"I think Officer Yokogou might want to punch Dad right now. "

Mao Lilan blinked, and his somewhat confused brain subconsciously said what was in his heart.

He even measured the horizontal ditch at the upper and lower ends, and made a preliminary measurement.

If Yokogou rerealized that he really did it, he couldn't stop the problem.

Ye Fei: Who can stop Mao Lilan!

Of course, if it really gets to the point where I can't help it and wants to do it.

Mao Lilan felt that he might not want to stop it, maybe ....... It's still quite possible to think about beating Maori Kogoro together!

"What?" Sakurai glanced at Moriran in surprise.

I couldn't help but wonder a little in my heart, did I hear it wrong or was Mao Lilan a little confused after taking the medicine?

"No, don't you think Mr. Maori's reasoning of half reasoning and half denial is very weak?"

Ye Fei glanced at Maori Kogoro with a smile and said teasingly.

If you look closely, you will find that Ye Fei is actually looking at Conan.

"Like...... Truly. The corners of Sakurai's mouth twitched.

"I'll talk to my dad next time. Maolilan was a little helpless.

But Judy was a little silent, and kept staring at Conan's movements....

I don't know why, Conan, who was about to continue reasoning, inexplicably felt a chill behind him.

Subconsciously looked around, seeming to ....... Nothing is wrong, right?

Even Shiro Kawabata, who is the murderer, doesn't look like a detective who has a grudge against him and wants to point out the truth!

So, that's a delusion!

After a brief adjustment, Conan continued to reason.


"If the murderer wants to blame Mr. Kawabata, there are countless opportunities to put the towel in front of Mr. Kawabata. "

"However, Mr. Kawabata himself has actually confessed, right?"

Conan suddenly chuckled imperceptibly, and explained in a comfortable tone.

"Just now, Conan also touched the poisonous place with his hands for the sake of demonstration. "

Just when Conan was about to eat meat buns, he was stopped by Mr. Kawabata. "

"This also means that Mr. Kawabata's conscience is not clear—he will do this, right?"

Although there are other ways to prove that Shiro Kawabata is the murderer, Conan does use the technique of inducing confessions.

After all, when Conan asks, there are very few times when he misses!


Shiro Kawabata suddenly snorted coldly, lit a cigarette, and then sighed.

"If Isogami had a conscience about Lihua at the beginning, I wouldn't have ended his life today. "

"Well, Lihua didn't die a year ago...... But it was just an accident!"

Kitaura Kyogo couldn't help but glare, and blurted out a little stunned.

"No, it wasn't an accident, it was a murder!"

After a brief silence, Shiro Kawabata shook his head with a sneer.

Originally, the final finale scene was made by a stuntman, but it was temporarily replaced by Lihua. "

"Isogami has known this for a long time. "

"Is this true?" Kitaura Kyogo's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

On the contrary, Ito Kiden seems to be very silent, as if he knows some inside story.......

Of course, Isogami even dared to say it outward. "

This is to satisfy Lihua's ideal of wanting all the shots to be done by herself. "

Shiro Kawabata said with some resentment.

After saying that, Shiro Kawabata also covered his face, as if he was in pain, and it seemed like crying.......

"Mingming....... Isogami has a lot of opportunities to stop Lihua. "

Ye Fei glanced at Shiro Kawabata indescribably, hmm....... It's hard to comment!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn't it a work ethic for an actor to be a professional? Especially since this is what the actress herself wants.

Maybe Isohai Zang really has his own selfish intentions, but he has to say-

This has nothing to do with murder!

In particular, Shiro Kawabata, the so-called avenger, did not stop it at the beginning.......

Could this be the artist's brain circuit?

"Alright, you better go back to the police station with us. "

Shigego Yokomizo didn't express any ideas, but directly handcuffed Shiro Kawabata, who confessed his guilt.

Shiro Kawabata didn't struggle.

It's just that when he left the side of Kogoro Maori, Shiro Kawabata subconsciously stopped.

He tilted his head slightly and glanced at Maori Kogoro 0.3 times, and asked in a low tone.

"Mr. Maori, what if I hadn't stopped my little brother from eating buns?"

"What if I'm a cold-blooded and ruthless person like Isogami?"

"If that's the case, then I'll definitely find another way to get you to confess!"

Conan narrowed his gaze slightly and said in a firm tone.

"In that case, you'll be speechless, too!"

"That's a pity, but I really shouldn't complain about a god who has brought me back to my conscience. "

"I've been taught this time!" said Shiro Kawabata, half-deprecating himself.

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