The noble son of the demon world: [Okay. 】

  It is a fool to have points and not earn it, not to mention that he is a man with a wife no matter what.

  There are many more places to use points in the future.

  Start live.

  The scene in front of Sesshomaru instantly appeared in front of Bai Ye and them.

  In front of him is the barrier where Naraku is.

  He sorted out the plot and knew that the plot should start here.

  Coral fell into Naraku's trap when he followed his father and companions on the mission of eliminating demons.

  Except for Coral, everyone present was killed by his manipulated younger brother, Amber, who was then shot to death by an arrow.

  Later, many monsters who hated the village where Coral was located were instigated by Naraku and attacked the village, causing all the villagers to be killed.

  All of a sudden, there was only Coral left in the whole village, and Naraku began to instigate Coral again, making her mistakenly think that Inuyasha was the enemy of the genocide.

  Right in front of him is the place where Narakusong is under control. First, the coral and the others encounter problems, and after that, it is the village of eliminating demons.

  He can change the plot just by coming here to disrupt things.

  "Master Sesshomaru, what are we doing here?"

  Xie Jian glanced around strangely, this is not obviously the residence of a human daimyo.

  What are they doing here?

  And when I came in before, there were also enchantments around.

  But now Sesshomaru has the ability to break open the barrier, and as a big monster, it is not too simple to hide from being discovered.

  After all, Naraku is no match for Sesshomaru at all.

  Even from the beginning to the end, Naraku basically did not dare to fight Sesshomaru head-on.

  The big monster is not just talking.

  "Just wait."

  Sesshomaru turned his head and glanced at Xie Jian, only to see that Xie Jian was going to ask something.

  But after seeing Sesshomaru's eyes, he still suppressed the thought in his heart.

  Don't question Master Sesshomaru's decision, he must have his reasons for doing so.

  Just follow along.

  Same as the original story.

  At this moment, Amber is being controlled, and everyone in the Demon Slayer Village, who doesn't know it, is facing the invitation from the daimyo here.

  In addition to Amber, the daimyo is also Naraku's puppet.

  This time, it was a conspiracy against the demon village itself.

  It's just that they were all kept in the dark.

  "Master Sesshomaru..."

  Ling looked up at Sesshomaru, always feeling that he was doing something strange.

  Haven't you heard the evil view before?

  It seems that Master Sesshomaru hates human beings...  

  In the end, he not only saved himself, but also kept himself by his side.

  And she can't understand the various operations now.

  Don't you mean you hate humans?

  How is it different from what he said.

  "Let's just look at it like this, it seems that there is a demon there..."

  Compared with the big monsters, Sesshomaru has a very mature way to hide his demonic energy.

  But Naraku is different. This guy became a monk halfway through, and he was formed by the fusion of monsters and humans.

  It is impossible to hide his demonic aura, except for the one at Bai Lingshan, Naruo's demonic energy is actually very obvious at other times.

  "There are monsters here, Naraku."


  This person, they heard Sesshomaru say something before.

  It seems that Master Sesshomaru is chasing this youkai recently.

  No wonder I found it, it turned out to be because this monster was here.

  Xie Jian was a little jealous in his heart, and he didn't know how this monster offended Master Sesshomaru.

  But he didn't think too much, since he had offended Master Sesshomaru, he must have no life!

  This is being chased by Sesshomaru!

  "Well, let's go!"

  felt it.

  Naruto is behind him.

  According to the plot in the original book, Naraku seems to be here.

  He wondered if he could kill Naraku directly this time.

  You can directly change all the following plots.

  This directly changed the whole world.

  Probably the biggest reward.

  The group walked towards the location of the daimyo.

  Soon, the group was discovered.

  Seeing the monster headed in front of him, Daimyo's pupils shrank at the moment.

  Naraku, who was controlling from the back, felt tight at the moment.

  How did Sesshomaru appear here! ?

  I don't dare to provoke this evil star now!

  "Naruo, hide in the dark and dare not come out?"

  Sesshomaru's voice was cold.

  It was so cold that even when she was hiding behind, Naraku still felt a biting chill,

  Indeed, he did not dare to appear.

  Facing Sesshomaru, if his own body appeared in front of him, Naraku would not be able to guarantee whether he would survive.

  Therefore, under the premise of ensuring his own safety, Naraku will come out to meet Sesshomaru.

  It is not yet known what Sesshomaru is going to do.

  Moreover, the unfriendly meeting last time also made Naraku dare not appear at all.

  "Fifty years ago, the Miko Kikyo rescued a wild thief spider that was severely burned.

  Although the body can't move, the ghost spider is in love with Kikyo and wants to get the jade of the four souls.

  Attract many monsters and let the monsters devour themselves.

  After gaining powerful power, the ghost spider, whose body and soul were eaten by monsters, was reborn as Half-Yunaraku. "


  After Sesshomaru explained his origins.

  He felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

  Why did Sesshomaru notice him?

  If Sesshomaru had shot before, he could still understand that it might be because of the pride of the big monster.

  But now, it seems that things have gone beyond their imagination.

  Naraku couldn't figure out why Sesshomaru would investigate so clearly about his own affairs.

  He has been keeping a low profile all these years!

  After being reborn, Naraku did not love Kikyo. In order to become a real monster, Naraku changed into Inuyasha and attacked Kikyo from behind, stealing the jade of the four souls.

  Later, he changed into Kikyo's appearance and attacked Inuyasha, making the two turn against each other.

  Both felt that they had betrayed themselves.

  Inuyasha, who thought he was betrayed by Kikyo, lost his mind and attacked the village.

  Seize the jade of the four souls that Naraku put back to the village, but the severely injured Kikyo used all her strength to seal Inuyasha.

  He also died with the jade of the four souls.

  In order to prevent the Jade of the Four Souls from falling into the hands of those with evil thoughts, Kikyo instructed her sister Feng to burn the Jade of the Four Souls together with her body.

  After the infarction, Naruto searched for the Jade of the Four Souls many times to no avail.

  If it weren't for the appearance of the Jade of the Four Souls, Naruo would not have appeared very often.

  Why did he investigate so clearly!

  Only Kikyo knew about his predecessor, and that woman was already dead.

  Looking at Naraku with an ugly face, Kagura was also a little surprised.

  This is the first time, it's this big monster called Sesshomaru again...  

Chapter 196

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