Roya nodded and said yes.

Gar said nothing more, nodded and said: "Okay, go ahead. But you must come back in April. I have asked the Water God to prepare for you to deal with the masters of the Water God School."

Roya did not refuse and wrote it down.

The two had discussed the information of the Dragon God together.

Garr said to Roya very simply, only one sentence.

"If you are not sure that you can defeat the opponent, you must not attack first."

"If you attack but fail to defeat the opponent in one blow, then you must be defeated, even if you can't."

Roya had never seen Gar's expression so cautious about Roya, and that firm tone was like stating a fact.

The Dragon God's Water God School has reached the God level, and it is the top God level.

Even the contemporary Water God cannot be compared with the Dragon God in terms of the attainments of the Water God School.

The Dragon God is so terrifying.

For this reason, Gal wrote a rare letter and sent it to the Asura royal family. The Water God was in the Asura Kingdom and became a great worshiper.

The reply was also very simple. She was also very curious about the new Sword God and would come to challenge him.

The Water God School was like this. Except for the Water God who defeated the master of the Sword God School a few hundred years ago, every Water God who challenged the Sword God School failed in the following hundreds of years.

In their generation, becoming an orthodox school of kendo has become the dream of the Water God.

The Water God would not refuse the invitation of the old Sword God Gal. To be precise, even if the Sword God did not invite the Water God to the Holy Land of Sword, the Water God would take the initiative to find Roya and challenge him.

Even if the probability of the Water God winning is very small, he will still do it.

The contemporary Water God is an old woman, older than Gal, of course, not much older, and the two can be said to be of the same generation.

The old Sword God scratched his ears and said casually: "The Water God is useless. Even if you can defeat him, it is not something to be proud of. But being able to defeat the Water God does not mean that you can defeat the Dragon God."

At the end, Gar did not continue to speak. He sighed and waved his hand and said: "Forget it. Anyway, you will know when you see it."

Roya did not leave immediately. After eating a fairly hearty lunch in the Holy Land of Sword, he packed his luggage and prepared to leave.

Because he ran away right after becoming the Sword God, it was a bit unreasonable, but Gar of the Holy Land of Sword was still there, and Roya was happy to be idle, and he did not feel guilty about being a hands-off shopkeeper.

When leaving, quite a few students saw Luo Ya carrying his bag. Some brave students, who usually got along well with Luo Ya and knew that Luo Ya was a very easy-going person, walked up to him and asked, "Teacher Luo Ya, good afternoon, are you ready to go out?"

Luo Ya glanced at him. He was a boy with some acne on his face, about twelve or thirteen years old, with an average appearance, not very handsome, but usually an extremely cheerful boy.

Luo Ya nodded and said, "Yes, there are some things that I have to go out to do."

The boy nodded, and then asked curiously, "So, will you come back?"

Luo Ya shrugged and said, "Maybe it will take some time. Even if the things are done, I will choose to spend the winter with my family. After all, I have two younger sisters and my wife at home."

As soon as Luo Ya said it, the boy's eyes lit up, and then he seemed to awaken his gossip soul and hurriedly said, "Well, teacher, I want to ask, who is your partner? You are so young and so handsome, I always feel that you will not get married so quickly and easily."

"Child, asking so many questions is not good for you."

Luo Ya looked at the little boy in front of him with a smile, patted his shoulder, ignored him, and left towards the road in the distance.

There are actually quite a lot of students like this. At the beginning, Luo Ya would answer a few words, and later he simply nodded to greet the other party, and then he had no intention of speaking to explain.

Before he knew it, he had been in the Holy Land of Sword for more than a month. Time passed so quickly. The season was approaching the end of autumn and winter was coming. To some extent, Roya liked winter more.

Roya liked the feeling of being covered in snow. In winter, the whole land would be covered with snow. The silvery white snow would sparkle with white light under the sun.

At that time, Roya could play snowball fights and build snowmen with Alice, Luo Qixi, Ganlu Temple Mitsuri and his sisters.

It was funny to say that it was not the first time for him to see snow in his previous life or in this world. But no matter what time period, he was alone, sitting in the courtyard, watching the snow falling outside the house. No matter how beautiful the snow scene was, there was no one around him to accompany him.

It was different now. He was no longer alone.

Whether it was Luo Qixi, Ganlu Temple Mitsuri, or Alice, Norn and Aisha, they were all very good children.

When things on my side came to an end, it was time to get together.

While thinking, Roya had already walked out of the Holy Land of Swords. Roya's footsteps moved forward and headed for the distance.

After walking out of the gorge and passing through the bustling crowd, the noisy hawking sounds in his ears gradually faded away behind him. As usual, Roya found a place to hide and opened the system panel.

[Current space-time power: 6,500 points. ]

[A four-star small world can be opened. Do you want to search? ]

"Search." Luo Ya's mind moved, and the system's voice came from his mind.

[Search successful, this time consumes 2,000 points of space-time power]

[The time ratio of the three-star special world to the current world is 4:1]

[Please choose your entry method: 1, soul projection (needs control), 2, real body crossing]

[Note Luo Ya: Soul projection death will only cause trauma to the soul, and real body crossing death is real death]

[Note 2: After the soul projection crosses the world, only part of the current world experience can be obtained (distributable)]

[Note 3: Please participate in the plot as much as possible to obtain a lot of space-time power and prepare for the next crossing]

[Note 4: Check that your small world is incomplete, you may need a lot of origin power]

[Note 5: There are super-dimensional creatures in the four-star special world, please try to avoid provoking him/her/him. ]

As usual, Luo Ya clicked on the real body crossing.

A familiar voice came from the side of his ear.

[World coordinates successfully located]

[Please select the identity you play in this invasion. ]

[a Traveler]

[b Traveler]

[c Traveler]

[Note Luo Ya: This choice will slightly affect your talent, please choose carefully. ]

[Note 2: The real body will be bound by the rules of the world and fall into a short period of weakness. Please try to avoid using power that does not exist in the world. If you are detected by the world consciousness, you will be kicked out of this world. ]

In the deep mountains and old forests, Luo Ya stood under a crooked tree, looking at the system panel and fell into deep thought.

In theory, this kind of place is where there are the most mosquitoes, but at this moment, the forest is terribly quiet. If a passerby comes at this time, he may be panicked by the silence of the forest.

Of course, Luo Ya's thoughts are still on the identity played on the system panel.


Luo Ya read the three options a, b, and c on the system panel.

The three selection lines are exactly the same identity, all of which are travelers. In other words, is the identity of this time traveling uncontrollable?

Luo Ya frowned and began to think about the meaning of it.

After thinking for a while, Luo Ya did not get any clear information. After thinking for a while, he turned on the time flow.

After calculating, he chose according to the old rules. The time he planned to stay there was still about five years. After a slight conversion, it was 1:40.

In fact, this selection was still a bit high, because Luo Ya did not know how long he would choose to stay there, but in case he lacked that little time and delayed the subsequent things, it would be a bit uneconomical.

So Luo Ya still chose to adjust the time to five years. This was also beneficial. There was no harm in staying there for a while. At most, the mission was completed and he could rest there. If it didn't work, he could just run away.

Luo Ya thought so.

And then he acted like this.

[This time travel consumed a total of 4,000 points of time and space power. ]

It was okay, not as much as Luo Ya imagined, at least there were still 2,000 points left.

Luo Ya shook the bag on his body, put the things aside, took a deep breath, and prepared to face the next blow.

[Transfer begins.]

Roya was hit hard on the back of his head, and the strong force made him stunned for a moment.

I don’t know if it’s because his life level is higher now, and his mental power is much stronger, this time the heavy blow didn’t knock Roya unconscious.

Then Roya was hit twice on the back of his head, and his eyelids closed uncontrollably, and Roya lost consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself sitting on a bench.

The chair was very soft and felt very comfortable. Roya’s head was still dizzy, and he still had some double vision when he saw things.

Roya rubbed his eyes and pressed his eyebrows, but his mind was still a mess. This time of traveling really made him confused.

“From another world. Hey, how can I not see your memory?”

A voice came from the opposite side, and Roya subconsciously looked over in the direction of the voice.

Just this one glance, the boy felt even more confused.

This is a very pretty girl. She has long blue hair that flows vertically to her waist. Her facial features are delicate, and in some ways, even too delicate.

At this moment, this overly delicate girl in front of him was staring at Roya without blinking.


This thought flashed through Roya's mind. Although he was still a little confused, he gradually sorted out his thoughts.

Roya began to look around. There was nothing around except the chairs where the girl and he sat, and the long table in the middle.

Not only that, Roya felt the laws of time and space here.

Because of the moment, Roya was extremely sensitive to the flow of time, and in this place, Roya always had an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Roya fell into thought.

If I'm not mistaken, the girl in front of him is Aqua.

Her hair stood up, she crossed her legs, and she didn't care about the scenery under her skirt that was almost exposed.

The girl was dressed very fashionably, with a blue uniform and a blue miniskirt, which made the person in front of her look a little bit sexy.

But when the girl looked dignified, she gave people a sense of holiness.

But was this really the case?

If they were the people who came here at the beginning, they might be really frightened by Aqua's appearance, but in Roja's view, this familiar but unfamiliar face gradually overlapped with the face that needed to be beaten behind. together.

Even though the other person is very holy now.

Roya's silence did not affect Aqua, who stared at Roya with an interested expression on her face.

"Hey, why don't you speak? I can't see your memory. It's really strange. I have received so many time-travelers. Are you the first one as special as you?"

Aqua looked at Roya's cheek and stared at it carefully.

"Besides, are such handsome people really rare? I feel that they are too handsome."

Roja sighed. He already understood what happened and said helplessly: "Don't you want to explain what happened?"

Aqua was stunned for a moment, then seemed to remember something, straightened her face, and said seriously to Roja: "As you can see, this is the world of the dead, and I am here to guide the way for humans who died young. The goddess Aqua.”

Aqua made a holy expression, smiled at the corner of her mouth, looked at Roja with some pity in her eyes and continued: "Although I don't know what you have gone through, there is no doubt that you are dead, and now you have two a choice.”

"One, go to another world, become a brave man, and defeat the devil."

"Two, I will send you to the Kingdom of Heaven, but only old men will choose the Kingdom of Heaven. You are so young and your life is too short. I believe you will not choose this path. Besides, if you can live another life, Who would choose this path, don’t you think?”

Having said this, Aqua blinked at Roja with a gentle smile on her face, but from the other person's mouth, Roja could not feel any kindness at all, and it was full of marketing routines. Aqua's expression Luo Ya felt a toothache from looking at it.

In fact, there is no need to say more about the options. He will definitely choose the first one, but looking at Aqua's MLM expression always makes Roja have a bad feeling.

Aqua didn't seem to notice the change in Roya's attitude, and continued to talk to herself: "Of course, I won't let you go empty-handed when you are reincarnated into another world. You are all braves, how can you not have super power?" , what about super skills or weapons? You can choose an item you wanted from your previous life and bring it with you!"

After calming down, Roja began to think about what he lacked.

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