After Lin Qi finished speaking, he spoke with a relaxed expression on his face:

“Thanks to the power of the fairy, I was able to break the membrane directly without having to work so hard.”

“I feel like I am in this ordinary state now, and I can be killed by a single finger when I was in my peak state before.”


After hearing what Lin Qi said, Erina’s head was full of exclamation marks. After all, you have to know that this guy’s previous strength was outrageous enough, and he almost blew up the universe with his ultimate move.

But from the tone of this guy, it seems that his strength has skyrocketed to this extent in less than 24 hours.

Erina swallowed her saliva, and then spoke in a curious tone:

“Wouldn’t it be easy for you to blow up the universe now?”

Lin Qi answered honestly after hearing what the other party said:

“It really can’t. With full firepower, the lower fire can smash the universe with one punch. This is just a guess. Whether it really works or not needs to be tested.”

“After all, the current strength is simply unmeasurable compared to before because the gap is too big, so big that I don’t know how to make a better analogy.”

After hearing what the other party said, Erina couldn’t help but reveal envy in her eyes. She really envied this guy for becoming stronger as easy as eating and drinking water.

Lin Qi was originally very serious, and then suddenly turned into a gangster face:

“So Erina-chan, from today on, you are my first girlfriend.”

Erina rolled her eyes at him after hearing this, and then spoke in a very unhappy tone:

“If you can change the first one to the only one, I’ll probably be very happy.”

Erina is used to this kind of thing in this world, but it’s still very unpleasant when it happens to her!

Because under normal circumstances, someone like him really needs to find a husband. The other party must marry into the family, but in this situation.

Uh uh uhDon’t even think about it. My own grandfather would probably get a beating if he dared to mention this to this guy.

After all, I have been observing the other person, and I know that although this guy looks ordinary and low-key, he is actually very proud on the inside, even more proud than himself.

And he has the capital to be proud, so he won’t even think about getting married or anything like that in this life!

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he directly kissed her on the mouth and said with a smile:

“What, don’t tell me you’re jealous.”

Erina said unceremoniously:

“You think too much!”

“It’s best for you to find more people so that you can be busy all day long. That way I can be happy and free.”

“Also, don’t think that I can accompany you as often as those ordinary people. You have to understand one thing: I am very busy!”

“So unless I am looking for you, don’t come to me.”

Erina, who dares to admit defeat and become this guy’s girlfriend, but she has to talk to this guy about some things first, so as not to misunderstand this guy.

When her grandfather discovers it, it will not be good.

After all, they are both It was bizarre enough for people to have this kind of relationship on the first day they met. If his grandfather found out, God knows how serious things would happen. After hearing this, Lin Qi said it was okay!

There is not much time, after all, there are usually many people to take care of.

If Erina knew that Lynch was still thinking about others at this time, she would probably do everything she could to die with him. We are still not satisfied when we are together. Now that we have just eaten the food in the bowl, we are thinking about the food in the pot.

However, Erina saw this hole and said that she felt very satisfied after knowing it. However, the other person’s next words made her feel like beating him away. impulse:

“Then I dare to ask my little girlfriend, are you free tonight?”

After Erina heard this, she said the word”No time” without thinking.

After all, she doubted that she could hear what this guy was planning in Totsuki.

After all, that little abacus can be said to be loud. Very good.

However, Lin Qi was not disappointed and let the young lady go. Lin Qi’s operation made her a little confused.

After all, how could this guy let her go so obediently ? It was a bit inconsistent with the other party’s personality.

After letting her go, Lin Qi also restrained his joking expression and spoke in a serious tone:

“Okay, let’s get down to business first.”

Erina realized after hearing this that she and this guy had something else to do besides eating, but she forgot about it because of the quarrel with him.

Lin Qi spoke first:

“I think you should have some jewelry that you usually wear.”

After Erina Lynch said this, she stretched out the bracelet on her hand and took out her necklace from her neck.

Lynch nodded and then said to her:

“I will enchant these accessories for you.”

After hearing this, Erina didn’t waste any words and took off the things she was wearing and handed them to Lynch.

After Lynch took the things in his hand, a black energy appeared in his hand and wrapped the two things.

After about ten seconds, the energy disappeared, and Lynch forced the things back to the other party. After

Erina took the things, she felt very cool in her hands, and although she couldn’t tell why, she always felt different from before.

Erina spoke with a puzzled expression:

“It’s that simple, okay?”

Erina felt that this was a bit too simple. It was completely different from what she imagined.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi looked at her with doubtful eyes and asked:

“Otherwise, what do you think will happen?”

Erina immediately gestured after hearing what the other party said.

“Shouldn’t it be like in the comics, requiring a magic circle or some ritual?”

“You know, in this world, people who use magic tools to resist cursed spirits basically need to go through rituals. Or they can use talismans and chant spells.”

“Are you being too relaxed?”

Erina said that she was well-informed and had heard of many things.

But it was the first time she heard of Lin Qi playing like this.

Lin Qi felt a toothache after hearing what the other party said, and always felt that she was underestimated.

Lin Qi immediately gave her a head bang. Although he didn’t use much force, it also made this arrogant young lady feel a little unhappy.

“What are you doing?”

“I remember there is a saying in your place: A gentleman talks but does not take action.”

“Even if I said something wrong, you can’t do that.”

“Not a gentleman at all.”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi spoke with a disdainful tone:

“You think too much. I’m not a gentleman.”

“And I didn’t use any force at all, okay?”

“I played you just now because you underestimated me.”

“You know, the reason you think this way is because those guys are just noobs.”

“Don’t you think that there is no one in this world who can destroy a continent with one strike?”

“The best that can be done is to rely on high-tech weapons.”

“Do you also hope that they will make any great achievements in these enchantments and the like?”

“Of course it’s possible to do it as easily as I did, but that’s definitely not human”

“After all, there are so-called gods in this world, and those gods seem very weak in my eyes, and many of them are even sleeping.”

“But any one of them is enough for humans. It takes almost all their strength to deal with it.”

Erina was very surprised when she heard this, and she couldn’t help but ask

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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