The special department is indeed a special department.

Actually... I even have to tell you first about riding a horse and killing someone:

Don't move. I'm going to beat you to death?

Chapter 45 The charm of that punch

The cargo ship Sky Gold used by the world's noble Tianlong people stopped strangely on the sea.

No one knows what happened in the cabin.

In the huge warehouse, above Tang En's side, there was a strong man in sunglasses whose muscles were as if they were made of steel. He clenched his fists at shoulder level.

Even from far away, you can feel the powerful pressure emanating from him!

Now, my power is 50 times that of ordinary people!? How about it, are you afraid?

Boy, stand still and don't move! With this punch, I will beat you to a pulp!

Tang En froze there with a confused look on his face...

The echo of the man in sunglasses filled his mind.

Don't move...don't move...don't move...

The special department is indeed a special department.

Actually... I even have to tell you first about riding a horse and killing people:

Don't move. I'm going to beat you to death?

While Tang En was stunned, the man in sunglasses' explosive muscles bulged again, and his entire right arm was filled with veins!

There was a crunching sound from the fist, and the next moment, it was punched towards Tang En!

With a piercing scream, the fist seemed to break through the air, and the right arm of the man in sunglasses and suit exploded!

A ring of detonating cloud suddenly exploded!

In an instant, this explosive punch as fierce as a locomotive accurately hit Tang En on the left side of his face...


Centered on the two of them, violent air explosion clouds spread out in a ring, and the wooden cabin floor shattered!

But even this invincible punch made Tang En unable to move even one step...

The man in sunglasses is still showing a punching posture, he is already stupid...

And this punch also woke up the stunned Tang En.

...Brother, there is a saying in the world of martial arts that you have never heard of? It is okay to hit someone, but it is a rule of the martial arts world not to slap someone in the face!

Tang En turned his head and gently pushed away the huge fist of the man in sunglasses.

He shook his head and made a clicking sound.

It hurts my heart, old man.

The calm expression of the man in sunglasses finally changed!

This young man turned out to be a monster-level existence!

Return of life! 60 times the power!


Looking at the enemy who had obviously lost weight, Tang En smiled disdainfully.

Is it this trick again?

Strong people use natural strength, weak people...

Continuous Moonlight Ten Finger Gun!


The man in sunglasses had a ferocious look on his face, and before Tang En could counterattack, he launched a crazy series of attacks!

Tang En walked with dreamy steps, his body was like a dancing butterfly, and countless phantoms formed around his body, dodging all the attacks of the man in sunglasses.

Although your tricks have no effect on me, it's better to avoid them. After all, your life is not as precious as the shirt Robin gave me.

While dodging the attacks with ease, Tang En also said something that almost made the man in sunglasses vomit blood.

Grass! 70 times the power!

Six Kings Spear!

Hey, is it Sixth Form again? Do you have any thoughts!?

Tang En felt bored.

When the man in sunglasses clenched his hands into fists, Tang En lightly punched him.

As he punched slowly, Tang En whispered a word.

I heard that the Six Kings Gun also uses air cannon to increase its power, about trying this trick?

Arakui Taichi·Shen Kong Strike!

I saw Tang En's whole body emitting bright diamond-colored energy, and an ancient, vicissitudes, and vast aura penetrated out!

Then the surrounding space suddenly exploded!

The air began to vibrate violently, and a huge, delicate transparent fist began to appear in front of me out of thin air! All the air was forcibly expelled from the inside of the fist, carrying the power of an absolute vacuum, and instantly hit the man in sunglasses who was posing!

The man in sunglasses was so jealous that his eyeballs almost fell to the ground!

He cannot deal with an enemy of this level!

It’s hidden so deeply!

Looking at Tang En's indifferent face, a familiar wanted order flashed through his mind...

The moment the giant vacuum fist hit him! The ferocious expression and fearful eyes of the man in sunglasses were revealed through the broken sunglasses!

Just listen to him roar: are offering a reward of 1 billion Baileys...Whirlpool Twain!!!!!!!!!!

Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!!!!!!!

On the calm sea, the originally peaceful sea surface suddenly exploded! ! !

The Sky Gold anchored on the sea turned into fragments all over the sky with a loud boom.

A bottomless hole was opened in the sea surface by this powerful blow, and the surrounding sea water was squeezed to form a spectacular sea column that rose into the air and exploded like a firework!

The little splashes of water formed a sparkling beauty under the sunlight. In the distance, a rainbow quietly revealed its tail...

Tang En was floating in mid-air, looking down at the result of his attack, his mouth trembled.

Damn it, what should I do if I use too much force? Where did the thing go!

Tang En hurriedly used his vast senses to search for the whereabouts of the Devil Fruit.

Fortunately, I soon found a black box floating on the sea.

Tang En grinned and lowered.

With both feet on the sponge, he gently picked up the black box and looked at it carefully.

This sunspot is very special. It even has the silver Hoof of the Heavenly Soaring Dragon imprinted on it. It is obviously a designated product of the world's noble Celestial Dragons.

Tsk tsk, the material of this box is also extraordinary? It was actually made of Adam Baoshu. It's really luxurious.

Tang En played with the box, looked at the wreckage on the sea, and narrowed his eyes.

There are a lot of good things on this cargo ship. They should all be recycled. Anyway, we have already got what we need, so we don’t waste time.

Thinking about it, Tang En began a vigorous search, looking for the treasures scattered in the sea.

After half a day of searching, almost everything is done.

As expected of Tianlong people, they are all high-end goods.

High-end specialties, gold, silver and jewelry from each island are all available.

Hehe, the wives should be satisfied, right?

Tang En nodded with satisfaction, and then his figure faded and disappeared above the sea.

And the wreckage of the Sky Gold floating on the sea slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. Everything was as if it had never happened.

No one knew that a ship representing the world's nobility was silent here.

Leisure number...

Is Tang En going to capsize in the gutter? It's been a whole day and he hasn't come back yet!?

It's impossible for the boat to capsize in the sewer. I guess I wasted time looking for something...

My dear, you still understand me!

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang En appeared behind Robin.

The girls raised their heads and looked at the figure appearing on the gorgeous deck, and they all showed beautiful smiles.

found it?

found it.

Then don't be busy now, dinner is ready and waiting for you!

Oh, thank you for your hard work, wife! Come on, let's go! Eat!

Chapter 46: Phantom beast species? ? fruit

Haiyuan calendar year 1510.

Red continent.

The highest point, the Holy Land, Mariegio.

In a mysterious palace.

The extremely dark room made people feel no comfort at all.

Here, everything is weird.

Sir, the things that were secretly transported this time were intercepted halfway...

Ta, ta, ta

His fingers tapped rhythmically on the gorgeous wooden desk, making crisp sounds~.

After a while, a hoarse voice sounded from the dark room:

Have you found out who did it? Even the ships of the world's nobles dare to be cautious.

Back to my lord, no results were found. The murderer was very cautious and didn't leave any clues.


Okay, you go down...


After the servant closed the door.


The mysterious man directly crushed the decorations on the desk.

Don't let me know who it is, otherwise I will make your life worse than death...

In the darkness, all that could be seen was a pair of blood-red eyes...

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