Sesshomaru suddenly remembered that he seemed to be running the live broadcast, so wasn't all the previous events seen?

  Downcast at the speed of light!

  I can already imagine what these unscrupulous people in the chat skirt will say! .

Chapter 197

  Card Draw Master: [The next broadcast is really fast...]

  Qiu Zixi: [Aren't you trying to destroy him all the time? 】

  Card Draw Master: [What does this have to do with me, I didn't say anything! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Don't you like broken mouth the most? 】

  Card drawing master: [Except for saying it a few times on your women's clothes, it seems that there is no other time, but then again, they also said it? 】

  Women's clothing again!

  Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth, and his heart was hot.

  This bastard.

  To mention this again.

  Women's clothing can't go away, can it?

  Forever eighteen years old: [This guy has brought things to us again, and it really deserves to be you! 】

  Goddess of Wisdom: [I didn't say this, I never said about Uchiha Madara's women's clothes! 】

  If everyone else may have said more or less.

  But Aqua can guarantee that she never said anything.

  Don't take the blame for yourself.

  Card Draw Master: [Didn't you say it now? 】

  Goddess of Wisdom: [...]

  Good guy, this goddess of wisdom is really full of wisdom.

  The crowd groaned for a while.

  She was directly turned against the army by Bai Ye. Seeing her like this, she seemed to be very proud before.

  I'm speechless now.

  Fairy Queen: [Speaking of which, may I ask, what would happen if the plot was changed? 】

  Erza has been diving for a long time, and she was going to take a good look at what was going on in this place.

  As a result, I waited until I was about to perform the task, but I still did not find a specific way.

  According to the plot, her action this time was a success.

  Is that to modify the plot to be unsuccessful?

  Forever eighteen years old: [Mainly depends on where your plot is currently progressing. 】

  Qiu Zixi: [Erza, are you already at the beginning of the plot? 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Is another newcomer about to take off? 】

  Be my son: [Take off! 】

  Card drawing master: [I'm so envious, I didn't expect someone to earn points again, newcomers are familiar with me! 】

  Newbie Village Chief: [The worst thing is that the newcomer has been targeted by Bai Ye. 】

  Every time a new person is targeted by Bai Ye, it is estimated that the points will be gone.

  This is obvious to all.

  Having said that, this newcomer is really pitiful. After the points, it is estimated that he will spend it in his pocket.

  Kaisha is Bichi: [Don't say anything else about this guy, the card draw is really a red chicken. 】

  Prairie scientist: [I feel that Bai Ye is not bad. My points are all drawn by lottery. He said that as long as I ask him to draw a lottery, he will give me extra mutton! 】

  Meow: [So you asked the boss to smoke all of them? 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Come on, another poor child! 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [It turns out that mutton can trick Big Wolf to draw cards, how come I didn't expect such a good thing? 】

  Qiu Zixi: [You also have a card? 】

  This is not the point, the point is to have your own card.

  If you don't have a card, that's a haircut.

  Card drawing master: [This is an extra bonus for drawing cards, why is it called a scammer? You can also ask me to draw cards to give you some benefits in the future, such as giving you some oil and noodles! 】

  Bai Ye felt that there must be some misunderstanding.

  Otherwise, how can they think that they are cheating too much wolf.

  This is absolutely nothing.

  I also gave some small benefits between my card draws.

  Such a conscientious boss, it is estimated that you will never meet him?

  Qiu Zixi: [Thank you, you really have a conscience...]

  Forever eighteen years old: [Just give this? 】

  Yakumo Zi felt that these things had no effect on him.

  It's better not to send it, looking at these messy things, thinking about the rubbish that you have drawn with your card.

  Yakumo Zi felt bad for a while.

  Card Draw Master: [What?Are you going to send me to you? 】

  Qiu Zixi: [Yo, it’s started, it’s started! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [At this moment, let's come to Aite @call me the queen, now I really want to hear this person's thoughts! 】

  Call me the Queen: [...]

  Estes narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling uncomfortable for a while.

  Open the private chat interface, and then find Bai Ye: [I'll find you later! 】

  Scalp tingling.

  Bai Ye didn't expect Esdes to come over.

  Then his own affairs are exposed.

  It also confirmed Thor's previous conjecture.

  [Cough cough, then I will go to find you next time, there is still something to do tomorrow...]

  [And I feel sorry for letting you spend your points here. 】

  Bai Ye quickly found an excuse.

  If I had known earlier, I wouldn't say hi in the skirt.

  Well now, Esdes seems to be on fire.

  [Well, come here early. 】

  Esdes bit his lip, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

  Lying on the bed weakly, I thought to myself unconsciously.

  Maybe it's because he's not around.

  After all, a love that spans a world.

  It's still a long way off.

  I really have no money: [Yo, the person is gone, did he slip away? 】

  Be my son: [Goo la la la la, how could Brother Bai Ye, he is not afraid! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [So he is brave? 】

  Qiu Zixi: [Is he super brave? 】

  Card Draw Master: [I'm going, I just disappeared for a while, so you arranged me like this?Is there a problem with the newbie? 】

  Bai Ye quickly changed the subject.

  Can't let them talk anymore.

  If I go on, it may be that Esdes will come over immediately.

  Fairy Queen: [I thought you forgot about me...]

  Erza had been spying on the screen before.

  Seeing that they are talking about other things, it is not good to interrupt, or not to interrupt.

  So, she thought about waiting for a while after they chatted more or less.

  Ask yourself again, it's tomorrow anyway.

  And she could wait.

  Qiu Zixi: [Cough, it's all because of that guy for interrupting, otherwise how could we forget! 】

  Card Draw Master: [What do you mean by interrupting, you black pot will deduct it for me, Erza, you can directly say what stage of the plot you are in, and we will analyze it for you. 】

  I want to modify the plot.

  Then you must know the time period that Erza is currently in.

  After she entered the skirt, she never said what stage she was currently in.

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