into an ordinary and capable bank clerk.

For Shiho, in order for Shiho to leave that diabolical organization, she can pay anything.

Walking back to the door of the conference room, Masami Hirota stopped knocking on the door.

The organization is about to start operating, and the child inside looks so similar to that person, will it be...

Masami Hirota shook her head, she really cared about it, who else in this world could remember such an insignificant person except her.

Masami Hirota knocked on the door and pushed it in.

She heard the child ask, "Miss Masami Hirota, can you cook?" "

“???" Masami Hirota was confused by the question, "Yes..." "

Does Miss Hirota know about doppelgangers?"


This kid's topic is jumping so fast, is this a generation gap.

"What's that?"

"The so-called doppelganger is exactly the same as my appearance and memory, another self in this world. Doppelgangers can destroy the life of the ontology, take away their most important things, and even eventually kill the ontology.

Masami Hirota looked dazed, and the few medical knowledge told her that this was schizophrenia, right?

Rabbit Chuan saw through Masami Hirota's thoughts and shook his head: "No, no, no, it's not schizophrenia, it's called autovision hallucinations in medicine, but it was literature that first proposed the concept of doppelgängers." Jean

Paul, a pioneer of German romantic literature in the 18th century, first used the concept of doppelganger in his novel Chippenks.

Poe's William Wilson and Wilde's Portrait of Dorian Gray both have variations of the concept of doppelgängers.

Even Morikami, Junichiro Tanizaki and Ryunosuke Wasagawa have described this concept, and there are even rumors that Ryunosuke Wasagawa had seen his own doppelganger before he died.

"But what I want to say is neither medicine nor literature, but urban legends. Legend has it that if anyone can see their doppelgängers, death will soon visit.

Rabbit Chuan put on his backpack and walked by Masami Hirota's side.

"So, be careful, Miss Hirota."

Rabbit Chuan left without looking back.

Life and death, I don't know if the weirdness based on the birth of literature can resist the aura of Ke Xue.

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