This is a natural underground cave.

And some mysterious ores emerged from the cave floor, reflecting a bright luster under the energy shield.

After everyone landed, they looked at this mysterious underground cave.

No wonder no one has discovered it for thousands of years. With the technology and spiritual power of this world, this is not very surprising.

The family spread out, admiring and sighing.

Kaguya knelt down and stared at the mysterious ores.

Twain, is this what we need?

Well... being so close, you must have felt it. These ores contain powerful natural energy. If you have to give it a name, how about natural energy crystal ore?

Natural energy crystal mine? A very direct name. According to biology, since such rare treasures can be gathered and produced here, there must be half-life products or auxiliary products that are comparable to them.

Tang En chuckled. He said to the wives:

Look there.

Following the direction Tang En pointed, everyone looked over.

There was a dark passage ahead, and a sapphire blue light could be vaguely seen on the other side of the passage.

Following Tang En, the family walked over.

When I walked out of the passage, my eyes suddenly opened up!

Where have you seen this...this form before?

Everyone walked out of the passage and stood on a cliff.

Below, there is a large irregular circular pit in the shape of a funnel.

In the center of the middle funnel, there is a small sapling that is not very thick. What is strange is that what grows on this tree are not ordinary leaves, but delicate sapphire-like leaves. In its most conspicuous place, it falls. There is something that everyone is very familiar with.

Devil Fruit!

The girls almost cried out in surprise at the same time!

This fruit is very unusual.

After speaking softly, Tang En's eyes suddenly changed, and the Ten World Divine Wheel Eyes appeared!

As for the women, the sacred and divine reincarnation eyes, the divine nine magatama reincarnation eyes, and the spiritual and divine reincarnation eyes also appeared one after another.

Suddenly, everyone exuded an extremely terrifying aura!

I had never seen Robin and Hancock in such a form before, and they were even more shocked!

Sisters... you... your eyes.

Ha, this is the bloodline of the Tang En family. Don't worry. When your strength reaches a certain level, you will also have your own eye skills.

At this time, Princess Kaguya said softly:

Have you discovered that in this circular irregular pit, with the fruit as the center, there is a magnetic field, which actually produces special effects. No, it is not appropriate to call it a magnetic field. The rules of the magnetic field are the same. Yes, but the effect is not the same, it seems like...

Tang En softly uttered one word:


This word describes it very accurately! My dear, I give you a thumbs up.

Tang En's mouth twitched.

In the current form of this fruit, it can passively display some of its abilities without being eaten by anyone. This shows how powerful this fruit is.

However, the attentive Mikoto still reminded her softly.

If we take away this fruit that is obviously the core, will there be any bad effects? Look at these natural energy veins below.

After hearing Mikoto's reminder, Tang En touched his chin and thought for a moment.

Anyway, let's move all these natural energy mines away first, and finally get the fruits.

This is a good idea, but Tang En, you won't let us do mining, right?

...I can just use the Sky Realm costume!

A week later, Tang En finally mined this huge piece of natural energy ore.

At first, the family thought that with Tang En's strength, it would not take long to get this mine.

However, the actual situation was beyond everyone's expectation.

This natural energy vein is surprisingly huge.

It took a full week to get it done.

And now they are at a depth of 5,000 meters below the ground...

I wonder how big this planet is? You can't even see magma at a depth of 5,000 meters.

The family didn't care at all about the hundreds of degrees of heat around them.

They only see this shiny natural energy ore.

With some natural energy, there are a lot more things we can do! Our technology tree can continue to climb up!


Then, it's the last job. I'll just go up and pick the last fruit.

After speaking, Tang En smiled softly, waved his hand, and slowly disappeared with everyone here, moving towards the large pit of the fruit.

Chapter 50 Kill the special department again

North Sea, ruins of the White Town Kingdom of Freifans.

5,000 meters underground.

The Tang En family slowly disappeared into the hollowed-out mineral vein channel.

When the family of eleven reappeared in the real world, they had reached the center of the circular pit, and in front of them was the mysterious tree bearing the Devil Fruit.

Tang En took a few steps forward and looked up at this special devil fruit.

Different from other common devil fruits, the fruit at this moment turned out to be sapphire blue. After all, the transparency was quite high, shining like a sapphire with a charming luster.

Without hesitation, Tang En raised his hand to condense a trace of his own energy and punched it into the Devil Fruit!

The next moment, the fruit suddenly brightened!

As the fruit matured, the small tree quickly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into dots of starlight and blended into the world.

The fruit fell naturally. Tang En stretched out his hand to catch it carefully and looked at it.

The miraculous fruit actually appears as a halo, which is very special.

Okay, the task is completed. As for the attributes, let's go back and study them slowly. There is no need to rush.

Let's go. I've been here for a long time.


The girls nodded.

Look away.

White Town next to Frevans 417 mineral vein.

There are actually a group of workers in black suits here who are mining the mineral veins here.

But what is strange is that a man is obviously the leader and is looking for something.

Sir, that thing was not found here.

Really? Then change to another place!


The man in black frowned, picked up the phone and dialed.

What's the matter!?

Sir, there is no such thing here. We have searched all these abandoned mining areas and there are no clues.


There was a noticeable silence on the other side of the phone.

Really, if you look carefully, this news should be correct.


After hanging up the phone, the man felt a little explosive.

When I see someone slacking off, I immediately feel unhappy!

Damn, hurry up and work for me!

Roaring and complaining:

My awesome CP9 commander, damn it, was actually sent here! Last time O'Hara incident happened, he was guaranteed a promotion and salary increase! Damn, I didn't expect a monster to show up in the middle, damn! I hate it. !”

If Tang En were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance the CP9 officer who had tricked him so much, Spangdyne.

Originally, the bright road to promotion was already in sight, but the result was unbelievable.

An entire Demon-Slaying Order fleet has been completely wiped out from the navy. Damn, someone has to take the blame for this, right?

Why? It just so happens that you are the commander, it’s you!

The result was like this, Spangdine took the blame for Tang En.

It has been almost 10 years since this happened, and Spangdyne is still sitting in the position of CP9 chief. It seems that it will take a few more years to reach the top...

at this time……

Spangdine discovered that several figures appeared strangely at the end of the street...

He thought he had seen it wrong, so he raised his arm and wiped his eyes hard!

This time he was sure that he was right! It's a real person...

There are still people coming to this scary ghost town?

I squinted my eyes and found that the only man and a woman among them looked familiar...

That is……

Thinking about it, he said to his men.

Hand me the bounty list book.

Yes, sir!

With a bang, he flipped through the wanted list and finally found one of them.

O'Hara's Demon, Son of the Demon, Nicole Robin, Bounty: **Bailey.

When Spangdine saw the words O'Hara, he immediately became excited!

He held the wanted notice with trembling hands, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and said tremblingly:

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! God can't stand it! I actually met Nico Robin in this hellish place, ha, ha ha ha ha! As long as I capture her, my promotion will be just around the corner!

For a moment, Spangdyne's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, his face was ferocious, and he roared crazily at his men!

Quick, I can dig a J8 mine! Chase me!!!! That woman in front! Nico Robin! Catch her alive!

Tap tap tap! ! ! !

The men quickly gathered together, gathered their guns and rushed forward!

The Tang En family in front, who were walking towards the beach, heard footsteps and stopped.

They turned their heads in confusion and saw a group of soldiers wearing suits, sunglasses, and black gentleman hats coming towards them menacingly!

Oh my god, how come you meet these unlucky people? The world's government is so haunted, how come you can meet them everywhere? Are you annoying!

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