Just...that simple?

How difficult do you think this matter needs to be?


At this moment, Robin walked out of the cabin and whispered to Tang En:

Twain, we found our target...

Tang En was overjoyed after hearing this!

Sure enough, the chances of finding heavenly gold are much higher near the Chambord Islands!

You guys wait here, I'll come back as soon as I can. I hope there are devil fruits!

After saying that, Tang En shook his head lightly and disappeared.

In the virtual world, Tang En began to perceive.

Sure enough, more than 100 nautical miles away, there was an extremely luxurious ship. Looking at the flag on the top of the ship, it was indeed the Heavenly Gold used by the Tianlong people.

He squinted his eyes, and the next moment his figure moved towards Jin in the Sky.

Among the gold cargo ships in the sky.

Several majestic men in black suits, wearing sunglasses, puffing on cigarettes with cigarettes in their mouths.

You two, keep an eye on me! This batch of goods is not the kind of garbage we escorted before. It contains goods designated by a big shot above. There must be no accidents, otherwise even us will be finished. You Do you know the consequences?

The two men in suits who were puffing away their mouths nodded seriously.

Okay, you two watch here, and I'll go and watch outside.

After saying that, the man in black who spoke opened the door and walked towards the upper deck.

Seeing the leader leaving, the two smoking men looked at each other and started chatting quietly.

Hey, tell me, what on earth is it that makes the people above pay so much attention to it? This time, I actually asked the head to personally escort it.

Another man was silent for a moment and then said in a heavy tone:

Maybe... it's a very precious cargo, right? Since it can be selected by the superiors, it might be precious information, or a rare devil fruit...

But at this moment...

Hey, I didn't expect it to be a big fish? It seems that this time I didn't come in vain!

Suddenly, a strange voice came from behind the two of them!


The expressions of the two people who were puffing away suddenly changed drastically!

This cabin is so big and has only one door!

At the same time, apart from the two of them, there cannot be a third person!

So... how did this person get in!

The two of them turned around in an instant, and assumed a fighting posture vigilantly, staring closely at the red-haired man sitting on the wooden cargo box...

That's right, it's Tang En.

In order to maintain the mystery and keep a low profile, Tang En thought it would be better to sneak in.

But what he never expected was that there would be another government official on the cargo ship with combat power comparable to that of a naval admiral.

With a roll of his eyes, Tang En knew that the cargo transported on this cargo ship was unusual. Sure enough... Hidden in the virtual world, he overheard the conversation between the two people. Sure enough, there were important items.

Who are you? Don't you know whose ship this is? This is the 'Heavenly Gold' used by the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons. It's all tribute from all over the world. How dare you rob it?

Tang En almost laughed out loud when he heard the two funny words.

Also riding on horseback as a tribute!

I wipe...

After thinking about it, I decided not to reveal my identity.

Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy! In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, in order to maintain world peace! The evil, awesome and humorous super pirate who implements love and truth! I am a super pirate who travels through the world. The Konoha Pirates of the Grand Line. Sun, a white tomorrow is waiting for us!

After Tang En finished speaking, he put on a super mid-level posture, stepped on the cargo box, stretched out one finger and raised it high!

There is also a set of white teeth showing in the mouth, shining...

A gust of cool breeze blew...3.0...the two men in black were completely stunned!

Where did this joke come from...

Ahem...then you guys hand the things over to me, or do I do it myself?

Tang En put away his secondary image and said calmly to the two government officials.

Hmph, if you want something, you have to be strong enough to get it. Our captain came out of there this time, and you are already dead.

Oh? Where? Is it a special agency... Tianlong people always like to be secretive. It seems that they are not all fools.

After hearing Tang En's words, the two of them were stunned!

This person actually knows about the existence of special agencies! ?

You know too much! I can't let you go! Let's go!


With a sound of 咻, the two kicked on the spot at high speed, and instantly turned into two black shadows and attacked Tang En!

Chapter 43 Six Styles

The year is 1510, somewhere in the sea along the Grand Route.

An extremely gorgeous cargo ship with its sails fully inflated sailed past in the wind and waves.

However, inside the cabin, it was a different story.

In the chaotic warehouse, three figures faced each other.

One of the men in a black suit said:

Boy, you know too much! Die here!


With a whoosh sound, the two of them turned into two black shadows and got close to Tang En in an instant.

Tang En's eyes lit up!

It turned out to be a shave!

The legendary Navy Six Style? Should I learn from it secretly? This can be regarded as a means of fighting the enemy.

I thought this mentally, but said this with my mouth:

Navy Sixth Form? It's very fast, but isn't that enough?

Tang En was like a ghost. Under the solemn gazes of the two men, Tang En moved strangely, and phantoms appeared behind him.

The two landed, their expressions a little ugly.

The skill that Tang En showed just now is obviously not a fruit ability, so it can only be a physical skill!

This kind of physical technique is simply unseen and unheard of, and the weird steps can actually produce overlapping welcomes! It’s hard to tell the difference between true and false!

Hurry and ask for help, captain, we can't deal with this man's strength!

As he said that, the other person quietly put his hand behind his back and turned on the phone bug.

Tang En looked at the two of them with a playful expression. Anyone who was not blind could see this scene, but Tang En did not say anything to stop them.

If you want to get the treasure that the Tianlong people covet, then their captain is obviously a good breakthrough point.

These two little shrimps, whose strength is at the level of major general, cannot be easily dealt with.


Hey, hey, do you want to fight? What are you doing?


That's right...in order to secretly learn the Sixth Form of the Navy.

Damn it!


With a whoosh, he got close to Tang En again!

Point gun!

Tang En laughed, his steps were like beautiful dance steps, and he elegantly dodged the crazy attacks of the two.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the two formed a formation, one behind the other!



A crescent-like slash was instantly kicked out of the other person's leg!

Oh? This blow is not bad, but it's useless?

I saw Tang En gently turning his head to the right and dodging the blow!

Haha, chance!

The other person saw Tang En tilting his head and couldn't use his strength for a moment, so he slid in front of Tang En!

Six Kings Spear!

When Tang En saw this blow, he opened his mouth in surprise!

This attack...cannot be used by someone who has not learned all six moves and is sufficiently proficient in understanding the six moves!

I didn't expect that someone from a small special department could use it to this extent...

The hidden strength of the world’s government is truly terrifying!

next moment!


There was a loud noise, a gas explosion like a steam explosion, and Tang En's entire body was covered by white steam.

Huh...huh...did you succeed!

Hmph, except for those monsters, I have yet to survive a head-on hit from my Six Kings Spear...

What don't you have yet?

The two men in black were stunned...

I saw Tang En walking out of the dust calmly and taking a closer look.

There were no scars on his body, not even dust on his clothes.

In other words, the man in black's Six Kings Spear did not even damage Tang En's hair.

This is impossible!!!!!!! Even... even those people will be hurt! You, you, you...

Tang En looked at the two people who were confused for a while, and said calmly:

It's not that your moves aren't good. The Six Styles are indeed very good moves, and the moves you used are also very effective, but...

Tang En narrowed his eyes.

But your own strength is the foundation, and moves are just skills.

The height of a tall building depends not on the superstructure design, but on whether the foundation is solid or not. You are still too young.

Impossible... My strength in the team ranks in the middle. I have 710 power! I am Superman!!!!


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