With the bright moon in the sky, the Leisurely sailed slowly on the sea, and the waves could not cause even the slightest vibration to the huge ship.

The deck has been merged by the fallen armor. From the outside, the Leisurely looks like a perfect mechanical crystal, which is so dazzling in this world!

Leisure number, large restaurant.

The family enjoys today's dinner.

The food is abundant, including rare sea king species and precious specialties from each island.

In addition to the delicious dishes cooked by Mikoto, Hinata, and Xiaonan, it can be said to be a rich meal.

Dear, why did you stay here for so long today? You couldn't possibly have met some master, right?

Tang En put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said helplessly:

Of course not, it's just... I accidentally overplayed it and didn't control my strength well. I smashed the Heavenly Gold. In the end, it took me most of the day to find something.

The girls rolled their eyes, it was exactly what they thought.

After so many years, Tang En's carefree character has not changed at all.

Even the housework is helped by the women.

For example, dressing...

If he wasn't careful one day, Tang En might even be able to wear his socks inside out, which was simply weird.

Ahem, that's not important. What's important is that you brought the things back.

Princess Kaguya asked with interest:

What is it?

Ha... This can be regarded as my good luck. This time is not ordinary gold from the sky. This ship is secretly transporting a treasure. Even the escorting bodyguards are of the strength of a lieutenant general. What do you think this could be... …?”

Is it...a devil fruit?

It shouldn't be an ordinary devil fruit, right?

Tang En chuckled.

He reached out and searched for it in the void, and soon he took out the black box.

He placed the box on the dining table for the girls to watch.

Robin was stunned. said:

This...this box is actually made by Adam the Treasure Tree!?

The Tianlong people are really extravagant. They used good materials that other people couldn't find to build ships. They used them to make a broken box.

Tang En, what kind of fruit is this?

Ahem, I don't know...that bodyguard has a very tight tongue.

You can't see it yourself?

Isn't there no time...I just had dinner as soon as I got home.

Why didn't you tell us such an important thing earlier? Hurry up, let's do it together.

With that said, the girls pushed Tang En to the research room.

In the research room.

The whole family gathered here to see what good things Tang En had brought back as trophies.

You said this thing was ordered by the Celestial Dragons?

Yes, seeing how nervous the escort is, it's obviously a good thing.

Hurry up and see what kind of fruit it is.

Tang En stood in front of the workbench with a wry smile on his face, looking at the fruit. Isn't it as important as eating?

With that said, Tang En gently opened the black box.

Then, the appearance of the fruit was revealed.

It's actually black?

Animal department.

Not an ordinary animal type.

The girls commented one by one.

Hancock was a little nervous. She knew this was prepared for her. She already knew from the other girls that Tang En had the ability to eliminate defective fruits.

For example, the sweet fruit she ate, because this fruit, like all the fruits in this world, has the weakness of being afraid of sea water, it is formed from incomplete rule fragments, and Tang En can use his own abilities to break it.

Of course, complete rules cannot be removed so easily.

Under the expectant eyes of the girls, Tang En covered the fruit with his hands and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, piles of rule fragments filled his mind, while Tang En analyzed the information one by one.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

Tang En suddenly grinned!

The Celestial Dragons are indeed very powerful. They can actually obtain such a fruit. It is also a fruit that has never appeared in history.

Robin thought for a while and said:

Since it has never appeared in history, the Celestial Dragons probably don't know what the power of this fruit is, but they should have realized that this is a rare variety, and that's why it was sent to the Holy Land, Marigioa.

After listening to Robin's analysis, everyone agreed with this point of view.

Tang En smiled, took the black devil fruit in his hand, and said softly:

The Tianlong people suffered a big loss this time. This fruit is extraordinary...

Is it animal type?

Yes, it is an animal type, but it is not an ordinary animal type, but a fantasy beast type...

After hearing this, the girls exclaimed:

It's actually another phantom beast species? You must be so lucky.

Tang En smiled bitterly.

How can you say that I am lucky? It should be said that the Celestial Dragons have great magical powers, right?

That's right... Then what do you mean when you say this fruit is special?

Tang En pondered for a moment, thought about the language carefully, and explained:

This fruit is not tight and has only one weakness: it is afraid of water. After my analysis, it has another weakness... which is why this fruit has never appeared in history.

After a pause, he said:

This animal-type phantom beast species has very high requirements on the mental power of the person who takes this fruit. No, it may be a bit abnormal. If someone does not have the level of mental power of the overlord color and domineering spirit, after eating it, he will become The best outcome is to become a fool or a vegetative state, or worse, a direct headshot is also possible.

The girls suddenly became more interested!

Tell me, what kind of fruit is this? It's so special. This is the first time I've seen a fruit with requirements.

Under the expectant gazes of everyone, Tang En spoke.

He first glanced at Boya Hancock, and then said softly:

This is……

Chapter 47: Awesome, my brother!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Tang En gently said the name of this fruit.

This is...the Martial God Devil Fruit.

Martial God Devil Fruit!?

The girls almost said the name in unison!

Tang En chuckled and looked at Hancock.

Yes, this is the name I gave it, because the rule fragments here are purely to increase strength, speed, physical strength, and the most useful point for us, increase energy.

Seeing the confusion of the girls, Tang En patiently explained:

This fruit is rather strange. If it is eaten by people in this world, it will definitely not be able to exert its true power, because it increases strength, speed, and physical strength. None of them are as real as those of those strange fruit abilities, such as strength. , Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit is the strongest, right? And speed, that’s even more.”

So people in this world are basically of no use if they eat it, because whether it is physical skills or fruit abilities, they use physical strength as fuel. Therefore, the Martial God Fruit has no name at all in history, and it can even be said to be A very ordinary fruit.”

But... this piece of rule fragment actually has the effect of increasing energy. Can you imagine? What a terrifying fruit this will become for those of us who cultivate energy in our bodies.

Finally, don't forget, hubby, my special ability, if I combine this Martial God fruit with another superhuman and natural system, then...

After being strengthened by the Martial God Fruit, they will emit more abnormal attributes! No matter what aspect, attack, defense, group attack, and even auxiliary capabilities will be greatly improved!

After listening to Tang En's explanation, everyone finally understood!

This fruit...is a powerful core for us?

Tang En nodded.

That's right, and after the amplification of the Martial God Fruit, the three-color domineering plus physical skills, it is estimated... that it will become even more abnormal.

All the beauties looked at Hancock.

It made Hancock very embarrassed.

Hey, Hancock, you've been practicing the Great Sun View for quite some time now. Your overlord-colored domineering energy should be activated soon, right? Although this name may not be particularly appropriate for us, let's just call it that for the time being. After some time, I find two other powerful Devil Fruits, and after they are fused, that’s when your strength will make a huge leap forward!”

You can do whatever you want with the Tianlong people you hate!

Hancock was so excited that he shed tears. It looked like... he was completely in love.

Kushina curled her lips and said softly:

Our great lover, Hancock, is crying!


Tang En smiled, came to Hancock and hugged her!

Let's go. Since we already know the result, how about we have a banquet? Anyway, we haven't finished dinner yet.

Are you going to do it...?

Of course, we ordinary people are so happy today!

Ha ha ha ha!

With that said, Tang En took the lead and walked outside with Hancock in his arms~

The girls looked at each other, smiled softly and followed.

Tang En felt comfortable here, but the pirates near Shampoo Land were in bad luck.

I don't know what happened to the navy, and they were frantically chasing the pirates here, causing these pirates to complain endlessly.

As for the reason, hehehe...

The year 1510 in the Haiyuan calendar was a wonderful and colorful year, but also a year of bloody violence.

Not to mention the paradise for pirates, the first half of the Great Line was thrown into chaos by the world's government and navy. Countless pirates with insufficient strength were gloriously sent to the underwater prison impelment city Impeldown.

And the more cruel second half of the Great Line, a place collectively called the New World by the pirate navy, caused countless pirates with exploding self-confidence to hit their heads and bleed.

For the Four Emperors, an identity that brings countless auras and glory, a fierce fight began.

One of the unlucky ones is Moonlight Moria who challenges Kaido, one of the Four Emperors and known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

Not only did the challenge fail, but his entire pirate group was wiped out, but he was not resigned to it.

Using his superhuman Shadow Fruit ability, he built a zombie army.

And just as he was preparing to enter the new world again with great ambitions, the world's top government and navy officials unexpectedly found him in the Devil's Triangle.

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