If it is a child, that can change relatively more.

  If it was the beginning of the plot, there were also quite a few.

  As for the later stage, there is no way, there is not much that can be changed at this time.

  Fairy Queen: [It happened not long after the plot started, and it was also the Iron Forest incident. 】

  According to the plot.

  This time she went back to the Iron Forest.

  Because in Fairy Tail, Natsu has already found Lucy.

  On the way, I heard that the man who called himself a fire dragon was swindling and deceiving under the banner of Fairy Tail.

  Natsu turned back to the man who called himself a fire dragon.

  Once again, he indirectly rescued Lucy, who was abducted here again.

  Natsu and Lucy fight against a man who calls himself a fire dragon, and almost destroys the port of Harrugion.

  After the soldiers of the Magic Council were dispatched, Natsu ran with Lucy quickly, and then introduced Lucy to the Fairy Tail Guild.

  And Natsu and Lucy have also completed the mission of the sunrise.

  This time, Erza invited Natsu and Gray to go on a mission together.

  Secretly search for the Ocarina of the Damned Lullaby, trying to assassinate the guild leader who is holding a routine meeting in the town of Koloba.

  Erza is overheard by a group of people discussing in the tavern.

  Erza returns to the guild and gathers Natsu and others to form the strongest team to hunt them down.

  According to the original book, because of Natsu's old problems, he took the train again.

  Accidentally bumped into Kagayama to see the Ocarina of the Damned, and Eli Gore feared that the plan would be thwarted.

  Trapped Natsu and the others at Oshibana Station with the help of the Iron Forest minions and the Wind Wall.

  After some hard work and the help of Protoss, they finally defeated Eli Gore.

  However, due to his negligence, Kajayama took away the Flute of the Cursed, and Kajayama couldn't get down to anger the beast that was sealed in the flute.

  After another battle, the monster was finally defeated.

  However, Natsu and others inadvertently razed the regular meeting place to the ground.

  In the end, only the missing members of the Iron Forest were arrested except for Eli Gore.

  It looked as if they were all victorious for the end.

  So Erza is very difficult to start.

  Card Draw Master: [If this is the case, then the knight change is also very simple. 】

  Fairy Queen: [It's very simple? 】

  A strange look flashed in Erza's eyes.

  Wouldn't it really be to modify the task to be unfinished, or to let someone else complete the task?

  Card drawing master: [As long as a newcomer has just joined, and is exposed to changing the plot for the first time, you actually have a bit of a twist in your mind. Did you make a mistake?If you make up for your mistakes and complete the task at a time when it shouldn't be done, isn't that also considered you to complete the task? 】

  Bai Ye's reminder made Erza suddenly realize.

  It turns out that she has always been confined to the plot, so it is a bit of an affair.

  In fact, the plot ended early, which is not a change.

  Besides, what Bai Ye said was no problem.

  Before, they had some problems in the middle, although they still completed the task.

  But the middle can be a little more perfect, as long as all these details are dealt with.

  There's always a reward, right?

  Thinking about it like this, my thoughts became a lot clearer all of a sudden.

  Ninja Dance King: [This truth is correct, although he is a profiteer, he can still believe what he said! 】

  Card drawing master: [Damn, it's not like you didn't draw good things before, but what about your magical girl limit?Don't wear it? 】

  Ninja Dance King: [I'm special! ! ! 】

  He had thought this was the end of the matter.

  He was fooled by him.

  As a result, it was brought up by Bai Ye again.

  It's a bit painful to think about.

  If this guy doesn't bring this up, he can't get over that hurdle, right?

  Keisha is Bichi: [Yesterday, I seem to have seen Madara draw the Magical Girl limit, right? 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [You read that right, Madam Ban picked this up. When will you wear it, it will be an eye-opener for us! 】

  The village chief of Novice Village: [This time, it is directly limited to Magical Girls. I always feel that this card draw is a bit targeted! 】

  Card drawing master: [Let me explain first, I can't arrange anything for the cards, don't give me the black pot! 】

  Bai Ye needs to make a statement.

  The things drawn from this card are not something that can be arranged by oneself.

  So, everything they can draw depends on their own luck.

  Just like this magical girl, who would have thought that he could still draw such a suit.

  Prairie Inventor: [Speaking of all of you have changed, I feel that I have nothing to change the plot. 】

  In most of the plots, Big Big Wolf is a battle of wits and bravery with sheep.

  Once you catch those sheep and eat them, you will have no chance to change. (Zhao is good)

  I always feel that this world is somewhat lacking in plot.

  Although there are many episodes, but without watching it, you will know what happened next.

  Card drawing master: [It's okay, you can sell inventions, not to mention that you are already invincible in that world, it's good to have mutton to eat. 】

  In the funny show, the big gray wolf will not die.

  It can just do inventions, there is no need to care so much.

  Prairie Inventor: [It seems to be the same thing...]

  If you think about it this way, it seems to be the case.

  Fairy Queen: [Thank you very much for your guidance, I will go down first...]

  Seeing that there is nothing to do, Erza also decided to go offline at this time.

  I didn't know what to talk about, and I always felt that I couldn't fit into the topic.

  Maybe it's because of my personality.

  Erza sighed in her heart, she was not a gregarious person at all, and she couldn't keep chatting with other people.

  In Fairy Tail, he belongs to the kind of person who speaks less and does more.

  Qiu Zixi: [That reminds you, if you change the plot, you need to live broadcast to get points. 】

  As the skirt owner, Qiu Zixi felt the need to remind the newcomer.

  In the case of not live broadcast, changing the plot will not count as a change.

  This is also a rule that only existed after the chat skirt was upgraded.

  Fairy Queen: [Hmm, I see, thank you, I will broadcast live when the mission starts. 】

  She herself asked this for points.

  If it's live broadcast... I feel like this is really a bit embarrassing...

  First time doing this. .

Chapter 198

  But after it was finalized, Erza felt that she was only being watched by others to perform her mission.

  It's not that she hasn't seen others like this before.

  They live stream just to see how those people change the plot.

  So Erza was not too nervous.

  She is not an introvert by herself.

  Qiu Zixi: [I really envy those of you who can change the plot and earn points. Unlike me, there have been no newcomers for a long time, and my points will be gone. 】

  She was also a little emotional at this time.

  If it weren't for this skirt owner's benefit and frequent trips to other worlds to get points.

  She felt that she would only be pulled faster and faster.

  Card drawing master: [If I remember correctly, doesn't your world say that killing monsters will give you points? Are you not happy? 】

  Bai Ye felt that as long as he had enough strength, Qiu Zixi's world would definitely be cool.

  What's there to complain about.

  Don't you want to show off?

  Bai Ye felt as if there was such a possibility.

  Qiu Zixi: [What are you thinking, it belongs to your group of dog bosses. Isn't my strength here just to die. 】

  She didn't dare to be arrogant, the world itself was not as simple as she thought.

  If you mess around a bit, you may be taken away by a wave.

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