Tang En looked impatient.

But when he saw the acquaintance jumping up and down and dancing behind him, he burst out laughing.

Robin, they are coming for you! Look who it is.

Robin has actually seen that man... Spangdyne! The man who pressed the demon-slaying order and destroyed O'Hara...

Her face darkened and she said to the family:

Tang En, leave it to me this time...

The girls smiled and nodded, and Tang En also smiled and said:

Of course, as long as you like...

Hearing Tang En's agreement, Robin smiled.

Robin wore ultra-short denim hot pants today, and only wore a white and green striped short-sleeved T-shirt on his upper body, and his perfect figure could be vaguely seen.

With her short black ponytails tied at the back of her head and black lace-up high-tops worn at her feet, she looks youthful and energetic without losing her intellectual temperament.

Robin slowly walked towards the black-clad troops on the opposite side.

With every step she took, the anger in her heart grew stronger...

How can you be calm in the face of your enemy!

If it hadn't been for Tang En at that time, she couldn't even imagine what she would have become like now!

It was Tang En who brought her warmth from the cold world.

It was Tang En who saved her from grief.

It was Tang En who changed the sad life path that she should have walked.

Now, Nicole Robin is a member of the Dunn family.

She, Nicole Robin, is the wife of Whirlpool Twain!

Spandyne! You devil. Do you really want to catch me?

Robin murmured in a low voice from far away...

Looking at Spangdyne's crazy, ferocious, and ecstatic face not far away, Robin slowly lowered his head as he slowed down his pace.

Then she stopped...

And she faced hundreds of elite soldiers!

Among them, there is an extraordinary master of the six postures!

Yahahahaha! Damn it, Nico Robin! I finally caught you! Come on! Catch me alive! Yahahahaha!

Robin's face was blocked by her hair, and her current expression could not be seen clearly, but...

Robin raised his arms slightly, raised his wrists, and opened his hands as if he was grasping something...

Chapter 51 What the hell is this! ?

Facing thousands of troops, Robin remained calm and collected.

Lower your head and spread your arms slightly.

The wrist flicked slightly, with the palm facing up and the fingers slightly bent, as if something was being grasped in the hand.

Fuck me!

catch him!!!!

Robin seemed silent, just standing there quietly.

Spandyne, today...I'm here to take revenge with my own hands!


Suddenly, black flames burned on Robin's hands!

It was dark and deep, burning quietly in her hands.

Then, the black quiet flame burned along Robin's palms to her lotus-like arms. The next moment, Robin's arms transformed into flame arms...

At this time, she finally raised her head gently and looked at the countless navy rushing in front of her with bright eyes.

She used that mature and charming voice to gently spit out the name of the skill!

Amaterasu Flame·Dark Lotus Yehuo!

boom! ! ! ! !

The next moment, Robin's arms were covered in black flames, and he suddenly became violent!

Robin raised her arms flat, and the burning flames formed a huge black six-petaled lotus above her head!

And on this weird lotus, the surging black flames kept rolling outwards with terrifying waves of black fire!

This scene shocked the navy who rushed up!

Robin showed no mercy, and with a flick of his arm, he pushed out the strange lotus formed by the black flames!

The next moment, the lotus exploded under the horrified gaze of the beloved!

Boom boom boom boom!

It suddenly exploded like a miniature sun!

The black Amaterasu flames were like a wild beast emerging from its cage, sweeping away in all directions!

Swallowed all the enemies in an instant!

Ah!!!! What is this! It hurts! I...my hand! My hand is gone!!!

Ah I……

No, help! Sir, help!

Spangdine was almost as old as them and was already shocked.

He was originally as timid as a mouse, but when he saw Robin like this, he almost lost control of his lower body.

My legs were trembling and I was unsteady.

Robin opened his eyes and looked directly at him with his deep black eyes from a distance.

Around her, the inextinguishable Amaterasu flames were burning strangely, and the black flames gave Robin an even more mysterious look.

Spandyne, today is the day you die.

Spangdaine was so frightened by Robin's overwhelming momentum!

No... no, no, no, no, it's impossible! I want to be promoted, and I want to get rich! I am the commander of CP9, and I am about to enter the top management! How can you kill me! You... you, and you! You three Get her! No need to capture her alive, just kill her!


These three are the CP9 of this generation.

They are also the strongest subordinates brought by Spangdyne.

Robin looked at the three people who stood up calmly, with sparks occasionally appearing from the Amaterasu flames on his body. It also adds a touch of strong character to Robin.

CP9, a secret intelligence agency directly under the world government. The full name of the organization is CipherPolNo.9.

Every member of CP9 has surpassed human beings!

They will use all six types of navy.

Any one of them has the strength of a major general!

Since childhood, they have been competing in fierce fights, and killing their companions is commonplace.

Cold-blooded, obeying orders, this is CP9.

Without saying a word, the three of them suddenly turned into black shadows and attacked Robin!


Moon Step·Slash!

Point gun!

The three of them attacked Robin who was not moving at all from three different directions!

Spangdyne sees this! Laughing loudly!

Hahaha, damn woman, you are doomed this time! Go to hell!

Just when the three attacks were about to fall on Robin...

A strange scene appeared.

The attacks of the three people strangely passed through Robin's body, and the next moment the attacks landed on the ground nearby!


The part of Robin that was attacked turned into black Amaterasu, and then returned to its original state!

No...impossible! It's actually a natural fruit!

Ah!!!!!! You damn woman, you actually have a natural devil fruit!! Damn it!

Use sea floor stone!


The three men took out various sea-stone weapons and attacked Robin again.

The Tang En family outside the battlefield.

When Tang En saw this scene, there was a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

If I can make Hailoushi restrained, then why should I spend so much time on it?


Hailoushi's weapon also passed through Robin's body without causing even a trace of damage.

The faces of the three CP9 members who have been in cold storage this time also fluctuated!

This is impossible!

Spangdine even knelt directly on the ground.

I...I...what did I see? How is it possible! Hailou Stone can't even touch her body?

Yes...that's right! Haki!!!! Attack her with Haki!

Tang En smiled...

Domineering, you know Robin, right? What's more, do you really think Robin's strength is like this?

Spandyne, that's it for now. I won't waste time with you. My family is still waiting for me. Kill you all in one strike!

With that said, Robin gave a light drink!

She easily jumped into the sky, but she violated the rules and did not fall down.

He looked down at the stunned CP9 trio.

Take the move!

Robin crossed his arms fiercely in front of him, and his black twin pony tails floated behind his head!

The majestic black Amaterasu flames came out from the body! In an instant, Robin's voice covered Robin's voice!

Robin's entire body was wrapped in Amaterasu flames and turned into a cross!

The cross is getting bigger! At the same time, the black cross seemed to gradually solidify!

If you look carefully, you will see mysterious golden runes carved on it, and they flow slowly.

From far away, one can feel the power of its shape that seems to be able to destroy everything.

Not to mention the four people who bore the brunt!

With Robin's attack, even Spangdine was within the range of her attack!

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