The eyes of a group of people all turned to Bai Ye in an instant. Since he said he wants to reform, there must be a way, right? .

Chapter 152

  "It's very simple, we build a website and store all the data in the database."

  This is actually quite simple.

  Just a website can do it.

  And it could be more convenient.

  "By the way, you can also let them publish tasks on the Internet and add descriptions. The more detailed the description, the higher the priority. Those who have registered an account can choose to receive the task. Registering an account requires a real-name system to register with us."

  This method is actually similar to the mercenary guild.

  People who come to them can register for an account.

  In short, the transaction is also on their side.

  After the task is determined to be completed, the reward will be sent to the past.

  It is equivalent to saying that all tasks are combined on the network.

  The person who posted the task doesn't have to come here again.

  "So, I'm unemployed?"

  Just found such a perfect job.

  Yoshida Yuko suddenly found that if he reformed in this way, wouldn't he be equal to vision?

  Cry Qiqi.

  Yoshida Yuko was eating and drinking well here, but she didn't expect to be fired if she didn't pass a week.

  "Who said you were fired? You can be customer service at that time, and you will be required for registration, maintenance, etc..."

  There still needs to be someone here.

  You can't all go out on a mission.

  So Yoshida Yuko stayed here.

  She doesn't need much power, anyway, she will give her a contact stone in the future.

  If there is a problem, crush it and come back.


  Yoshida Yuko cried with joy and almost thought she was going to be fired.

  Fortunately, Bai Ye didn't have that plan.

  That's fine, I can eat and drink here again.

  "and then?"

  Saitama asked curiously. Although he felt that this was feasible, he felt that there were still many details that were not perfect.

  Get it out sooner if you can.

  "Then create a hierarchy. Only those who have reached the level can accept the tasks of the corresponding level, and can form a team to complete the task. The team level is directly calculated according to the team's task, how about it?"

  The more he talks, the more inspiration Bai Ye feels he is.

  Suddenly his eyes lit up, Bai Ye seemed to be thinking of something, and he looked at them a little excitedly and asked, "How about we make a standings list? Total points, monthly points, and weekly points, which can be broken down later. !"

  The inferiority of human beings is that they like to compare.

  Once there is a ranking, it will stimulate their idea of ​​​​doing the task.

  Those in the back want to go further, and those in the front want to keep their positions.

  Isn't the enthusiasm for doing this task raised?

  "It's very thoughtful, I think it's very good, Lord Bai Ye!"

  After Thor listened, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he suddenly felt that what Bai Ye said seemed to make sense.

  It's possible to do it according to him.

  Not just reducing their workload.

  Can also be a middleman.

  Now the firm of interest is very well-known here.

  As long as the information on this website is typed out, someone will definitely come here.

  And this free way.

  If you want to do a task, register an account and pick it up yourself.

  I don't want to do it and no one is forcing it.

  Then the person who posted the task can also keep their identities from being revealed.

  Various details are perfected, and it is a very mature system.


  Thor hesitated for a moment, then scratched his head, and asked with some doubts, "How do I get this website, Lord Bai Ye?"

  Everyone suddenly froze, you look at me, I look at you.

  It's all a bunch of computer idiots here.

  How could such a thing happen.

  wait...grey wolf...

  In Bai Ye's mind, the shadow of the big gray wolf instantly appeared.

  Although he didn't know whether Gray Wolf could use a computer, as long as he got in touch with it, he would probably learn it soon.

  Swap a sheep for a program.

  Both earned it!

  Thinking of this, Bai Ye said quickly, "Don't worry, I have a friend who is a scientist, so don't worry about this."

  "Bai Ye has so many friends."

  Lukoya looked at Bai Ye with a smile, and said with some emotion.

  Friends are different.

  "Then please Bai Ye!"

  Saitama didn't say anything, and subconsciously touched his head.

  Now that the thing that bothers me the most is over.

  Ready to rest.

  If you go to bed early and get up early, maybe your hair will grow back in the future?

  "Well, you go back first, I'll stay there for a while."

  Let them go down first, and Bai Ye's consciousness sinks into the chat skirt.

  Sure enough, as before, chat skirts at night are generally more lively.

  It's like the talkers all choose to haunt at night.

  As for Yakumo Zi, most of the time during the day is sleeping, only occasionally during the day, she is basically there at night.

  Card Draw Master: [@Prairie Inventor, are you there? 】

  Although I don't know if Grey Wolf is sleeping now.

  Bai Ye decided to ask first.

  If you don't sleep, you can tell it directly about yourself later.

  This can also speed up progress.

  Qiu Zixi: [Wow, rare visitor! 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [The little dragon girls who don't accompany you? 】

  What's wrong is this world: [Big Brother Bai Ye, are you still in my world? Shall we have a late night snack? 】

  Before Kaneki Ken almost forgot.

  Bai Ye did himself a big favor, but he didn't even invite him for a meal.

  There are some things that can't be said.

  So when Bai Ye appeared, he immediately asked, if he was still there, he would go have a meal together.

  Card Draw Master: [I'm gone, I'm back, there's something going on here. 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Hey, everyone, I'm going to go to the moon to do Tenseisen, and I'll show you Tensei Eyes later! 】

  I really have no money: [Can you use it? 】

  Be my son: [Gu la la la la, it can be used, after all, he is also from the Otsutsugi clan, maybe his advanced abilities can't be used, and the giant Tenseigan doesn't seem to fit in his eyes, right? 】

  If I remember correctly, the Giant Tenseisen can be used, but cannot be put into the eyes.

  Madara Uchiha has the blood of the Otsutsuki clan.

  Although it is from the lineage of the Six Paths Immortals, maybe he can use his younger brother's abilities?

  So, nothing is absolute.

  Ninja Dance King: [I don't care. If it can't be used, sell it to Bai Ye. Now he's not collecting things. Later, I will trade some blood limit for you @Drawing Master. 】

  While he is now in the Land of Water, he plans to get the bloodstains and secret techniques here first.

  It's just a pity that the blood fog policy has been launched here, and many bloodstains have disappeared.

  "Damn, Obito, this idiot!"

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