For the scholars and residents of O'Hara, Spandyne, go to hell to atone for your sins!

Amaterasu Flame·Darkness·Star Cross!

No sound...

Under this sky, there is only a strange black singularity left...

It seems like all the light has been swallowed up by it!

The time may have passed for a second, or it may have been an hour...

But in the next second! This tiny cross suddenly began to expand!

Under the gaze of the three CP9 people, Spangdain was horrified, his heart was shaking, his face was twisted, and his eyes were bulging! ! !

100 meters, 200 meters, 1000 meters, 5000 meters, 10000 meters!

In an instant, several people were swallowed up by darkness without even screaming! There's not even a scum left...

This is not over yet! The scope of darkness is still expanding!

All the way up to the entire mountain range is included!

From a bird's-eye view of the sky, the Tang En family saw that this space was completely covered by darkness!

One minute later...

The darkness slowly and quietly shrank, and finally disappeared into Robin's body, and then the clearing revealed its landscape...

A huge sinkhole was formed in this way.

The ground didn't look like explosive pits, but neat and smooth, as if a piece of it had been knocked off by people.

And those lands completely disappeared, or in other words, were erased!

Chapter 52 The anger from above!

North Sea, Freifans.

White town, still the same white town.

But in the northeast of it, a black sphere actually appeared!

A stark contrast to the beautiful white town...

When the black sphere shrank and finally slowly disappeared into the body of a beautiful woman floating in the sky, a terrifying sinkhole appeared on the ground.

Darkness, swallow!

This is Robin's true strength!

Even with the Taijutsu, Robin can defeat these three people, but obviously not as fast as this large AOE attack.

After all, her family is still waiting for her.

The family slowly came closer.

What's going on Robin? Do you feel a breath of bad breath?

Huh... I feel much better, Spangdyne the villain.

Tang En looked at Robin who suddenly became cute in a funny way, touched her hair, and said softly:

Although Spangdyne is hateful, he is just a pawn. The real masterminds behind the scenes are the people above. They are afraid that outsiders will know what the blank 100 years of history is like and how the 20 royal families created the present. The world's ZF, and who are their enemies? I'm actually very interested in all of this.

It's rare that you are also interested in history.

Hey, Nana, I am very knowledgeable and talented, okay!?

Are you a liar?


Everything is done. We should have been lying on the beach chairs enjoying the sea breeze by this time, but it turned out to be such a funny joke.

Tang En...yes, I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Robin lowered his head in embarrassment and wrung his fingers with his hands.

What are you talking about, Robin, we are a family, and besides, this is not a problem.

Okay! Let's go back! There is still one fruit left, and Hancock can improve his strength!

Yeah, go home! I need to take a good bath. Although I have an energy shield, I feel uncomfortable all over if I don't take a shower for a day... wrong with you!

Leave me alone!

Facing the setting sun, the shadow of the family stretched out very long, noisily and happily, they walked towards the beach...

Three months later…

Holy Land Marie Joa, World Government Office Building.


Asshole! It's been destroyed over and over again. Who is it that's stepping on the horse?

Lao Wu, he shouldn't be alone. Apart from Tianlong and us, there is no way that anyone else knows such secret information.

Lao Wu rubbed his forehead and replied feebly:

Yeah, that's why I'm holding my breath. I don't even know who the enemy is!? There has been no one in a ghost place like Frevans for many years. It's important that there is no leak at all about the mission we sent this time!

By the way, have you heard that the guy over there also had his hand-picked items cut off? I heard he was very angry.

Who is so brave that you even dare to steal his things?

I think it was a coincidence. If the boat hadn't capsized in the sewer this time, we wouldn't have known that he had obtained the mysterious Devil Fruit.

That thing should have sunk into the sea...

We can't go on like this. Send a message to the navy and ask them to increase the speed of destroying the pirates! In the current Grand Route, the pirates are getting stronger and stronger, but our side is at a disadvantage!

How about conscription from all over the world?

Huh? This is a good idea...




The vote was passed unanimously, very good. Pass it to Sora and let him order it to go down.

The second day.

When today's fresh newspapers are sent to all parts of the world, people all over the world will know!

The Navy is recruiting troops from all over the world!

This is big news!

This has never happened before in all the years since the navy was established!

Anyone with a keen sense of smell noticed something from this message.

New world.

Dad!!! Dad's news today is incredible!

Marco, what's going on! Ku la la la.

Dad, look at this news!

With that said, Marco handed over the newspaper.

Whitebeard glanced at it and then laughed!

Ku la la la la, it seems that this boy from the Warring States Period can no longer bear it, huh? In this great era, anyone who blocks the advancement of history will be crushed!

Likewise, Red Hair, Kaido, and Big Mom all received the news.

But everyone reacts differently.

The red-haired man was still very calm, but he noticed something, so he chose to look for the future and gave his hope to the new era...

Auntie doesn't care...

Kaido... Destroy the world? ? ? ?

Tang En looked at the newspaper and grinned.

The situation in this world is becoming more and more chaotic. With the outbreak of the Age of Discovery in recent years, the number of pirates has doubled exponentially, which is simply terrifying.

The balance between pirates and navy was broken.

Even if the world's government and navy use a trick to fight fire with fire, taking advantage of the pirates' weakness and poaching several big pirates to become the king of the Shichibukai, this cannot stop people from becoming pirates for treasure, power, and honor.

But...the reality is so cruel. There is only one throne. Who will sit on it?

And when you go through a lot of hardships, countless setbacks, difficulties and obstacles, finally break through the siege, and sit on it proudly, you realize that there is a group of people above you!

The expression at that time must have been wonderful, right?

When Tang En thought of this, he smiled mysteriously, and his eyes were looking in the direction of Holy Land Mary Joa.

These Tianlong people seem to have a strict internal hierarchy, with some idiots and nobles...

Tang En, what are you thinking about? You are smiling so...

Hearing the sound, Tang En turned around.

Hancock? Why didn't you practice?

Don't I look like you! My sisters are all in the living room. Why did you come to the deck alone? The wind is so strong today, why don't you go in!

Hancock pouted, raised his head and looked at Tang En dissatisfied.

Tang En couldn't help but pinch her red 3.8 cheeks and laughed.

Oh, my Hancock, are you caring about me?

I...hum! I'm ignoring you!

Hancock made Tang En's face turn red in an instant, twisted around and ran away...

Tsk tsk... I really didn't realize that Hancock still has the potential to be so shy.

Tang En shook his head to one side and walked towards the cabin.

Although the wind and waves were very strong today, the huge waves and strong winds were beating against the huge Leisurely. It could not even tilt at all, and it was as stable as a rock.

Although its body is extremely huge and made of steel, the beauty of this technology cannot be ignored!

Especially in this world!

Although the Leisure is protected from the impact of the waves, it does not represent other ships.

Chapter 53 The battle ahead

The leisurely ship, returning from the North Sea, is sailing smoothly on the sea. The environment is harsh, the climate is weird, the magnetic field is changeable, and the great sea route where people die at every turn seems to be empty. It is like being on vacation.

Of course, this is only for black technology that is huge and beyond this world.

For local pirate ships and warships that use sailboats as their main power...

Or it might be a disaster. In the first half of the Grand Line, only a few people can pass through many obstacles from the Upside Down Mountain and finally reach the terminal of the first half.

Of course, for the huge warships of the Navy, it may be slightly easier.

But it’s not easy, like meeting pirates...

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