Roya pretended to be hurt by Gar's hammer and grinned for a long time.

Gar laughed and scolded: "You kid, I don't know what physical fitness is, stop pretending."

The two smiled at each other.

Gar's old eyes stared at Roya, and his face showed a serious expression and said: "You want to venture out, I don't care about you, I will help you look after the Holy Land of Swords, but you have to promise me one thing."

Roya shrugged, knowing what Gar wanted to say, but still asked: "What is it."

Gar looked at Roya and said word by word: "You must, defeat the Dragon God!"

Roya nodded and said seriously: "I will defeat him."

This is the second time Gar mentioned the Dragon God. The Dragon God really has a great influence on Gar.

After getting Roya's affirmation, Gar didn't say anything more.

The old sword god stood up and rubbed his sore arms. When he was about to move forward, he seemed to think of something and paused.

Luo Ya noticed the old sword god's action and asked curiously, "Is there anything else that you haven't explained?"

The old sword god rolled his eyes at Luo Ya and asked, "Well, Luo Ya, what do you think of my daughter?"

"Your daughter?"

"It's Nina, the one who fought with your Alice."

Luo Ya was slightly stunned and his face became strange.

Then Gal began to talk about the advantages of his beloved baby.

In the eyes of the old father, his daughter is the best, and those advantages are endless.

Luo Ya was controlled by Gal for half an hour, and finally he politely refused after Luo Ya's persuasion.

Gal looked regretful and moved his lips, as if he wanted to sell his daughter to Luo Ya.

Luo Ya quickly pushed Gal, signaling the old man to get out quickly, and his ears were quiet.

Sitting on the chair, Luo Ya took a breath and opened his attribute panel for the first time in a long time.

【Characters; Roya Greylat (Dragonization)】

【Age: 14】

【Strength: A-】

【Agility: A+】

【Stamina: B】

【Intelligence: A+】

【Talents: Immaculate Body (Phase 2), Fool (Phase 2), Greed, Sword Heart (Level 3), Dark Elf King Status】

【Immaculate Body (Phase 2)】

【Features: Dragonization (I) Bloodthirst (I) Dragon Body (I) Regeneration (I) Immaculate {Initial talent is the highest limit, elemental affinity}】

【Elemental affinity (max)】

【Your affinity for wind, fire, water, earth, darkness and other elements is greatly improved, making it easier for you to cast magic in related aspects, and the energy required is reduced. 】

【Dark Elf King】

【Features: Dark Monarch: The upper limit of mental power is increased, and you gain the authority to control the power of darkness. The darkness of other worlds cannot affect you. ]

[Fool (Phase 2)]

[Features: Erudite, greatly improves the mental limit]

[Erudite: Combine existing knowledge to create non-existent things more easily (including but not limited to sword skills, magic)]

[Skills: Advanced Magic Knowledge, Sword God Style Sword Art (God Level), Light Tachi (Secret), Thunder Thunder Cloud (Water Saint Level), Magic Sword (King Level), Magic Seed, Sword Drawing Style-Thunder, Sun Breathing, Sun Sword Dance, Flame Breathing, Thunder Breathing, Transparent World (Passive) Sword Skill]

[Equipment: Twin Star Guardian God Esther]

[Quality: A-]

[Features: Tempering, Purification, Elf Magic, Sharpness, Curse Resistance. ]

[Restia Ashdor]

[Quality: B+]

[Features: Dark Protection, Elf Magic, Black Death Dagger, Penetration. ]

Looking at his own panel, Roya felt a sense of accomplishment for the first time.

After more than ten years, I finally developed a blank trumpet to this level.

The good days are beckoning, the most difficult time has passed, and the future belongs to him, Luo Long Aotian Ya.


When it was getting dark in the afternoon, Gar called the disciples together and said to them with a rare serious face: "Everyone, your senior brother Luo Ya has already qualified to be the Sword God. I won't say much. In the future, he will not only be your senior brother, but also your teacher. I won't preach any big principles. In short, when you see Luo Ya in the future, call him teacher and be respectful."

The speech ended here. The speech was very short, and everyone didn't say much. They nodded in unison to show that they understood.

Rudeus looked around and shouted loudly: "Master Luo Ya! Good evening!"

The originally quiet crowd was awakened by this sentence, and a group of people shouted in unison: "Master Luo Ya! Good evening!"

Roya glanced at Rudeus hiding in the crowd, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

Rudeus is really a good person to some extent.

Alice looked at the boy on the stage, her eyes sparkling, and her eyes were full of Roya's figure.

The boy was so high-spirited at this moment, making Alice want to watch more and more.

The girl who was usually not interested in all this, for the first time, pulled the person next to her, regardless of whether the other party was willing to listen, and said to her: "Do you know? The person standing on the stage is my master, no, he is also my family, he is really handsome."

Alice shook the other party's arm, and the other party did not slap Alice's hand away, looking at the stage with a slightly complicated expression.

Nina looked at Alice with light in her eyes and sighed deeply.

She understood at this moment.

Perhaps, for a girl, the boy is everything to her.

No wonder Alice was indifferent to their attitude. This is a very silly, but pure girl.

But to some extent, Nina also admired Alice.

If it were her, could she do this? She was indifferent to the attitudes of the people around her and didn't care about what others thought.

She only cherished the people she really cared about.

While Nina was thinking, for some reason, she glanced at Chino who had been following her, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth involuntarily.

Well, who cares, let's talk about the future.

A month is not a long time, even if there are earth-shaking changes in this month, it is still not a long time for everyone.

When the time came to the end of the month, Alice's trip also ended. The girl pestered Roya at night and asked Roya if he could go home with her.

Roya refused directly.

The purpose of this trip was achieved, and the time was much earlier than expected.

But this does not mean that Roya's burden is over.

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