"This monster in front of you will trouble you all."

  Suddenly, Naraku had a new idea.

  Sesshomaru didn't answer.

  Instead, he turned his head to look at the few people in the Demon Elimination Village.

  At this time, isn't this the time for them to appear?

  They were going to kill each other, but Sesshomaru came here.

  If that's the case, then change the plan and let them go and fight with Sesshomaru?

  However, Naraku obviously overestimated the combat effectiveness of this group of people.

  With just one move, all of them were thrown away by Sesshomaru.

  His goal is to kill Naraku.

  Naruo, who was hiding in the back, couldn't care to hide at the moment, and immediately began to transform into the main body and prepare to leave.

  "Want to go?"

  Sesshomaru pulled out his forbearance, and a lightning bolt slashed towards Naraku along with his slash.

  click... click...

  A dodge, the thunder and lightning strikes behind him have reached his eyes.

  Seeing this, Naruo hurriedly dodged, and then he was able to hide.

  But the left arm was also cut off by this slash.

  The numbness at the wound made Naraku feel unsteady for a moment and was about to fall down.

  It's been a long time, I haven't been hurt like this for a long time.

  It was really close just now, if I hadn't shifted a bit and didn't hit my heart.

  Naraku estimated that he was going to explain it here.

  He is not invincible yet, and he is only a half-demon, and his heart is likely to be destroyed if he is hit.

  Getting the thunderbolt seems to be eating away at his own demon power at this time.

  "I can't go, he's catching up!"

  Kagura estimated the speed of their escape and the speed of Sesshomaru's pursuit.

  At this rate, it is estimated that there will be no escape.

  It is impossible to escape from the big monster at all.

  "You just have to go where you are, and leave the rest alone!"

  Naruto gritted his teeth, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

  Who said he couldn't run, but he still arranged the backhand 18 below.

  All the monsters hidden under the palace were awakened by Naraku.

  Immediately after that, all the attacks of the brain hit Ling and others.

  Naluo bet that Sesshomaru would go back.

  "If the monster in the back explodes, your subordinates don't know if they will survive!"

  So many monsters exploded collectively, and Naraku didn't believe that those people could survive.

  If Sesshomaru had to kill himself, he would still have a way to escape.

  Over the years, it's not like he didn't do anything, and Naraku was full of escaping.

  He glanced coldly below.

  Sesshomaru couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

  It seems that this time, I can only watch Naraku escape.

  Ling and the others below were probably unable to stand it, so they turned around and went back down to solve the monster.

  And Naraku breathed a sigh of relief at this time, it seemed that Sesshomaru was not the cold-blooded ruthless rumored.

  Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem like he can't take advantage of this.

  Sesshomaru, who has no feelings, is the most terrifying in his opinion.

  Are even such big monsters becoming more and more humanized?

  It's really interesting...  

  Feeling relieved, Naraku, who lost her balance, fell directly to the ground, looking up at the sky with her eyes a little dazed.

  This move almost killed him.

  Even so, that thunderbolt was still destroying his own body structure and eating away at his own demon power.

  It is necessary to change a body quickly, and the monsters in the body also need to be updated.

  I didn't expect the power of that knife to be so powerful.

  Now Naraku finally understood why Sesshomaru didn't want Iron Shattered Teeth, it turned out to be because he already had a weapon that was suitable for him.

  This knife does not seem to be weaker than Iron Broken Teeth!

  Even stronger!

  Naraku, who is concerned about Inuyasha, is naturally aware of the current situation of Iron Broken Teeth.

  Just this move, he felt that there was no way to compare with Iron Broken Teeth.


  【Ding!Change the plot successfully, reward: [-] points. 】

  Although the plot has changed, it is a pity that Naraku did not die here.

  It's just a good thing to have points.

  After saying that, Sesshomaru prepared to take Ling and the others to leave.

  There is no point in continuing to stay here.

  "Why is that?"

  Before, the people of Chu Yao Village who were kicked out by Sesshomaru didn't know where they were.

  The daimyo seems to be dead, and it was a monster who controlled him before.

  They were deceived from the start.

  Although I don't know what this youkai has done to them, I can imagine that there is absolutely no good thing.

  If it weren't for the big monster in front of him chasing and killing him.

  It always feels like this time they will be directly slaughtered.

  Just thinking about it makes me shiver.

  "Master Sesshomaru, what is the origin of that monster?"

  A strange look flashed in Xie Jian's eyes.

  Why does Sesshomaru keep chasing Naraku?

  I have been following Sesshomaru all the time, but I have never seen Sesshomaru come into contact with this person.

  This is very strange.

  "A human robber turned half-demon."

  It is a collection of monsters synthesized by the magic of poison.

  The predecessor was a human robber ghost spider who did all kinds of evil.

  After trying to snatch Raksha Kansuke's position as the bandit boss, he was seriously injured by the explosives used by Kansuke, and he was thrown from the cliff.

  After being rescued by Kikyo, he was born because he loved Kikyo, dedicated his soul to youkai and merged with them.

  After he learned that Kikyo and Inuyasha fell in love, the idea of ​​monsters replaced the love of humans.

  To make Kikyo and Inuyasha turn against each other, and then use this to obtain the jade of the four souls that is completely polluted.

  A gigantic evil half-yokai formed by combining the sad human obsession with the yokai killing intent that despises human beings.

  His extraordinary demon power is unmatched, and he keeps repeating his cruel and unscrupulous acts, but the lurking human heart prevents him from achieving absolute power.

  In the original book, he almost completely got the jade of the four souls, and finally gave up the humble human heart, and is about to become a real monster.

  Of course, Sesshomaru's pursuit of Naraku is nothing but points.

  Because he is the villain in the original book, as long as he goes anywhere, there will be a plot with him.

  As long as you create different results in the original work, you will naturally have points to gain.

  This is also the reason why Sesshomaru has been chasing Naraku.

  Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone else about it.

  When chatting skirts, you can't say it directly.

  "So that's the case, but if I remember correctly, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, right?"

  Xie Jian asked weakly.

  It was as if he had never encountered this monster before.

  It doesn't seem to have much to do with them either.

  Why do I always feel that Sesshomaru seems to have always had a hard time with this half-demon?

  Is it because of the half-demon relationship?

  Inuyasha instantly appeared in Xie Jian's mind.

  If you think about it like this, it seems that there is only one explanation, why Sesshomaru keeps chasing and killing Naruo.

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