It is because of Inuyasha that he hates all half-demon.

  But it's not right!

  Didn't Master Sesshomaru not kill Inuyasha last time?

  This is very contradictory.

  and many more!

  It may be because of the relationship with the master.

  There was a brainstorm in Xie Jian's mind, and he finally came up with an explanation that he thought was very reliable.

  Because Sesshomaru hates Inuyasha, but Inuyasha is the son of his father, thinking of the father and son's love, so he left him alive, but the other half demons are not so lucky.

  "Grandpa Xie Jian, let's go."

  Ling waved at Xie Jian from a distance, and when Xie Jian was thinking about it, they had already left for a long time.

  Seeing this, Xie Jian quickly ran over.

  "Master Sesshomaru, don't leave me!"

  This Nima is not waiting for her.

  If he flew away later, wouldn't he be directly abandoned?

  Leaving the large group of people in front of them staring at each other, they didn't know what to do.

  "Father, what should we do now?"

  Coral looked at the back of Sesshomaru leaving, she couldn't figure out why he didn't kill them.

  But now is not the time to think about that either.

  Through the previous things, she is also very clear that everything here is a conspiracy.

  "Go back quickly!"

  The middle-aged man's face was a little gloomy.

  It always feels that this time is a conspiracy against their demon village.

  But no matter what, you still have to go back and see what is going on.

  The village should be fine...

  The purpose of this monster is unknown.

  But it is certain that if there is no demon slayer in the village now, if they don't go back, there will definitely be problems.


  The two brothers and sisters of Coral Amber looked at each other, including everyone from the Demon Slayer Village who came out with them.

  He quickly followed the footsteps and prepared to go back and have a look.

  Their family members are still in the Demon Slayer Village.

  There must be no surprises there!


  "Master Sesshomaru, where are we going now?"

  The evil view, who had finally caught up with Sesshomaru, was relieved at this time.

  Almost dropped?

  Recently, I always feel that Master Sesshomaru is very strange recently.

  Can't understand it at all.


  Without speaking, Sesshomaru simply ignored him at this time.

  The evil view is about to cry.

  You really have no face at all.

  But he comforted himself in his heart.

  It feels like this is not much different from before, anyway, it is the same for anyone who asks.

  Master Sesshomaru's character itself is like this. He has followed Sesshomaru for so long, how could he not know about this kind of thing?

  "Master Sesshomaru, where are we going?"

  Seeing Xie Jian like this, Ling also asked weakly at this time.

  In fact, she was also curious, where Sesshomaru was going to take them.

  Every day I walk aimlessly like this, always with nowhere to go.

  "Ling yo, you are really too young!!"

  Seeing this situation, Xie Jian couldn't help but snicker in his heart.

  She just joined this, so she probably doesn't know the character of Master Sesshomaru.

  Since he doesn't want to speak, he definitely won't speak.

  Even if it's someone else's guess, it won't work.

  "Go find Naruto!"


  Got it wrong!

  You must have heard it wrong.

  Xie Jian felt that his heart was broken in an instant.

  Why didn't I speak here, I answered directly when I arrived at Ling.

  Not right!

  Are you dreaming and haven't woken up yet?

  The wrong view must be the reason.

  How else can this be explained?

  That's right!

  It must be so!

  The reverse-haired Jie Luo at the side also covered his mouth and laughed.

  Exactly as I thought.

  Sesshomaru likes this little girl very much.

  I really didn't expect that the famous big monster would actually like a little human girl.

  Going down the same path as his father?

  Card Draw Master: [Pfft, is this the double-standard behavior of Sesshomaru? 】

  Bai Ye almost didn't laugh when he saw this scene.

  Although I knew in my heart that this would be the case, after seeing Xie Jian's stunned expression, he couldn't help laughing.

  This guy is probably doubting his life.

  After following Sesshomaru for so long, I thought I knew each other very well, but in fact, Sesshomaru just didn't want to pay attention to him.

  Qiu Zixi: [This is the double standard of Sesshomaru, we all understand it! 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [I learned, it turns out that my wife is different! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Isn't he good to be a single person? 】

  Madara Uchiha couldn't understand why she was looking for a woman.

  Don't you feel good about yourself?

  Be my son: [You don't understand! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Special!you understand? 】

  Uchiha Madara vomited blood, what is it that he does not understand.

  Back then, when Hakuma was not looking for a woman, it was so dashing to go out for a walk with himself every day.

  Since he found Uzumaki Mito, he has directly become a strict wife control.

  What's so good about this! ?

  Madara Uchiha is a feeling, it is better not to look for it, to be more free alone.

  Card drawing master: [Ban Ye doesn't understand love! 】

  Qiu Zixi: [What do you understand, Banye may like more power, women will only affect Banye's speed of drawing the knife! 】

  Banye who found a woman is still Banye?

  If you want to be single for a lifetime, at least you are looking for a big pillar.

  Prairie Inventor: [If you find a wife, your heart will settle down. 】

  The executioner drew his sword: [I feel reasonable in this regard! 】

  The village chief of Xinxing Village: [Two people with wives are different. 】

  I believe in science: [What is love? 】

  Card Draw Master: [I said I believed in science, but they said I didn't understand love! 】

  Qiu Zixi: [I feel that I have been connoted, haha. 】

  After saying this, a black line flashed across the face of the Moon Worship Cult Master.

  Guys, that's not talking about myself.

  "You didn't turn off the live broadcast!?"

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