"I'll take you."

  According to the coordinates, Bai Ye took Fubuki to an abandoned steel factory.

  Looking at this scene.

  Fubuki was shocked.

  There are a lot of rich rivers here...

  "Teacher this?"

  "It seems that other forces are also eyeing Fujiang, let's wait and see here."

  Bai Ye was not in a hurry.

  He hadn't looked at Fujiang's coordinates in the past few days.

  Now they are all concentrated.

  There are even quite a few rushing towards this side.

  There are many people in black robes who are guarding around.

  and many more!

  After seeing the embroidery on the robes of the black-robed people in Bai Ye.

  In an instant, the mission of the train to hell sounded in my mind.

  seems to be the same as them...

  A gang! ?

  "What's wrong with you, teacher?"

  As if feeling the change in Bai Ye, Fubuki glanced at him curiously.

  The teacher was a little surprised.

  Did you know each other before?

  "This group of people has met before, and I didn't expect this time to have something to do with them."

  Bai Ye is no longer in a hurry.

  Last time, the guy said harsh words to himself, saying that he had to wait by himself.

  He had waited so long, and that guy didn't bother him.

  Exactly, this time I took the initiative to find some trouble with him.

  "Then teacher, shall we wait first?"

  Looking at Bai Ye's meaning, it seems that he doesn't want to act first.

  In this case, Fubuki can't interrupt Bai Ye's plan, can he?

  She estimated that her teacher should have had a holiday with this group of people before.

  "Well, let's wait. They captured all Fujiang. The energy of this organization is really great."

  Only relying on the system radar can locate Fujiang's position.

  But they can find Fujiang directly.

  Although there is a slip through the net seems to have not been found.

  But I have to say that this group of forces is estimated to be very large here.

  "Thinking about it this way, it seems that intelligence capabilities are really the weakness of our office."

  After this incident, Bai Ye suddenly found out that their fighting power was there, and it was very high.

  But in terms of intelligence, it doesn't seem to be very strong, and we need to develop some intelligence organizations.

  Otherwise, I can't always collect all of them temporarily in the future, right?

  And I will build this website later, and I will definitely need information.

  Inexplicably, a weakness of the firm was discovered in this mission.

  Do you want to give Grey Wolf another demand?

  Suddenly you feel like you're the father of Party A?

  "Teacher, it seems that another batch has arrived."

  The two are hiding in the space, and naturally they can talk at will.

  People outside can neither hear nor see.

  Looking at Fujiang being sent in one by one.

  All Fujiang is covering his head.

  Because of her charm, no one dares to look directly at Fujiang. People here are afraid that they will be confused by Fujiang, even if they are mad believers.

  "Wait a minute, and..."."

  Follow the marked radar on the system map.

  Bai Ye saw that three more batches were being delivered here.

  Except for the one who was single, all the others were sent over.

  "and also!?"

  There was a hint of surprise on Chuixue's face, and then with a little doubt in his eyes, he turned to look at Bai Ye and asked, "Teacher, how did you know?"

  How many rich rivers can he figure out?

  Is it too buggy?

  "Don't worry, you just need to know that there are three batches left."

  Bai Ye waved his hand and looked at Chuixue's curious face, he didn't even think about explaining it.

  After all, he wouldn't say anything about the system.

  At this time, Fubuki couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

  I thought I could know something, but now it seems that I think too much.

  The teacher didn't want to tell him at all.

  But she didn't say much.

  Anyway, as long as you can complete the task, isn't it normal that the teacher doesn't want to tell you something?

  Do you have to know these things yourself?

  Fubuki looked very open.

  According to the three batches that Bai Ye said before, after the first batch, the second batch and the last batch came.

  Fukiyuki looked at the person below, even if he was wearing a hood and couldn't see his face, the fatal charm exuded from his whole body made Fukiyuki understand that it must be Tomoe.

  I had seen it before, and that kind of charm almost fell for her.

  Fortunately, she finally broke free, thinking of Bai Ye's teachings to herself on weekdays, and she had a little bit of his shadow in her heart, so Fujiang's charm also relied on this to resist.

  What's more, she is still a girl. Compared with men, Fujiang's attractiveness will definitely be weakened.

  "Does the teacher act?"

  The people had already arrived, and Fubuki was also a little excited at this time.

  What Bai Ye said was three batches, and now all three batches have come, can we do it now?

  She felt ecstasy in her heart at the thought that her task had been accomplished in such a way.

  Did your teacher already know about this?

  The teacher is really unfathomable...

  "What kind of expression do you have, and we'll wait!"

  Bai Ye glanced at Buffalo with some inexplicable surprise.

  This guy's expression seems to have an expression that is worthy of his own.

  He doesn't remember what he did.

  Please stop thinking about it!

  I always felt that if Fubuki continued to make up his mind like this, every step of his own seemed to be calculating something.

  He actually just wanted to see what these people were going to do when they grabbed Fujiang and came here.

  In the chat skirt: [Live broadcast, trip to Fujiang! 】

  Bai Ye set up the live broadcast.

  Qiu Zixi: [Wow, is this Fujiang?Are you going to fall in the night? 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [What is Fujiang? 】

  Card Draw Master: [You don't sleep during the day? 】

  Forever Eighteen: [...]

  I was sleeping, but I just set Bai Ye's special care.

  So she woke up when the live broadcast was on.

  She set special care mainly because she wanted to draw cards, and she had no other meaning at all!

  Ninja Dance King: [What the hell is Fujiang?explain? 】

  Card Draw Master: [Fujiang's words...]

  Bai Ye briefly explained the information about Fujiang.

  Then they also understood.

  Ninja Dance King: [It's the same as Orochimaru again. 】

  Qiu Zixi: [It's even more disgusting than Orochimaru! 】

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