Tang En couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud...

700 Daoli... any colonel's Daoli value is higher than this, right?

Then... you are at the lowest level in your department, right? You can't even get into the elite units of the special department, such as CP0-CP9, right?

As if Tang En had hit a painful point, the man in black exploded at that moment!

Fart! Originally I didn't want to use this move because I was scared myself. But in order to deal with a powerful enemy like you...

As he spoke, he summoned all his strength and his face turned red! Growling low:

Return life! Drink!

Weirdly... he, who was originally strong and strong, actually lost weight!

I wipe it, and I can actually lose weight...

You're still in the mood to talk nonsense? Haha... I said I had no choice but to use this move because I couldn't control myself, so I'm even afraid of myself.

The man's eyes turned white and the black eyeballs had disappeared.

Just stand there and don't move!



Quietly, he appeared in front of Tang En again.

I saw blue veins popping up all over his body, and Tang En could vaguely hear the sound of blood flowing in his body and the powerful heartbeat!

Feel the pleasure!

Return of Life·Maximum Wheel·Six Kings Spear!

Under Tang En's surprised eyes, the man in black folded his hands into claws, and his whole body looked like Turtle School Qigong.

The next moment, an indescribable majestic force burst out from between 030's hands!


In an instant, Tang En's entire head was hit so hard that he tilted his head back...


This scene shocked the two men in black.

Is this horse riding funny?

The most powerful move, a skill that can multiply the attack power, actually... actually just raised his head?

And then...it's gone?

Tang En lowered his raised head...

He lowered his head and looked at the slightly wrinkled floral shirt, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This...this is a souvenir of love that Robin personally bought for him!

It was actually wrinkled!

He raised his head and raised his right eyebrow.

Boy, I admit that you can actually make a wrinkle in my clothes. It seems that you are still somewhat capable, but... you may not know how precious this clothes is. But it doesn't matter, you two are anyway. It’s time to say goodbye to this world.”

As he spoke, Tang En raised his arm, stretched out a finger, and pointed at the two of them.

You two, don't move, otherwise, aiming will be a waste of brainpower...

In fact, the real situation is that it goes without saying that the two little shrimps sent by the special department to escort were frightened by Tang En...

Don't even move, your brain has already shut down...

Chapter 44 Which department are you from?

Over the Sea, 1510, the Great Sea Route.

Coordinates: 150 nautical miles away from Sky Gold.

On the luxurious large deck of Leisure.

Robin was wearing a short denim top and a bikini on his lower body. He sat barefoot under a sun umbrella and carefully looked at the books taken from the magnificent library of the Residence of Gods.

The name of this book is: Magic Circuit Imprinting Basics and Magic Cycle Structure.

It can be seen from here that Robin not only loves history books, but is also very interested in all kinds of books...

Hancock, whose personality has gradually become cheerful, kicked his feet boredly and sat on the beach chair with his lips pouting.

What is she dissatisfied with?

Hinata asked just in time.

Hancock, what's wrong?

Seeing that the person coming was Hinata, Hancock hummed and said:

Why hasn't Tang En come back? How long has it been... I don't like this place!

So that's it? That's right. There is a nest of snakes and rats here in the Shampoo Islands, with demons dancing wildly, and everyone is there. We will leave here when Tang En comes back, but this time Tang En is going because of you!

for me?

Kaguya showed off her perfect figure on the beach chair on the other side and then said:

Hancock, Tang En went to find Devil Fruit for you.

But...but I am already an esper!

It seems that you don't know yet. Also...no one has told you about us for so long since we came to Leisure. It happens to be very boring. Let me tell you about the history of our family.

the other side.

Tang En raised his finger and pointed at the two people who had lost their minds.

Don't move. Aiming is a waste of time. So, goodbye!

The next moment, a glimmer of light flashed in Tang En's strange eyes.

Decomposition·The clouds disperse and the fog disappears!

A bright light lit up from the front of Tang En's finger, illuminating the entire warehouse in an instant!

After a long time, when the light gradually dissipated, there was only one figure left in the warehouse, and that was Tang En.

The other two people from the special department who were completely confused have evaporated from this world and returned to natural energy floating in the sea.

I guess these two little shrimps don't know where the treasure is. It seems that we have to find the leader of the escort!

Tang En murmured in a low voice, took out a box of high-end cigarettes that could not be seen in this world from his pink beach pants, pinched one and put it in his mouth.

With a pop sound, Ran Ran took a deep breath.

Huh...are you the boss who is escorting the goods this time? Which department are you from?

Tang En held the door behind him and said these words inexplicably.

The perspective turns.

Sure enough, a tall and muscular man in a black suit appeared at the door, wearing the same standard black sunglasses and a black hat on his head.

It seemed that the two men who had just been killed by Tang En had successfully used phone bug notifications secretly.

Have you killed those two stupid guys? But it doesn't matter. I will deal with you the same way. I didn't expect that someone would dare to rob the royal ship of the world's noble Tianlong people. That's all. Since you met me today, you can only Say you are unlucky.

The man in black walked into the warehouse in two steps, his eyes narrowed under his sunglasses and he stared at Tang En closely.

His extreme confidence in his own strength is not just an excuse.

Since you were able to sneak in and kill my men, it proves that you still have some strength. Before you die, let me tell you my identity.

I am a member of the world government's special intelligence organization, CP7. You can call me 7. Although this is just a code name.

Pirate, is there anything else you want to say before you die?

Tang En turned his back to him, listening to this confident man talking, and the corner of his mouth twitched...

This horse-riding guy...who gave you the confidence?

Everyone is so arrogant.

Can I say... is he really a subordinate of the world's ZF?

Tang En slowly turned around, looked at the man in sunglasses, and blew out a heavy puff of smoke.

Don't tell me yet, I really want to ask you something.

Ask, for your sake before you die, I can tell you everything I know.

Tang En's lips curled up.

It must be unusual for someone like you, who has the strength of a vice admiral, to escort the goods. What is it?

The man in sunglasses had a sarcastic look on his face and said mockingly:

I didn't expect that a little pirate would know my strength, and also know that the goods escorted this time are extraordinary. You are very good.

Well, I will tell you with great mercy that the goods this time were ordered by high-ranking people among the world's nobles. That is...

That's a powerful, special devil fruit!

Tang En was overjoyed!

That's right, you've come to the right place!

After calming down the excitement in his heart, he continued to ask without changing his expression:

Then... what kind of devil fruit is it? Can you show it to me? Since I'm going to die, why don't you just let me die too?

But the man in sunglasses didn't seem to be fooled, or... he seemed to be afraid of something, so he didn't say anything.

Boy, you know enough, it's time to send you on your way!

Tang En shook his head boredly, and his originally frightened expression instantly became calmer.

I thought you could tell me everything. It seems that people in the special department are not all fools. Since you won't tell me, I will find it myself.

? ? ? ?

The man in sunglasses didn't expect that Tang En's back and forth transformation would be so huge. Where was the man with the frightened expression just now?

At this time, he felt something was wrong, his muscles all over his body tensed, and he stared at Tang En warily.

You lied to me?

I didn't lie to you? Did you say that yourself?

Tang En is full of innocent hands.

The man in sunglasses spat.


As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hands to his waist. His whole body seemed to be inflated, his muscles bulged, and his figure suddenly rose three feet tall!

Boy, atone for your actions!


With a click!, the man in sunglasses kicked hard, and the wooden cabin board shattered without any suspense!

I saw a black shadow suddenly appearing on Tang En's side at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

I have a special ability, which is natural divine power. My strength is 20 times that of ordinary people! And I have been selected to enter the reserve force of the special department since I was a child. I have broken through the limits in that cruel environment and gone through life and death. , and finally became a substitute!

And my strength, with my hard training over the years, is still growing!

Now, my power is 50 times that of ordinary people!? How about that, it's not scary!

Boy, stand still and don't move! With this punch, I will beat you to a pulp!

Tang En was already confused...

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