“According to what you said, if these guys appear, if you don’t take action, then humanity will be doomed.”

Lin Qi shook his head after hearing this question.

“Of course not. After all, there are definitely not so many fools in this world, and those in power are definitely not idiots.”

“How could those guys be willing to give up their great future and life, so they most likely made relevant preparations after knowing the existence of these things.”

“But once these things are activated, the consequences will probably be serious.”

Erina couldn’t help but nodded after hearing this.

It’s really strange that those guys would be unprepared.

“So don’t compare me with those weaklings.”

“Did you forget that this ability comes from the power of the phoenix, not to mention how powerful the guy who inherited it is?”

“As for why I took ten seconds, it was because I was not skilled. If I was skilled, I could finish it in an instant. You know, this is not a big project.”

After hearing this, Erina blushed.

After all, as Lin Qi said, it seemed that she was a little stupid just now.

You know, the power in him is not comparable to this world!

“Ahem, sorry, I said too much.”

After saying this, Erina immediately changed the subject, or chose to change the subject, and asked Lin Qi what these things were used for.

Lin Qi didn’t waste any words and directly introduced them to the other party.

“In fact, this thing is not as strong as imagined. It can only work three times at most.”

“When you are attacked by extraordinary force, a shield will be released to protect you automatically.”

“And all evil spirits dare not touch your shield. Once they do, they will die.”

“Because this strength is the conclusion I draw based on the strength of all the guys in this world.”

“But one thing to note is that each shield can only last for 20 minutes at most.”

“So don’t think you can just go wild with absolute defense, it’s best to run away immediately when you have a shield.”

After hearing this, Erina couldn’t help but think in her heart, isn’t this an invincible experience card?

“Are there any that can be maintained forever or have lethality?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lynch nodded first, then shook his head.

“If it can be done, it can cause problems. It’s okay if you give me something with good material.”

“Especially for those things that have to bear the attack force, the quality must be good.”

“I can say that the thing in your hand has reached its limit. If you continue to use it, it will not be able to withstand it and will break directly.”

“It can be said that this is already a delicate job, and the most important point is that I really don’t dare to get you something too strong now.”

“After all, I have just received the inheritance and am not familiar with it. If the operation is incorrect or there are any problems, because the power is too strong, not to mention other people in this country will definitely be affected!”

After hearing this, Erina felt that it was pretty good, at least it was safe.

After all, the other party had just obtained this power and was not familiar with it. Asking him to do something difficult would completely embarrass him. And maybe everyone would have to do it because He made a mistake and ended up losing more than he gained.

Erina suddenly looked at Lin Qi with longing eyes and said:

“Could Mr. Lin Qi help me get some more? I want to give some to my grandpa and Alice.”

“After all, you know very well that the world is not safe for ordinary people like us.”


After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi patted his chest and spoke with a proud look on his face:

“It’s perfectly fine to help your cousin Alice.”

“And weren’t you a little too polite when you called me by my name?”

After hearing what Lin Qi said, Erina felt that it seemed too distant, so she spoke in a tentative tone:

“Who called you Aqi or Qijun?”

“It will be all right!”

After Lin Qi said this, he then said with a bad smile on his face:

“Of course, it’s not unacceptable for you to call me husband.”

Erina rolled her eyes at Lin Qi after hearing this.

“It’s still early days for this title.”

After Erina said this, she seemed to notice something. She immediately narrowed her eyes and looked at the new boyfriend in front of her.

Lin Qi was startled by her sudden change in appearance, and immediately used a test He asked in a sexual tone:

“Why are you looking at me like that, Erina?”

Erina looked at Lin Qi swallowing his saliva, squinted her eyes and spoke in a voice that made people unable to hear any emotion:

“Lin Qi, if I heard correctly, you mentioned Alice’s name, right?”

Erina didn’t even add any name, she just called Lin Qi’s name, and then she said with murderous eyes:

“Tell me honestly, are you targeting her?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi spoke in a low voice with a guilty look in his eyes:

“Well, if I said no, would you believe it?”

When Erina saw this guy’s appearance, she immediately took him away and bit Lin Qi’s shoulder directly, and before biting, she cursed a big scumbag.

And Lin Qi was not someone who suffered easily, so the two of them Then the fight started until the little secretary came in and saw a scene that shocked her for ten thousand years. She saw that the two people’s clothes were a little untidy at the moment. The eldest lady of the family sat on Lin Qi’s lap and kissed her. There was no sign of reluctance at all.

This scene was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. One was the eldest lady of the family, the one he vowed to serve, and the other was someone he had just met today but was very fond of.

With this appearance in front of her, he was undoubtedly shocked and suddenly felt that his life was dark.

Because Erina lost during the fight, she was kissed like this by Lin Qi. As a result, he saw it. After his little secretary came in, he hurriedly pushed this guy away and glared at Lin Qi, then looked at his little secretary and said hurriedly:

“Feishazi, things are not what you think.”

After hearing what her young lady said, the secretary spoke in a very frustrated tone:

“Miss Erina, I understand!”

Erina looked at her secretary who was emitting a dark aura and glared at Lynch.

This situation was entirely this guy’s fault.

Lynch shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, he was too absorbed in it and didn’t perceive the situation outside. Lynch stood up

, walked to the secretary, and said with a grin:

“Feishazi, the relationship between me and your eldest daughter is exactly as you see.”

“I didn’t mean to hide this.”

“But I am a super playboy, so I will not be satisfied with only your eldest daughter as my girlfriend.”

After saying this, Lin Qi looked at the secretary in front of him with an aggressive look.

The secretary also withdrew from her depressed state because of these words and the telepathic look, and blushed. How could she not understand what the other party meant?

When she was about to speak, she saw her eldest daughter shouting:

“You big scumbag, don’t harm Fei Shasha!”

After saying this, he immediately pulled the little secretary aside and started some ideological work for her.

But the effect didn’t seem to be very good. After all, Lin Qi could clearly hear the conversation between the two, which was nothing more than this. The young lady was admonishing the other party about how scumbag Lynch was, but the little secretary responded in a perfunctory manner, which made the young lady extremely angry.

At the same time, the young lady said something decisive.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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