"Is this an epiphany? No, not really."

Roya was in this state once before, when Gar was young. At that time, he was still young, and his mind was full of the image of the Dragon God. For this reason, he almost gave up everything and devoted himself to studying the Sword God Style.

Gar honed his swordsmanship like a devil. He forgot about time and everything, and then entered a state of almost selflessness. One day, he was just like Roya. It took only one day for him to break through from the Sword King to the Sword Emperor. And Gar, who broke through to the Sword Emperor, challenged his senior brother who was also the Sword Emperor on that day and defeated him.

And the feeling Roya gave Gar was just like himself when he was young.

The battle continued.

Unlike the time when Roya defeated Gar before, Gar obviously felt a strong sense of threat. His keen intuition told him that he couldn't go on like this and had to fight quickly.

But Gar didn't choose to fight quickly, but continued to block Roya's sword moves.

He had lost once before. Compared to the insignificant matter of winning or losing, this time Gar wanted to see whether Roya could really break through the bottleneck and reach the level of the Sword God.

Roya was not in the best condition at this time. Gar was waiting for an opportunity to attack after Roya reached the best condition.

Roya was constantly accelerating his sword moves, and so was Gar.

The two white rays of light kept turning and moving, and this small dojo instantly turned into a battlefield for the two.

The soil rolled and the dust rolled up.

The gray sunlight sprinkled from the sky and shone on the two people. The white sunlight had no temperature at all, and its existence seemed to only illuminate this world.

The slash easily broke through the atmosphere and attacked each other with an unstoppable momentum, but in the end they were all blocked by a wooden sword at the critical moment.

The battle became more and more anxious, and the dojo ground had been ruined by the two people.

The small movements of the two people inadvertently would cause huge changes in the surrounding environment.

This was not the first time. Every time the students who cleaned up the dojo would sigh and complain for a while.

The wooden swords separated as soon as they touched each other. The two adjusted their positions to pave the way for the next fight.

The battle reached a white-hot stage. Luo Ya took a deep breath. His bright eyes became more and more dazzling. His golden pupils also lit up involuntarily at this moment.

The autumn wind blew on their faces, and the two stood opposite each other.

The young man was handsome and tall, just like a prince charming in a fairy tale.

Gar's gray eyes looked at Luo Ya, which was completely different from Luo Ya's state. Gar sighed deeply, and his expression was relieved and lonely.

His era has passed, and a new era has arrived.

The new king will become more powerful. He will bathe in glory and enjoy the worship of everyone.

And he will decay and grow old in the dark.

Maybe his name will appear in history, but the future no longer belongs to him.

Gar thought a lot at this moment. Old people always subconsciously recall the glorious past, and Gar was no exception.

At this moment, he seemed to see himself standing there, pointing his wooden sword at his former master.

Gar cleared his mind. Now was not the time to be distracted.

"Then, let's make my departure look a little better." Gar thought so.

Roya's condition has reached the best. Except for the moment that he has not opened, the whole person is already in the best condition.

What Roya lacks now is just a strong medicine, the pressure from the outside world.

The two distanced themselves and looked at each other.

The tacit understanding of the swordsmen made the two hold the wooden sword at the same time and set up the upper-stage posture.

Step forward with the right foot, withdraw the left foot, press down the body, and then look at each other intently.

The movements were done in one go, surprisingly consistent.

One was an old and slightly hideous face, and the other was a handsome and unbelievably young face.

The two looked at each other.

The two men stroked the hilts of their swords with their right hands, holding their breath and concentrating, observing whether the other party would reveal a flaw.

The pressure from the strong to the strong is great, especially in the game between the strong of the Sword God School. Many times, they lose their lives because of a small mistake.

The autumn is strong, and the pale sunlight shines on the ground.

The clouds in the sky are pale, white and blue complement each other, and autumn leaves fall to the ground with the autumn wind.

The withered yellow leaves fall, and new green leaves grow on the tender green branches.

The figures of the two disappeared at the same time, but they appeared at the same time.

The wooden sword turned into a stream of light, and the two sword lights flashed and disappeared.

This time, there was no sound of wooden swords colliding with wooden swords.

Everything is the same as before, the sky is still the sky, and the earth is still the earth.

The only difference is that there is only one person standing today.

The other person was panting and half-kneeling on the ground.

The standing person, bathing in the sun, has bright golden hair scattered around his waist.

The man kneeling on the ground looked down at the ground, letting the shadow cover his face.

The wooden sword fell beside him, and his right arm trembled, and he could no longer hold the long sword.

The fight between the two ended here, and the change of eras was completed at this moment.

Unlike the last time of haste, this time it was real.

The system prompt sound rang in Luo Ya's ears for the first time in a long time.

[Congratulations to the host, the host has been honing himself, making further progress, and successfully breaking through the Sword God Stream to the God level. ]

The sound in his ears was like the sound of nature, which made Luo Ya feel pleasing to the eye and happy.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same, some are happy and some are sad.

Unlike Gar's mixed feelings, Luo Ya only has joy.

The young man stepped forward, stretched out his slender hand, and helped the old man up. Roya's mouth curled up and said with a smile: "Thank you, you helped me a lot."

Gar looked at Roya with a complicated expression, stretched out his hand to take the boy's support, and finally smiled at the handsome young man in front of him. The old sword god patted Roya's shoulder, and the loneliness in his eyes faded, replaced by ease and appreciation.

Wasn't it expected that this situation would happen?

Besides, wasn't he depressed for a while some time ago?

It seems that I still care too much about winning or losing.

Gar pulled the corner of his mouth and said to Roya: "Okay, I will officially retire in the future."

Roya smiled and said: "Old thing, it's too early to retire. You have to look after the Holy Land of Sword for me for at least a few decades."

"You guys, you are disrespectful, I am your elder after all."

Gar hammered Roya's shoulder, deliberately increasing his strength.

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