"As a filmmaker, I have to admit your devilish precepts. "

"But if someone like me were to believe in the existence of gods and demons, it would be impossible for them to believe in the existence of gods and demons!"

After saying this, Shiro Kawabata was taken away by Yokomizo Shigego.

Ye Fei couldn't help but touch his chin and turned his head to look at Sakurai Nuo.

As if thinking of something, Ye Fei suddenly smiled.

Leaned into Sakurai's ear and asked, "Sister, do you want angels?"

Ye Fei's eyes rolled for a moment, and he glanced in the direction of Mao Lilan.

It's probably been supported long enough, and at this time Maolilan has fallen asleep on the table....

"What angel?" Sakurai's eyes narrowed.

He immediately glanced Ye Fei up and down, and suddenly hooked Ye Fei's chin with his index finger.

Said with a smile: 23 "It's enough for my sister to have a little devil." "

"Xiaonuo, are you teasing Ye Fei?"

Judy, who withdrew her gaze from Conan's body, just happened to see this scene and couldn't help but tease.

"yes, flirtatious. "

Sakurai Nuo blinked and said meaningfully.

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, and then blushed directly......

"No, don't be kidding. "

After speaking, Ye Fei looked away from himself.

Sakurai Nuo put on a reluctant look, and said directly close to Ye Fei's ear.

"Stinky brother, you're really going to beat a rake!"

Judy didn't hear this clearly, and thought that Sakurai Nuo was talking about something flirtatious.......

I couldn't help but say with a little joking in jealousy.

"Then you have to keep it a little, our Teacher Ye looks like a bully!"

"Judy, are you jealous?" Sakurai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"yes!" Judy nodded without hesitation.

But—it's hard to tell if it's a joke or a serious one.

Fortunately, Conan's words suddenly broke the atmosphere between the three.

"Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong with Sister Xiaolan?"

After Conan put away his voice changer, he immediately noticed Maorilan lying on the table.

I couldn't help but hurriedly trot over, and tentatively raised my hand to try Mao Lilan's head.

"Xiaolan has a cold, but I just got cold medicine for Xiaolan. "

"Now that the effect of the medicine has come up, it's almost fine to wake up. "

Ye Fei directly turned his head and pointed to the remaining cold medicine, and said comfortingly in a gentle tone.

It's as if the conversation with Sakurai Nuo and Judy just now doesn't exist at all.......

"Whew—that's good. Conan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Ye boy, I'm bothering you again this time. "

Maori Kogoro also "woke up".

After briefly checking Mao Lilan's state, he thanked Ye Fei with a serious expression.

"Nothing, as it should be. Ye Fei waved his hand slightly.

Immediately, he said with a little hesitation.

"I've had a lot of colds lately, so I'm still going to be careful and pay more attention to my state. "

"It's that I didn't notice Xiaolan's abnormality. Maori Kogoro said with some annoyance.

"Do you need me to find a car to take you back?" Ye Fei asked tentatively.

"No, I'm actually renting a car. "

Mori Kogoro shook his head slightly, thinking that he would go back sooner.

"Good. Ye Fei nodded. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Subsequently, the two sides directly prepared to leave.

When I came out to eat, it was still noon.

ate a meal, plus an unexpected murder -

It's already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and the rain outside has stopped.

Ye Fei first sent Judy to Judy's apartment, and politely declined Judy's invitation to go up for a cup of tea.

It's just that what Ye Fei didn't expect was when Ye Fei was about to drive Sakurai Nuo away.

Judy suddenly "quietly" leaned over the driver's window and knocked on the window.

shouted: "Ye Fei-"

"Huh?" Ye Fei raised his hand and rolled down the window.

Puzzled, he asked, "Did Judy-sensei leave something behind?"

"No, it's just a little curious. "

Judy asked with a smile as she shook her fingers.

"Look at Ye Fei, you are quite familiar with Mr. Maoli 240, so I want to ask. "

"When Mr. Maori solved the case before, did Conan always follow him?"

Ye Fei couldn't help blinking his eyes and said thoughtfully. []

"Probably not, after all, Mr. Mori is a detective, but Conan still has to go to school......."

"But—I've been in a situation a few times before when Mr. Maori solved a case, and Conan was there. "

"This is also normal, after all, Conan is now living at Mr. Maori's house. "

"What, does Mr. Judy have any commission that she wants to give to Mr. Maori?"

"It's not .......," Judy subconsciously wanted to deny.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Judy nodded slightly.

"There's no commission right now, but—"

"After all, I haven't been here for a long time, so if I need to, I might ask Mr. Mori for help. "

"Find out in advance, you can be considered prepared!".

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