Robin's current cultivation method is the strongest basic cultivation method that the family has summarized, modified, and evolved over the years.

It combines chakra training method and magic training method.

It is divided into two major categories:

Mental strength training method.

Body energy training method.

Spiritual training method, as the name suggests, is to exercise, improve and concentrate mental power.

It’s called: The Great Sun View Idea.

After so many years of modifications, the idea of ​​the Great Sun View has become more and more perfect, but the core remains unchanged.

Starting from the most massive and energetic super stars in the galaxy, the entire galaxy is slowly constructed.

And spiritual power is extremely important in all worlds, no matter which world it is.

Quantity, quality, control of chakra.

The practice of magic, control, and the imprinting of magic circuits.

The use and intensity of three types of domineering energy.

All are closely related to spiritual power.

And the idea of ​​viewing the Great Sun is the strongest!

When Robin-chan reaches the level of cultivating the Great Sun Aspect, isn't it a matter of course for him to activate his domineering aura?

As mentioned above, what Robin practices is the Great Sun Contemplation idea.

As for physical training, it requires sweat and perseverance. There is no shortcut to this.

Gravity chamber, Neptune food, plus leaves from the sacred tree.

With these aids and the many years of experience of the Dunn family, Robin's physical fitness is simply improving day by day.

From the outside, she is still the same cute little loli, but her little body is full of explosive destructive power!

It can be seen from this that, except for the nominal head of the family, Tang En (manual funny), which of his lovely wives and beauties is good?

On the other side, Tang En and Kaguya are also studying the best way to abolish the Devil Fruit ability in Robin's body.

After all, this is just a defective product native to this world. Not to mention the weakness of the sea, its ability is really not that good.

Leisure Research Laboratory.

How about, with your current control, can you eliminate the fragments of law in Robin's body?

Almost, it's okay now. Because Robin ate the fruit and didn't work hard to develop it, so the law hasn't been completely integrated into the body. If it were a few years later, it would be hard to say.

Oh, I've almost finished the research on the synthesis of law fragments. Now I still need a devil fruit. Do you have any clues...

...Let me think about it carefully? If you want to perfectly integrate with the law fragments in these two fruits to form the highest level law, there is only one.

Do you know where it is?



Tang En thought about it and finally determined the attributes of the last fruit.

In this way, the target is found.

After leaving the research room and coming to the gravity room, everyone looked at each other and smiled when they saw Robin practicing hard.

Although Tang En encountered a little trouble due to the fruit selection, it was obviously not as good as the Navy Headquarters, which had already added fuel to the fire.

Just yesterday!

The navy's strongest defense organization, which forms an iron triangle with the Navy Headquarters and Judiciary Island, is the Undersea Prison.

According to the legend, only one can enter but no one is allowed to leave, and no prisoners are ever taken out of the large underwater prison. However, a horse suddenly broke through and escaped!

This man is one of the three strongest pirates in the previous era, along with Roger and Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiji!

In order to escape from the underwater prison, Golden Lion Shiji cut off his own legs at all costs, and then used his fruit power to escape to heaven.

Once the Golden Lion escapes, it will be basically impossible to catch this figure who has caused headaches for the navy for decades.

Grand Line, Navy Headquarters, Marinevando, Conference Room!

Garp was eating senbei noisily, while Sengoku, who was silent next to him, had a face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

A few years ago, in the year 1500, after Roger surrendered, the golden lion Shiji didn't believe it. In order to fight for Roger, he broke into the navy headquarters alone.

Finally, at Marine Headquarters, Marine Fando, Sengoku, Garp and the Golden Lion fought fiercely.

After a day of fierce fighting and the sacrifice of more than half of Marine Fando, Golden Lion Shiji was sent to the Undersea Prison by Warring States and Garp.

This time Golden Lion Shiji escaped, so that sacrifice was basically in vain.



Veins popped out on the back of Seng Guo's hand when he smashed it on the table with his fist. He was obviously on the verge of going berserk.

This incident can be described as a shame to the navy and the world government!

There have never been any accidents in the underwater prison, but people escaped!

Ah haha, Warring States, next time I won't have as good a chance to catch that guy as I did last time. Even his fruit power is troublesome enough!


Seeing Seng Guo frustrated, everyone else in the conference room fell silent.

Akainu, an extremely righteous person, was also very angry. He encountered such news just a few days after being discharged from the hospital. The resentment of Tang En's serious injury that originally made Tang En resentful suddenly surged out!

Damn pirates! I'm going to kill all the pirates!

Qingzhi and Kizaru were sleeping together and doing nothing, and they didn't want to care about such things at all.

At this time, Warring States cheered up again, sat up straight, put his arms on the conference table, and opened his eyes.

In the case of the Golden Lion, we should seize the investigation clues and pursue them with all our strength! Then we will talk about the following matter.

The above proposed a plan to contain the great pirates of the Grand Line. Since the balance between the power of our navy and the pirates has been broken, the following proposal was made.

Here, everyone sat up straight, even Kizaru and Aoki became a little more serious.

If this proposal is passed, it will be used within three years, so you should all take a look at this document.

With that said, he asked the colonel on the side to give one copy to each of the generals present.

While speaking, Warring States said:

The name of this proposal is, Shichibukai. The purpose is to contain the big pirates in order to balance the forces of all parties.

The World Government will use a pirate's status, strength, and influence as a reference to recruit him to join the King's Shichibukai.

The Shichibukai are the powers and qualifications given to the seven pirates by the World Government.

To put it bluntly, the Shichibukai are legal pirates, do you understand?

After listening to what Warring States said, the entire conference room fell silent.

Everyone seemed to have stopped breathing...

The whole space seemed to be still and frozen...

Chapter 31 The mysterious zone

Because of Shichibukai's proposal, the Navy Headquarters was in an uproar.

Most people are opposed to this legal pirate proposal. Because it is impossible for a righteous navy to collude with evil pirates.

Will this make them question the meaning of being a navy?

A small number of people agree. These people are relatively rational. In other words, in order to curb the growing strength of pirates, they use all means. These people have a better view of the overall situation.

And there is still a small part that remains neutral.

Needless to say, the names of the three representatives are already out, Akainu, Sengoku, and Kizaru.

However, this matter is just an announcement from the world government to the navy, and it is not for you to agree or disagree.

No matter what the trouble is on the navy's side, in the second half of the Grand Line, the pattern of the new world is gradually taking shape.

Time flies by and three years have passed.

In the past three years, the new world has been dominated by Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Whitebeard, and the red-haired pirates who emerged two years ago!

But this does not mean that only these four top pirates appear.

There are many places with bounties exceeding 100 million beli.

For example, Golden Lion Shiji, Green Pepper, Bundy Ward, and so on.

There are also some super newcomers from the new era.

Hawkeye Mihawk, Moonlight Moriah, Donquixote Doflamingo, Sha Crocodile, etc.

The entire new world is changing every day, and a powerful pirate group may be eliminated without you knowing it at all.

The new world is so cruel.

If the first half of the Grand Line was called a paradise for pirates, then it would not be an exaggeration to say that the second half was a complete hell.

Of course, it's not just the pirates who have some super rookies, the navy isn't far behind either.

Among them, there are two who stand out from the navy recruit camp, one male and one female. They are the smoker Smoker and the beautiful Tina!

That's when.

The world's governments and navies finally made up their minds to launch the Shichibukai Project!

Candidates will be evaluated and selected by the new navy.

The vast, blue sea has rough waves.

On the Grand Line, you have no idea what the weather will be like at the next moment. It may snow, it may rain heavily, it may blow up a terrifying tornado, or it may be sunny and clear.

But these obviously have no impact on Leisure, which is sailing at a depth of 10,000 meters.

In the luxurious living room.

The lovely wives were lying lazily on the fluffy carpet, sitting on the large sofa, or gathering in pairs and whispering.

And our little Robin has gradually grown up, and she is completely a goddess embryo.

Presumably, within a few years, she will become another goddess-level beauty.

Robin sat on Twain's lap by the warm fire, looking at the books brought from other worlds.

Tang En leisurely looked at the beautiful scenery of the deep sea outside the panoramic sunroof.

Oh, my life has been so leisurely. I feel like I'm totally lazy!

I saw him shaking his head and squinting his eyes, enjoying the white and tender skin of Robin.

Can you not take advantage of it and still be good? Look at the newspapers these days. The whole world is in chaos. There are more pirates every day, and countless civilians are being robbed. I don't know why Roger would start such a Times? I can’t understand it.”

Tsunade lay on her back on the fluffy carpet with her legs crossed, holding a bottle of soju in her hand, and said to Tang En dissatisfied.

After all, she is a strong woman who served as the Fifth Hokage, and she is still very concerned about the developments in the world.

Well, there should be a certain reason, and that reason should be answered on Ravdru, the focus of the Grand Line. But what does this have to do with us? I still feel more about the Devil Fruit in this world. interest.

Kaguya was curled up on the sofa, reading a super thick hardcover parchment book. When she heard the words Devil Fruit, she raised her head and looked at the lazy Tang En with her beautiful eyes.

My dear, you said three years ago that you were looking for a suitable Devil Fruit. The other two have already evolved and are just waiting to be combined with the last one. Well, where is the last one?

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