Under the stunned gaze of Qingzhi, he slowly left on the sea.

...This man can actually walk on the sea, a terrifying man.

This scene was seen by many marines, including Akainu and Kizaru.

The one who stepped on the horse is indeed this bastard!!!! He must have been the one who attacked just now!

Oh yo yo, scary man...

This was not over yet. Just as the navy was looking at Tang En's back, a huge black figure suddenly appeared in the sea at his feet.

Hey, what is that!?

It's not the Neptune type, is it?

...so, so, so big!!!!!!!

Under everyone's stunned gaze, the black paint, beautiful arcs, elegant hull, and exquisite appearance!

The huge hull, those thick muzzles that had never appeared before, but now shone with wisps of cold light!

Everything means that those terrifying unknown attacks just now came from this behemoth!

Wardian! What is this!?

This, this, this, this, this, such a big battleship!!!!!!

It's actually made of steel!!!!!!!

too horrible!!!!!!!!

It's a few hundred meters away!!!!

Seeing this invincible battleship, Akainu looked ferocious and clenched his fists tightly!

Because he saw the women standing on the bow of the ship...and Tsunade was one of them.

That damn woman!

Kizaru happened to hear Akainu's words.

He curled his lips secretly.

For Kizaru, who has always been a centrist who values ​​peace, runs away if he can't fight, doesn't fight, doesn't rob, he should stay as far away as possible from a dangerous mission like Tang En's.

As expected of an old fritter!

On this side, Robin stared blankly at the steel monster at his feet in Tang En's arms, his brain completely shutting down.

...Is this your ship?

Yes, whose ship do you think it is?

Tang En looked at the cute little Robin amusedly.

Standing at the front of the deck, Tang En gave up streaking and finally turned his head to take a look at a kind of navy floating on the sea, and then looked at Akainu with deep meaning.

Do you really think the Tang En family didn't hear your words? How is that possible.

After saying that, Tang En slowly flew up.

He raised one hand and aimed at Akainu.

You should be punished for your rude words just now.


Magic Body Technique·Divine Air Strike!

Another light punch...


In Tang En's body, a strong momentum from ancient times, vicissitudes of life, and vastness permeated!

Then the surrounding air suddenly exploded! There was a deafening loud noise!

The air began to vibrate violently, and a huge fist began to appear out of thin air! All the air was forcibly expelled from the inside of the fist, carrying the power of an absolute vacuum, and instantly hit Akainu Kasasky!

What's going on with this huge vacuum fist that suddenly appeared while riding a horse?

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded!

The terrifying pressure caused a huge crater to form on the sea surface!

The sea water is squeezed!

Let alone a human being!

Everyone was so oppressed by this shocking aura that they couldn't breathe!

Ahhhh! Run!

Idiot! Help!

Akainu, who was already in a state of embarrassment, knelt on one knee on the broken board, raised his head, and looked at the incoming vacuum fist with a horrified look on his face!

The next moment, under the shocked gaze of everyone, he hit Akainu accurately!

Puff puff puff puff!

Natural fruit? What is the use! ?

The trick of covering the body of Shenkong with spiritual power was something Tang En mastered hundreds of years ago!

Akainu was beaten so hard that his orifices bled in an instant, and the sound of broken joints was heard endlessly! His face was hideous and twisted, ugly! The eyeballs in both eyes suddenly bulged, the white eyes rolled wildly, the eyeballs disappeared, and bloodshot eyes filled the air! A red and white mixture spurted out of his mouth!

Quasi-general ‘Akainu’ Kasasky was beaten so miserably by Tang En with just one blow!

I saw that his whole body was bombarded very high into the sky by the shining diamond-colored transparent vacuum fist, and then, under the horrified gaze of everyone, he fell into the sea with a 'plop'... and sank with a 'gurgling' sound.

As Akainu's body sank into the sea 3.9, the terrain that was easily changed by Tang En's blow made a loud crash sound, filling the huge hole just now like a huge wave.

The vortex formed afterwards made the navy even more embarrassed!

Looking at this scene, Tang En smiled disdainfully.

You don't have absolute power, and you still dare to claim absolute justice. It's really ignorant.

A bunch of fish.

The navy no longer had time to pay attention to Tang En, who was standing in front of the steel monster. Instead, they struggled frantically to save their lives!

Not far away, Kizaru and Aokiji on the coast saw this scene, their scalps went numb, and cold air came from their backs!

Tang En finally turned his head and glanced at O'Hara, which had been reduced to ruins, and then waved his hand.

let's go!

Chapter 28 Those things you don’t know

Sea West, O'Hara.

The sun sets in the west, and its light shines slantingly on the huge Leisurely.

Tang En stood at the bow of the ship, looking down at the navy, CP9, and officers in front.

Behind him, Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, Hinata, Tsunade, Kaguya, Airi, and Saber were all in a row.

Little Robin was held by Tang En.

Just listen to Tang En slowly speak:

My name is Whirlpool Tang En. Ask your senior management to remember it for me. Don't create some mysterious man. Also, is the amount of the wanted order inconsistent with my worth? Let them consider raising it for me. Bounty, right?”

Hold the grass! At such a serious moment, he was talking serious nonsense.

The navy floating on the sea were so angry that they almost vomited blood when they heard this sentence!

let's go!

Tang En waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the cabin.

But he turned around again.

Oh, by the way, the photo on the wanted poster doesn't look very good. Please change it to a handsome frontal photo for me.

Puff puff puff puff!

When everyone returned to the gorgeous hall in the cabin...

The girls couldn't bear it anymore and laughed.

Tang 28 En...you...you are so bad! Aren't you going to make people angry to death!

Tang En shrugged innocently.

It's hard to tell whether it's good or not. Besides, it's not too much to ask for more bounties, right? What is identity? A low-key person like me has no choice but to use bounties to prove my identity?

I think it's your vanity that's at work.

Oh, don't say it...

Little Robin looked at this gorgeous hall and these beautiful big sisters in surprise.

At this time, Ellie came up.

Are you Nicole Robin? Welcome to join this big family, we will be a family from now on!

...Really, is it really possible!?

Robin was a little uneasy. After all... these people look so awesome.

Ellie smiled.

Of course! We are already a family, aren't we!

This time, Robin's heart finally opened up!

Seeing the concerned eyes of everyone around him, Robin smiled happily from the bottom of his heart!

On the other side, Tang En quietly left the hall and came to the corridor.

His eyes flashed and the figure disappeared.

Appeared again, in a forest.

Yes, this is the hometown of Tang En's family, the realm of gods and the residence of gods.

Due to the lack of time, the Leisurely did not destroy them before the navy launched its attack, so Tang En took advantage of it and used only the air realm to move to O'Hara, and moved the entire Tree of Omniscient to the Residence of God. It echoes the huge library Kaguya built before.

This area may become the prototype of the Library of God in the future.

As the Dunn family experiences more and more of the world, the collection of books in this library will become more and more abundant.

For example, now that we have information about the Tree of Omniscient, it becomes very simple to understand the history of this world and the properties of Devil Fruit.

So where did the scholars on O'Hara go? They have been quietly sent to the world of Naruto by Tang En.

Robin's mother also went with everyone.

In this way, Tang En no longer has any worries.

the other side.

As O'Hara was wiped off the map, the Navy spread the news around the world.

And this incident also serves as an example to tell people: This is the fate of anyone who wants to understand the truth of history.

At the same time, along with today's newspapers came a few wanted orders.

Among them, Vortex Twain and Nicole Robin were prominently listed.

Nicole Robin: O'Hara's Demon. Son of the Devil, with a reward of 79.000.000 Baileys.

When everyone saw that this little girl of several years old had such a high reward, some greedy bounty hunters swarmed around like sharks asking for the smell of blood.

However, the second wanted notice did not cause so many waves.

Because although this person was very low-key and only appeared once, he left an even more profound impression on everyone!

Vortex Twain: The world is extremely evil, warning: extremely, extremely, extremely dangerous! An elusive, mysterious traveler.

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