"Mr. Kawabata took the opportunity to apply poison to the towel between going to the bathroom with him. "

When I returned, I found an opportunity to apply the poison to the bottom of the table with a towel. "

"After that, while Mr. Isogami was falling, I replaced Mr. Isokami's towel with my own towel.......

"This can be regarded as a trick that Mr. Kawabata prepared for us~!"

With Conan's height, there is naturally no way to see Shiro Kawabata through the table.

But—Conan was stunned as if he had watched the whole scene, and calmly analyzed.

"I have to admit that Mr. Kawabata is quite hidden. "

He even put some tea on his towel, just because Mr. Isogami had wiped the tea with a towel before. "

"But—there must be a mistake in a hundred secrets!"

"What Mr. Kawabata didn't notice was that Mr. Isogami was wearing jeans today!"

"So, Mr. Isogami's original towel must have had paint left over for wiping down tea. "

Jeans in this era are still quite popular, but most of them are easy to fade.

Sakurai Nuo couldn't help but glance at Ye Fei's lower body thoughtfully.

Ye Fei's eyebrows couldn't help jumping, and he glanced at Sakurai Nuo a little strangely.

"I'm curious, I don't think I've seen you wear jeans. "

Sakurai Nuo couldn't help but touch his chin and glanced at Ye Fei thoughtfully.

With Ye Fei's ability, if you really like to wear jeans-

It's easy to find fabric that won't fade.

"Not interested, jeans kill sperm. "

Thinking of some rumors that sounded a little funny before the crossing, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile meaningfully.

After speaking, he also hooked his little finger towards Sakurai No.

After Sakurai Nuo approached him, Ye Fei exhaled directly towards Sakurai Nuo's.

"Where did you get the nonsense!" Sakurai Nuo snorted coldly.

The tips of the ears couldn't help but redden, but fortunately it wasn't very obvious.

"But-" Ye Fei suddenly added by probing at Sakurai's ear.

"If my sister really likes it, it's not like I can't wear it for my sister. "

Sakurai No's body couldn't help but stiffen, and some pictures that couldn't be broadcast flashed in his mind.

Jeans....... Sakurai didn't think much about it, but thought about the kind of clothes that were more close-fitting.

The lines drawn on Ye Fei's body....

Ye Fei belongs to the kind of person who is thin in clothes and has flesh in his clothes.

I don't usually see it, but when I break out and go to bed-

Ahem, Sakurai No, felt like he was blushing completely.

I couldn't help but quickly shook my head and threw out the inappropriate thoughts in my head.

By the way, he glared at Ye Fei, it's all this guy.......

Ye Fei blinked "innocently" and laughed in a low voice.

"Sister, are you thinking about something not very good?"

"But—it's good to have a relationship, so what is my sister going to wear?"

"Phew! I know to think about these things all the time. "

Sakurai Nuo couldn't help but open his eyes, not wanting to look at Ye Fei anymore.

There are so many people around here.......


Before Shiro Kawabata could react, Shigego Yokomizo's gloved hand had already picked up the towel in front of Shiro Kawabata.

There was no doubt that a patch of light blue paint was seen on the towel.

Although these pigments seem to have been impregnated with tea, they can still be detected by testing!

What's more, the only one who passed on the jeans today is Isohaizo.

"I see. Yokozo couldn't help but nod.

Immediately, when Shiro Kawabata hadn't reacted yet.

Yokozo Shigego had already strode to Shiro Kawabata's side, and picked up Shiro Kawabata's tissue without the slightest pause.

When I picked it up, I saw that there was a bluish dye with obvious traces on it!

"Since this towel is still in front of Mr. Kawabata, then it is enough to prove that Mr. Kawabata is the murderer!"

Yokozo Shigego stared at Shiro Kawabata who was already breaking out in a cold sweat with serious eyes.

Looking at that look, it was as if he could take out the handcuffs and put them on Shiro Kawabata in the next second.......

"No, in fact, this towel is not the most powerful proof that Mr. Kawabata is the murderer!"

Conan subconsciously shook his head and retorted in a serious and serious tone.

"Huh?" Shigego Yokozo turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro in some astonishment.

What the hell? It was Kogoro Mori who came up with the evidence.

Outcome....... It's still him who denies it, is this playing with himself?

Maolilan, who was already drowsy, also woke up a lot.

Looking at Henggou Chongwu, who had squeezed his fist, Mao Lilan's mind couldn't help but remember what Ye Fei had said before. []

Mori Kogoro's reasoning habits are really bad.......

I have to say that Maolilan has indeed never paid attention to this problem before.

But since Ye Fei said it.

Every time Mori Kogoro solves a case, Mori Ran can't help but pay attention to this.

It turns out that many of Mori Kogoro's reasoning habits are really damn bad!

It's also the character of the former police officer Twilight..... Two..

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