The Sword God Style has taken the most important step, which is indeed a happy thing, but there are still the first and second steps to come. The future is still long, and Roya can't follow Alice back to the Fitoya territory and be a tutor honestly.

Alice is indeed cute, and Roya does want to teach Alice more, but only his own strength is truly strong.

He can't give up the opportunity to become stronger because of Alice. He still has a lot to do. At least before those things are done, he can't accompany Alice.

Alice and Rudeus are growing very fast. What they lack now is only the training of actual combat. This will change after the transfer event.

Roya rejected Alice, and Alice burst into tears on the spot. Roya had no choice but to comfort her with a few words, and finally gave a letter of guarantee and promised some unequal treaties, which coaxed the little girl.

The next morning, Gilena was about to return with Alice. Rudeus said hello to Roya and followed Gilena.

Roya thought about it and asked the stupid dragon to take the three of them for a ride.

But when they were about to say goodbye, a group of male disciples rushed in front with tears on their faces, looking reluctant to leave.

"Teacher, I will miss you!"

"Teacher, thank you for your teachings, I will definitely succeed!"

"Teacher, come to my house when you have time! My house is quite big!"


The noisy voices and the crying crowd made Roya unable to react for a while. Roya frowned, grabbed a student, and learned from him who the so-called teacher was.


It turned out to be this guy.

Judging from this posture, Rudeus' influence on the Holy Land of Swords is not small.

After a little more observation and inquiry, Roya learned the whole story with a smile.

Rudeus unknowingly raised his status to the point where he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Gar.

Gar teaches swordsmanship, a guy who makes a living.

Rudeus teaches skills, the technique of getting out of being single.

Roya rolled his eyes at the group of guys. No wonder a group of boys usually squeezed desperately to Rudeus and greeted him when they met. The reason was this.

No, it seems that I still have to teach Rudeus a lesson when I have a chance. This kid is too good at making trouble.

Rudeus, who was standing in the front, didn't know that his students had caused trouble for him as a teacher.

Rudeus was still immersed in sadness. He waved his hand and said to everyone: "Don't see me off, everyone, just remember it. Also, you are all from the same school, you should help each other, and sit down to discuss anything."

Alice was confused. She was a little sad about leaving Roya, but the sad atmosphere was instantly destroyed by Rudeus' interruption.

Alice looked at Rudius, then at the crowd below, and her not-so-bright brain fell into deep thought.

With the expression of asking questions when she doesn't understand, Alice cast her eyes on Gilenu and asked directly: "Gillenu, is Rudius so popular?"

Gillenu also looked puzzled.

Gilenu shook his head, and Alice continued to listen to Rudius's speech to see what this guy was going to do.

The previous speech was normal, and Alice could understand it, but what the hell was going on after that.

"Everyone's goals may conflict, listen to us, you guys discuss it well, don't hurt the harmony for this, and don't deceive the little girl's feelings, and don't do anything out of line." Rudius shouted loudly.

The apprentices below said in unison: "Got it, Teacher Rudius!"

Then the three of them left in the midst of the noise.

After bidding farewell to Rudeus, Roya drove all the dishonest guys back. Knowing that Rudeus was interfering, Roya warned these young people with impure minds with a serious face.

"Don't let me catch any of you doing this kind of thing during training. If I catch you, you will go home and reflect on it."

Roya said so.

After Roya became the honorary principal, Roya thought about it and felt that the current atmosphere was still too chaotic. There was a little order, but not much.

Roya directly moved the educational policy of the school in his previous life.

Of course, it was not moved completely, but just made clearer regulations on the original basis.

The school rules are also very simple, that is, there will be an opportunity for assessment every week to examine how much your strength has improved during this week.

Of course, Roya and Gar can't be the examiners only. Recently, I heard that the Sword Holy Land has changed people, and some sword kings and sword emperors from other places have come back.

These newly arrived subordinates can become examiners.

Roya and Gar just stood there and watched.

Roya's classification of the exam standards was also very simple.

Those who made great progress were ranked A, which showed that they were meticulous and worked very hard.

Those who made great progress were ranked B.

Those who have made average progress are classified as Class C.

Those who have not made any progress or even regressed are considered unqualified.

Each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Students who are Class B or above will be given special attention by the examiners, and will be given more care in training. They will also be given some small gifts from time to time, such as improving food and accommodation, which can all be achieved in this way.

Every two months, a large-scale battle exercise will be conducted, and the ranking will be determined in the large-scale exercise.

Because there are only one or two hundred students, this kind of thing is not that troublesome.

The rules of the assessment competition are also very simple, that is, drawing lots, and then assigning opponents based on the results of the draw.

The winner will advance to the next round, and the loser will go to the resurrection match.

The resurrection match will also determine a place. Of course, if you play the resurrection match, the ranking will definitely not be too high.

The top three strongest people will be praised and get a title, which will be valid until the next exam.

Children who get the title will also get some privileges, such as a certain reduction in tuition fees. These privileges seem insignificant, but in the eyes of these adolescent children, this is the best recognition.

This is naturally done to spur the students to work hard.

There are many specific operational details. Luo Ya wrote two or three pages of paper, and finally threw it in front of the old sword god, saying that he would follow the contents of the paper in the future.


The departure of the three people also made Luo Ya's surroundings much more relaxed.

Without Alice's noise and Rudeus's usual sneaky face, life became much more ordinary.

Although he became the sword god, his life did not change because of the reputation of the sword god.

The old sword god came down and looked around everyone, instructing everyone expressionlessly.

Occasionally, you can hear the roar of the old sword god and the panicked and immature apology.

Luo Ya practiced sword, and then trained with Gal.

At night, he began to train his own magic and tried to create some new magic.

Just like that, half a month passed.

Time really flies. In a blink of an eye, it has been one and a half months since I came to the Holy Land of Sword.

It was already the end of autumn. Withered branches could be seen everywhere. The surrounding ancient trees were not spared after all. On the thick trunks, the top branches were bare, and the fallen leaves were withered and yellow.

The fallen leaves were not sacrificed in vain. They would turn into nutrients, return to the earth, and become compost. When the spring comes next year, they will inject vitality into the trees again.

Luo Ya looked at the gray sky. The time of dawn was delayed. The weather in recent days was not very good. The fine rain was intermittent.

Luo Ya stood up, picked up the wooden sword from the side, and began to think.

He has now become the master of the Holy Land of Sword to some extent. Even in the medieval Europe, the spread of reputation could not be as fast as in the previous life, but it could still be transmitted in two months. Even if it is impossible for everyone to know about it, people who should know it will know it.

Roya was thinking about what to do next.

After thinking for a long time, he finally thought that he had to set off to a new world.

To be honest, every world brought Roya extremely generous rewards.

Whether it was the dragon blood brought by Sword Art Online, the transparent world of Demon Slayer and the second stage of Kenshin, or the chaotic power of the sword dance of the elf master, the help brought by the demon world may not be that great, but the sword and the sword dance of the elf master did make outstanding contributions to Roya's combat power.

Now that time has come to an end, it is time to put a new journey on the agenda.

After this winter, the transfer event will also occur in the next autumn, and he must be more fully prepared to deal with the impending disaster.

While thinking, Roya has made a decision.

Luo Ya left his courtyard, walked through his own small dojo, and came to the dojo on the other side. He looked around and finally locked onto Gal, who was sitting on the chair at the top, bored.

Gal looked at the students below leisurely and openly focused his eyes on a well-developed girl.

Luo Ya looked at it and felt a little speechless.

Although Gal had taught his disciples for so many years without any scandals, his reputation in this area was also good. At least there would not be any incidents such as a female disciple running out crying, but one thing is undeniable, Gal is a man after all.

And the men in this world are basically associated with sex.

There are no mobile phones in this world, and entertainment methods are very scarce. The only thing that can make people happy is sex.

The old man is also a frank person. He faces his heart and looks at girls openly, never hiding anything.

Of course, the old man's eyes were limited to this aspect. He usually wouldn't take advantage of her. After all, his daughter was there. If she really saw him, she would report him, which would give Gar a headache.

In his previous life, Luo Ya also liked to watch videos of beautiful women and some home dances. He was not qualified to talk about some big principles. They were all men. Even if the other party was already an old Deng, Luo Ya, based on humanistic care and treating everyone equally, would not pursue anything.

The students were not too surprised to see Luo Ya coming, and they all greeted him.

Luo Ya's status in the Holy Land of Swords was also a bit subtle. He felt more like the honorary president of the university in his previous life. He basically didn't care about anything. The one who really cared about things was the old man sitting at the top who looked at the female disciples with lustful eyes.

The disciples' greetings were naturally heard by Gar. Gar was not surprised by Roya's arrival. He was still half-lying on the chair lazily and said to Roya below: "It's Roya, what's wrong? Is there anything?"

Roya's mouth twitched. Since Lao Deng was defeated by Roya, after a heart-to-heart talk, he finally tore off his disguise. He looked as lazy as he could be, but now he didn't even act.

When asked about Gar, Gar took the excuse that he was no longer the Sword God and naturally became more lazy.

Usually, he might still have some idol baggage, but now he is just giving up and letting it go.

But to some extent, it does fit Gar's personality.

Roya stood in front of the old man, blocking Gar's sight.

Luo Ya said angrily: "Old man, why are you looking at my female disciple? And you look so vulgar."

Gar pulled the corner of his mouth, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating: "What's wrong? I was just looking at the flaws in the disciples' swordsmanship, and I was a little fascinated."

Gar was very satisfied with Luo Ya at first.

But when he heard that Luo Ya had a father named Paul Greylat, the smile that was originally a father's smile instantly became lame.

I still remember that afternoon, Gar had a stinky face and asked loudly: "Your father is Paul, that bastard?"

After Luo Ya nodded, Gar was controlled by this sentence for half an hour, standing there without saying a word.

Since then, Gar has never talked about his daughter again.

This made Luo Ya realize again how unpopular Paul was when he was young and how bad his reputation was.

From then on, Gar began to re-examine Luo Ya.

According to Gal, Paul's son is definitely not a good thing. With my character, if Paul becomes the Sword God, the Holy Land of Sword may be pregnant with Paul's child one day. By analogy, Gal has reason to believe that Roya is not a good thing either.

This made Roya silent for a long time, unable to say a word.

Of course, these are just jokes. Although I left a terrible impression on Gal, my son is still pretty good.

However, from then on, Gal no longer concealed his bad character.

Of course, these are all later stories.

Roya told Gal about his purpose in detail. Gal frowned and thought for a while, and finally looked up at Roya seriously and asked, "Are you sure you want to go out for a trip?"

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