To be honest, Lin Qi didn’t expect the system’s requirements to be so strict, but that was good, it was enough to prove how awesome he was.

And although it was a pity that he didn’t have those special kitchen utensils, with his own strength, an ordinary kitchen knife could also achieve that effect, of course it would be best if it was sharp enough.

At this moment, Erina, as a tsundere lady, said with a stubborn expression:

“snort! Everything is unknown now”

“How do I know if you are bluffing?”

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he said with a smile:

“Is it bluffing? You will know after you have tasted it.”

“I can only tell you this, except for one person and those special kitchen utensils, I have the insights, memories or skills of all top chefs.”

“In other words, you are now facing a collection of the top chefs in the entire world over there.”

After Lin Qi finished speaking, someone was dumbfounded.

She thought that the other party had at most acquired some cooking skills over there, or the inheritance of a certain chef, but it turned out that things were not that simple.

If it was really as the other party said, at least nothing happened in this world and I didn’t beat him.

Oh my god! I was careless and didn’t dodge this time.

Erina was very nervous at this moment. After all, if the skill really came out, she would really become the other party’s girlfriend.

Erina couldn’t help thinking that if she became this guy’s girlfriend, she would not be pregnant soon, right?

After all, facing such a hungry guy, with her appearance, that guy would definitely lock herself up and do something nonsense!

Erina said that she was still just a baby, so scared!

After finally waiting until the food was cooked, Lin Qi took the lead in taking two baskets of steamed buns, deliberately facing the lid to the two of them and said:

“Are you ready to see glowing food?”

The two of them couldn’t help but swallow their saliva. After all, although this thing hasn’t been really opened yet, the fragrance coming from it has made them swallow madly.

Then Lynch opened the lid with a malicious smile on his face. The two chose to block their hands in front of them. After all, the light was a bit dazzling.

And this movement also successfully attracted the attention of the people around. After all, they were working well, how come there was a flash bomb suddenly?

When they looked over, they saw a very strange-looking steamed bun. It

‘s just that the aroma coming from the steamed bun made them swallow their saliva, as if the steamed bun had turned into a peerless beauty waving to them.

Constantly saying come on, come and eat me.

But under the pressure of someone’s majesty, everyone forced themselves to resist the idea of snatching.���Watching eagerly.

Lin Qi looked at the two of them and made a gesture of invitation.

Erina and the little secretary picked up the chopsticks and picked them up slowly with trembling hands.

Then he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and put the thing directly into his mouth.

The little secretary and Erina felt that they were wrapped in these ingredients at the same time, and they were still naked.

Then cook the vegetables, because pork is used. As a result, they saw Lin Qi transform into a pig and keep humping them.

“No, don’t do this”

“No way!”


And before making this sound again, there was a sound of tearing and tearing on the clothes of the two people, and then they exploded directly.

And there was a roaring sound from Erina.

As a result, the clothes of everyone in the kitchen It also exploded.

Countless naked men appeared in an instant, and the waitresses who came to serve the dishes were also unavoidable.

Moreover, the vibration was so loud that the kitchen utensils and other items in the kitchen were shaken. They all fell to the ground, making a mess for a while, and the ceiling was shaking, and dust was falling.

Lin Qi suddenly had an idea in his mind when he looked at the scene in front of him. , if others see it like this, they might think that these people are having a party, and it is so exaggerated that the building is almost demolished, and the opponent’s trick seems to be very effective. Check the quality of the building.

After Erina and the little secretary exited this state, they looked at the surrounding environment and found that they seemed to be tied up with something, and they couldn’t see anything except the personal toys. They were all broken.

Lin Qi threw two sets of school uniforms in and said to the two people inside:

“You two should change your clothes quickly.”

“I don’t want you two to be exposed.”

Lin Qi saw this situation and quickly took precautions. And he used the points he got from signing in to the chat group to exchange.

Fortunately, these things are not valuable, otherwise how could he get so many points on the first day.

After hearing Lin Qi’s words, the two blushed and immediately dressed up.

After getting dressed, they left these accounts and looked at the kitchen in front of them. The two of them couldn’t help but cover their faces with a cry.

After all, the scene in front of them was too exciting, with a bunch of naked men with only their underwear left standing here, and the kitchen was in a mess.

Didn’t she understand what was going on at this time?

At this moment, a tall man in a suit with a flat head walked in. He immediately spoke in a strong voice:

“What’s going on here?”

To be honest, he was dumbfounded. He only knew that there was chaos here, but when he arrived and saw the scene in front of him, he was a little caught off guard.

The only thought in his heart was that this was the kitchen? Rather than a gathering of some party. Where?

Everyone was asking each other about you and me, but no one was cool enough to take the lead.

But at this moment, the little secretary immediately displayed his professionalism and stepped forward to talk to the other party. Explained:

“Chef Dojima, this is what happened”

After the secretary finished explaining, the other party’s face kept changing. He never expected that this would happen. A teenager made something that could trigger the advanced spread of the divine tongue snake. This was something he never dared to think of in his life, but it happened.

Then he walked up to Lin Qi excitedly and said:

“Boy, can you let me taste the shaomai you made?”

Lin Qi smiled after hearing what the other party said:

“Sure, but you have to help fix the mess here.”

After hearing this, Dojima Gin patted his chest, showed a hearty smile, and assured that there was no problem.

Then Lynch took out a cage and handed it to him. After the other party opened it, he saw the light appear again, and his eyes were stunned. He has been a chef for so long, but he has never seen food that can glow.

A guess immediately emerged in his heart. Could the boy in front of him be a top chef with a special cooking heart? And this glowing special effect should be the characteristic of the other party’s cooking heart.

Dojima Gin finally confirmed it at this moment. This boy is really capable of triggering the advanced teaching of the God Snake.

He looked at the steamed buns in front of him and asked:

“What is the name of this steamed bun in front of the boy?”

To be honest, he was not sure what it was called, after all, its shape was a bit strange.

When Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he smiled and spoke with confidence:

“This is called the golden ratio siomai”

“The taste is absolutely the most perfect among all the shaomai.”

After hearing this, Dojima Gin couldn’t help but whispered,”Golden ratio?” Interesting!

Then he picked up the shaomai in front of him and ate it. In an instant, the word”delicious” burst from the corner of his mouth and passed to his mind.

In an instant, he felt as if he was in the kingdom of shaomai, and the whole person was floating.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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