Bounty: Bailey!

Looking at this wanted notice, some smart people knew that something must have happened. Otherwise, this could the bounty suddenly soar to the level of a big pirate!

East China Sea.

The red-haired man looked at the wanted notice and smiled cheerfully!

He is indeed my idol! The bounty has reached 1 billion so quickly! I have to work hard too!

Isn't that right, brothers!

Haha, Captain, is this your idol? He is so strong!

Yes, it's already 1 billion Baileys, so he's already a big pirate! It's much higher than your bounty, Captain!

Of course, otherwise how could he be my idol!

Not only the red hair saw it, but Don Quixote, Hawkeye, Bucky, Long and others also saw Tang En's wanted poster.

Some sneered, some were silent, and some laughed. Everyone's mood is obviously different.

However, the one who was in the worst mood was of course the navy.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! This time we actually lost the combat power of an entire Demon Slaying Order formation! This damn Whirlpool Twain!

Seng Guo's desk was about to be smashed by him, and his little pet goat had already run into the corner.

Garp laughed while eating senbei on the sofa.

Hahaha, this kid is really extraordinary! He is clearly against the world's government. No wonder the Five Old Stars followed his advice and increased his bounty to 467! Hahaha!

You are so ridiculous! Do you still need me to tell you how dangerous this person is!

Then you're going to catch him?

Hearing Garp's counter-sarcasm, the choked Sengoku was speechless.

Back then, Time Kick was a move that was still fresh in his mind and hard to guard against, and it still gives Sengoku and the others a headache.

And this time...

According to the information sent back by Qingzhi and others, that man can actually walk on the sea?

What kind of fruit ability user he is has already confused everyone in the navy.

Can't tell at all.

Finally, I thought of Akainu who was seriously injured and admitted to the hospital again.

This guy is a complete tragedy.

Kizaru and Aokihiko definitely told Sengoku and others about the move that injured Akainu.

That's not a fruit ability, but a real physical skill!

Super physical skills!

That punch was simply terrifying. Just thinking about it makes me shudder!

Huh... This guy appears and disappears, very mysterious, and now he has disappeared again. There is no trace of him at all.

Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. It was like he had no goal and just followed his heart.

Garp laughed.

Is there anything else that can stump you? Don't even think about things that even you, the mighty Warring States Period, can't figure out! It's better to let the guys above have a headache!

Warring States was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, it made the same sense.

Chapter 29 Set sail again

Grand Line, Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Marshal's Office.

After hearing Garp's reminder, Warring States was stunned. Then it dawned on me!

The same goes for those who step on horses. Since the navy can't catch that guy's tail for the time being, let the higher ups deal with the headache.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the wanted poster beside him and said:

What do you think of this little girl? She is the only historian who escaped. If we let her continue to live in this world, wouldn't everything we have done be in vain?

Looking at Robin's face on the wanted poster, Garp also felt a headache. It doesn't matter who took away Nima's, but it was that person.

Can you stop bringing up such embarrassing topics all the time? This kid is obviously on that guy's boat, right?

...Same, but you just mentioned that guy's ship!?

Yes, it's that monster-level battleship.

That battleship... it is said above that it is not Pluto, but tell me, is there any difference in the power of that battleship from Pluto?

Are you going to ask the people above? Anyway, I don't know. But I heard that those guys have sent out direct troops to look for clues about this kid. Once it is related to the historical text, the higher ups are always so nervous.


Yes, this is also the reason why Tang En’s bounty price has increased!

Because he actually wants to find the historical text, and the only person in the world who can interpret the historical text is also with him. Is it strange that those guys above are not nervous?

Huh... There are really more and more troubles happening these days. One big pirate after another has been born in the new world, and our navy... Akainu, Aoji, and Kizaru are going to be promoted this time. These are the new ones. The navy has reached its highest combat capability in a generation, and we are already old...

Yes, we are getting old too...

But it doesn't matter. Didn't I hear that the recruit camp has produced some good talents this time?

...Miaozi is good, but there is no one who can be called a monster like Akainu and the other three. I think she is still far behind.

Is it……

The navy has not been able to improve its strength these days, but the pirates' strength has only grown.

The Beasts Pirates have recently appeared. Their captain, Kaido, is known as the strongest on land, sea, and air. As well as Charlotte Lingling, plus Whitebeard, they have already achieved considerable strength. It won't take long. , the situation in the new world will become clear, and our navy’s strength in the new world only has one branch base, damn it!”

Bang! Saying this, Seng Guo smashed the table with his fist angrily.

Garp was also silent.

There is nothing we can do about this.

The Navy Headquarters is located in the middle part of the Grand Line, backed by the Red Continent, next to the Bubble.

It forms a triangle with the underwater prison and Judiciary Island.

This also limits the reach of naval power in the new world.

I heard that there is a plan in the world, and there will be a meeting to discuss it in a while.

what's the plan……

A... plan that can balance the various forces.

Leisure number.

The Tang En family was aimlessly sailing on this planet. They had nothing to do anyway and just took things as they came. This is what a traveler should do.

Although the purpose is unclear, the Tang En family still has something to do.

For example, teach little Robin how to practice.

In the training room.

The Tang En family spent a lot of effort to build this training room.

It is said to be called the training room, but actually it is called the gravity room.

I saw little Robin sitting cross-legged on the ground, Mikoto, and Kushina standing next to a blackboard by the wall.

Listen, Robin, although we will not encounter any danger, even if there is danger, Tang En will protect us, but as a woman, if you want to gain equal status, you must have corresponding strength, and It’s much safer if you have the strength yourself.”


Robin nodded obediently.

In the past few months, she has completely integrated into this big family!

Everyone was very kind to her, and Robin felt that her life was very happy!

And on this beautiful mothership, it can be said that it has everything.

And Robin's favorite thing is that thing called a computer!

Everything inside was an eye-opener for Robin!

This is also what gives Tang En a headache.

Is Robin going to follow Kaguya's path?

This one researcher is enough, let’s add a computer-obsessed historian!

This is simply unimaginable.

Kushina tapped the blackboard to get Robin to concentrate.

Then let me explain to you, pirates... well, the basic power system of this world, so that you can have a general understanding.

Taijutsu, swordsmanship, Haki, and finally the Devil Fruit.

Taijutsu Swordsmanship Haki, I already told you about it a few days ago. Today we're going to talk about Devil Fruits.

Devil Fruit is known as the 'Secret Treasure in the Sea'. If you eat the Devil Fruit, you can obtain a variety of abilities. Your abilities are diverse. And you, Robin, are also a Devil Fruit user.

After hearing this, Robin finally understood!

That's right, the people on O'Hara Island call you the Son of the Devil. It's not completely wrong. After all, you have the power of the Devil Fruit.

Robin nodded.

Don't be depressed, you should be happy. Every devil fruit is precious, but...

Devil fruits are also divided into strong and weak ones. Generally speaking, they are divided into three major types.

Animal-type Devil Fruit, Superman-type Devil Fruit, and Nature-type Devil Fruit.

Animal, Superman, Nature?

Yes. And above them, there are some rarer fruits.

For example, the ancient devil fruit of the animal type and the phantom type devil fruit.

So there is a huge gap between fruits. Of course, the natural devil fruit is the strongest before it is awakened. But it is not necessarily the case after awakening.

What is awakening?

Well... there is a higher level hidden in the Devil Fruit's ability. In other words, if it is developed to the limit, it can break through this bottleneck and obtain the power called 'awakening'. There are only a few Devil Fruit ability users. It can open up the realm of awakening, and awakening is often accompanied by powerful power.

For example, when the superhuman Devil Fruit is awakened, it can have an impact on things 'other than the ability user himself'. It can make the surrounding things become part of his own ability, making his ability more powerful, and the range and effect of his use stronger.

Okay, that's enough knowledge for today. Next, you have to continue to train your body and cultivate the energy in your body.

“Only when the foundation is laid can we proceed to the next step.”

Chapter 30 The Navy is in pain again

The year 1502 of the lunar calendar.

Somewhere in the sea, the sea is 10,000 meters deep.

The Leisure continued its aimless voyage.

Robin's training also officially began.

As a cheating family, Bahba, a new member of the Tang En family, of course has to practice his family's power system. Of course, this is just the foundation.

Since there are devil fruits, why not use them?

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