And at this moment, a huge Shaomai appeared in front of him, glowing with holy light, and he himself seemed to be transformed into a loyal believer. He couldn’t help but raise his shaomai high and kneel down in front of the huge shaomai, with an expression on his face as if he was praying to God.

Give him the feeling that this Shaomai is God.

At this moment, his own body also made the same movement, and everyone was stunned for a moment, but the person he was kneeling on was Lin Qi!

Erina couldn’t help but gulped at this.

Then she looked at Lynch with horrified eyes and asked:

“Why would Chef Dojima be in this situation?”

Erina had eaten this thing and knew very well that this was definitely not the case. Why would the other party kneel down?

Erina’s question was also influenced by the presence of the person present. Why did she know? The other party would be in this situation, not like the eldest lady.

And Lin Qi smiled at the other party’s question and answered:

“You can understand it as the chef’s heart.”

“I made some settings when I was doing it. After all, it makes me feel sick and have goosebumps when men face that situation, so let them kneel down and surrender.”

“As for why you had that situation in private, you know.”

After hearing this, Erina and the chefs present were filled with horror.

After all, this thing is single, but the other party can actually control it. And it can have different effects on different people. How is this possible?

Erina also felt that this was beyond her cognition, so she couldn’t help but speak in a stuttering tone:

“youHow did you do it?”

“This situation is simply impossible.”

After Lin Qi heard the other party’s inquiry, there was an arrogant expression on his face at this moment.

“Just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t do it. You must know that we are not in the same dimension!”

When everyone saw the other person like this, they couldn’t help but think that Huang Mao was too arrogant.

But they also thought that the other person was so arrogant, so handsome!

Lin Qi didn’t care about it, just pushed the car and left, planning to Go back to the previous room.

Erina followed up without any nonsense, but before leaving, he left the little secretary to deal with the problem here.

The little secretary also felt like crying, and her eldest daughter seemed to be crying. Went to have a big dinner and left her behind.

“Woohoo X﹏X She wants to eat too!”

In this way, the world where only the secretary was injured was achieved.

After Lin Qi came to the previous room, he decisively sent red envelopes to the group and distributed food.

【Group reminder: Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World sent a group red envelope]

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”You can taste the stuff while it’s hot.”

Everyone received the red envelope without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, a steamer appeared in front of everyone, and soon after their curiosity was opened, although they were well prepared, they still said that they were almost blinded by the flash.

At the moment they were flashed, their inner thoughts were to make sure no light bulbs were added inside.

Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at the Shaomai in front of them without talking nonsense and ate it in one bite.

Everyone behind had the same reaction as before.

The chat group was silent for a moment, and Lynch knew very well that they needed time to return to consciousness!

Lin Qi took the opportunity to look at the Shaomai that was still left in front of him, making him salivate.

At this moment, Lin Qi had a devilish smile on his lips and said:

“Erina-chan, you lose!”

After hearing this, someone who was drooling silently was immediately brought back to reality and became panicked.

“you you you”

“I.. I.. I”

Erina was speechless for a moment, because she didn’t know what to say at this moment, after all, she was indeed the loser.

The problem was that she was not mentally prepared, why did she lose for no reason?

Lin Qi immediately approached the other party and took a step forward, but he took a step back and only pushed her into the corner.

Lin Qi looked at the red-faced person in front of him and spoke in an ambiguous tone:

“Erina, you don’t want to regret it, do you?”

Erina’s mind was spinning like crazy at this moment, and she found that she really couldn’t sell it. After all, forcing it to sell would definitely not work. So she had to pretend to be weak and said:

“Lin Qijun, I’m not ready yet, can you give me some time?”

After saying that, she stared at Lin Qi with her violet-like eyes and watery eyes.

Lin Qi didn’t expect that the other party would use malicious selling. This trick doesn’t fit his character as a young lady at all!

If people like Yuanyue saw it, they would definitely be shocked. Talk about the tongue of God, known as the queen of cooking, and the other party often exudes the temperament of a queen, but there is also this side?

If it were someone else, they would probably really fall for her trick, but it’s a pity that she is facing a guy without emotions.

After all, at this time, can emotions be eaten? Can you pick up girls? None of them! So these things should be thrown away!

Lin Qi had no choice in the face of the other party’s malicious selling. Instead of agreeing, he spoke in a grinning tone:

“Erina, since you said you are not ready, then I am not a devil.”

Erina originally thought that the other party would let him go, but her next words made her feel bad.

“So let’s not do home runs first, but everything else is indispensable.”

When Erina heard this, she almost thought she heard it wrong. She must have understood it before, but now she understands it, so she is very panicked. She is just a girlfriend, but this guy actually wants to A home run?

When she was about to speak, she saw Lynch directly lift her chin and kiss her bright red lips.

Erina was dumbfounded by this. She subconsciously wanted to push the other person away, but unfortunately she couldn’t.

And as time went by, she gradually couldn’t prevent the other person’s behavior, and she felt that her breathing was very smooth!

After letting her go, he couldn’t help but blush and inhale loudly, then gritted his teeth and cursed.

“Big bastard!”


“That was my first kiss!”

Erina felt a little overwhelmed. She never expected that she would lose her first kiss today.

And she gave it to someone she had just met.

It didn’t fit his idea of love at all. After all, in his opinion, it should be given at a romantic moment.

But this bastard was so rude and hard!

Lynch didn’t care about the other party’s accusation. Instead, he licked his lips and said with a grin:

“Oh, don’t be so angry, you know it’s my first time too”

“And you are my first girlfriend!”

Erina was already furious, but after hearing this, she spoke without hesitation:

“Are you a liar? In your case, you told me that I was your first girlfriend. Do you think anyone will believe what you say?”

Erina said that you are a very evil playboy!

But Lynch was not angry at the other party’s words against him. Instead, he swung his shoulders and spoke with a very calm look:

“You have to believe me, I didn’t lie to you”

“Although I’m familiar with them, I really don’t have a breakthrough relationship.”

“Not to mention kissing”

“You must know that before the memory is awakened, I am a little timid. After the memory is awakened, I have a lot of things to be busy with.”

“Where do you have time to really fall in love?”

“Not to mention that in the recent period, because my strength feels like a breakthrough, I am also training like crazy!”

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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