This is his own points, Uchiha Madara cursed inwardly.

  However, the bloodstain still depends on Konoha Village, and I will go there when I have time.

  But now Madara Uchiha also has his own route.

  In reality, go to Mist Ninja Village, then Orochimaru, then go to the Land of Fire to find the lunar channel, and then go directly to Konoha.

  The idea is so clear.

  As for other places, Uchiha Madara doesn't have that much time at the moment.

  I will collect these slowly when I start the Ninja World War.

  What's more, there is also a Akatsuki organization to collect.

  The various secret techniques and bloodstains in it are all good, I have to get them all and trade them to Bai Ye.

  Card drawing master: [Okay, as long as it has an effect and does not repeat itself, you can trade it to me. 】

  Now Bai Ye has more than [-] points.

  He doesn't use the points very much either.

  In short, for him, collecting now is more cost-effective than drawing cards.

  Besides, it is not impossible for him to draw. After each task is completed, the system will give him some cards.

  Now he has hoarded six elementary cards, three intermediate cards and one advanced card waiting for him to draw cards.

  It's also an alternative ten consecutive draws.

  Prairie Inventor: [Yes, I didn't read the news before, did Brother Bai Ye have anything to do with me? 】

  Grey Wolf didn't rest so early before.

  Now it doesn't have to go out to hunt every day, let alone rest so early.

  Lots of energy every day.

  As long as you make some inventions, the skirt friends can trade with themselves in the future when they need it.

  Anyway, I haven't caught a sheep in all my plots.

  If that's the case, why does he have to go catching sheep?

  It's not that I don't have sheep to eat now.

  Card Draw Master: [Do you know how to design programs?I want to ask you to design a program, which is mainly a website. 】

  Prairie Inventor: [I haven't been exposed to this kind of thing, but it shouldn't be very difficult as long as you learn it? 】

  Although I am not very good at catching sheep.

  But when it comes to inventing this piece, Gray Wolf feels that there are few opponents in the entire grassland.

  That is, the fathers of the slow sheep and the happy sheep can compare with themselves.

  But when it comes to the whimsy of inventions, you must be the first! ~

  Card drawing master: [Okay, then I will trade the U disk and the computer to you. It should be very easy for you to take a look inside. I will also send you how the website needs to be designed. I will trouble you this time. I'll give you a deposit of three sheep first...]

  Sheep are easily accessible to Bai Ye.

  After all these transactions were given to Big Wolf.

  Looking at the small monitor computer and the host in front of him, as well as the three whole sheep beside him.

  Gray Wolf was moved for a while. ,

  After joining the skirt chat, I really lived a lot more chic than before.

  Prairie Inventor: [I'll watch it later, and I'll get it for you after reading it! 】

  Card Draw Master: [It's okay, I'm not in a hurry. 】

  Grey Wolf looked at the time, although it was very late, he decided to get it out for Bai Ye as soon as possible.

  Looking at Quanyang next to him, he quickly shouted to the next room: "Wife, come and see what I have here!"


  The voice of the red wolf came from the other side.

  Immediately afterwards, the red wolf came over with Xiao Huihui, and after seeing the three whole sheep on the ground, the red wolf's eyes lit up instantly, and the whole wolf asked a little excitedly: "Husband , this one has three more!?"

  The previous one had already been eaten.

  She also had a lot of aftertastes. She didn't expect how long it had passed, and as a result, three more came.

  "En! My friend asked me to design something for me in advance, and I will design more after that!"

  Speaking of which, a hint of pride flashed across the face of Big Gray Wolf.

  Can you no longer say that your own inventions are useless?

  After listening to Hui Tailang's words, Red Tailang's eyes lit up, and then looked at Hui Tailang with a hint of flattery, and there was some joy in his tone: "Husband, you are really great, you should first figure out not to let your friend wait in a hurry. , I'll go make you some supper!"

  This friend was so generous, Red Wolf felt that he could not offend the other party.

  "Well, let's go."

  It happened that he was also a little hungry, and Big Wolf nodded, feeling that his status in the family was getting higher and higher.

  The Red Wolf was not at all dissatisfied, and happily stored two of them in a very safe place.

  Then the other one was brought into the kitchen.

  Going to have lamb again tonight.

  Hey, I seem to have gained a bit of weight recently...

  Although Red Wolf had some complaints in his heart, the joy on his face could not be concealed.

  While humming a song, he happily handled the whole sheep in front of him.

  How to make this tonight, really confused!

  On Bai Ye's side, after solving this matter, they chatted for a while in the chat skirt.

  Then off the assembly line ready to rest.

  the next day.

  Bai Ye was called by Thor early, and looked at Chuixue who was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, Bai Ye couldn't help but waved his hand and said hello: "Morning, I didn't expect you to come so early... ..”

  Before, he had promised Fubuki to deal with Fujiang with her.

  When Fubuki thought about this, he didn't sleep all night last night.

  Today, when Thor got up, she came directly.

  Finish this task as soon as possible, and the task can be handed over as soon as possible.

  "good morning teacher."

  "Well, wait for me for a while, and we'll go out after breakfast."

  I feel that Fubuki seems to be getting more and more polite recently, but it's always a little strange just looking at himself.

  After dinner, Bai Ye and Fubuki were about to go out.

  Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Eiri who were standing outside the door ready to knock on the door, the four were stunned for a moment.

  "You are looking for me?"

  "Well, is there something wrong with Bai Yejun?"

  "Yes, what's the matter with you?"

  Bai Ye asked curiously.

  The two came to look for themselves early in the morning. Could it be the unknown thing last time?

  "It's not a matter of urgency. If Bai Ye-jun has something to deal with first, we can just wait here for you to come back."

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while, and felt that it would be better for Bai Ye to deal with his own affairs first.

  "it is good."

  Bai Ye thought about it, and since that was the case, he went to deal with Fujiang first, and then came back to chat slowly. .

Chapter 153

  "Teacher, this is the information I recently found about Fujiang, take a look."

  Fubuki handed over the information in his hands to Bai Ye.

  In the past few days, Fubuki has not been idle.

  Got some intel from Tornado.

  Although not much is known about Fujiang, it is not a secret that no one knows.

  In this world full of legends.

  As long as it is beyond cognition, it will be recorded.

  This is the information that Fubuki can get.

  "No, as long as you know that Fujiang can be directly burned to death, I can take you there to find it directly."

  Bai Ye waved his hand.

  I have my own position about Fujiang.

  It is very simple to find Fujiang, and Bai Ye knows what these information are without looking at them.

  I guess even less than I know.

  "Okay, what should we do now, teacher?"

  Since you don't even read the information, how can you find Fujiang?

  She has investigated during this time that there are so many rich rivers, but she estimates that there should not be only so many.

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